Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #962

Board Name: England
Katarina Sall Dublin, Ireland Mar 03, 2000

SYDNEY HAYNES I am trying to locate my grandfather, Sydney Haynes (I am not entirely sure about his surname, it might be Hayne, Heyne or Hayn).

I believe he was born around 1919. During World War II he was with the 13th/18th Royal Hussars, located at Wienenburg am Harz outside Hanover, Germany. This was approximately from the summer 1944 to the autumn 1945. Towards the end of the war he was transferred to an unknown location in Germany, and by 1946 he is believed to have returned to Britain (we believe that he is/was English, but we only know for sure that he is/was British).

He met my grandmother Margarete (Grete) Reissenweber (maiden name Holtz)in Hanover, and in 1946 my mother was born. It is not known whether my grandfather knew about my grandmother's pregnancy, as they were not married, and he returned to Britain shortly afterwards.

My grandmother died in 1949 and my mother was adopted by a Swedish family and lost contact with her German relatives. In 1995 my mother regained contact with her German relatives, but as my grandmother had been dead for a long tiome, we have very little information about any details about my grandfather, Sydney Haynes. My mother and I, and the rest of my family, would be enormously grateful if anybody could help us with any information which might facilitate our search for my mother's father. If anybody has any information about the whereabouts of the man described here, or any suggestions that might help us in our search, it would be much appreciated. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me if you think you can help! Thank you!

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