Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #879
Board Name: England |
Kristina Anne Bauer |
Philadelphia, PA USA |
Nov 18, 1999 |
Hi. I'm looking for Michael Mc Garry, formally assigned to H.M.S. Galatea and Broadsword in 1979 and 1985 respectively. I first met Michael in Philadelphia, PA USA when his ship docked and my parents "adopted a British salior " for the day. The day turned into two, then three , then four. Letters were exchanged but then distance and circumstances changed. Michael's nickname was MAC and he worked in the radio room of these
ships. His former address was 20, Ash Grove Sholton Deeside Clwyd CHS IAG. Michael would be 41. If anyone has any information or can tell Michael that I'm looking for him I would greatly appreciate (it). I would like to renew an old friendship. And if at all possible and the fates allow create a new one.
Thank you for any and all help. My e-mail address is bauerk@JCDC.JobCorps.org.
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