Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #44111
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Curtis Dixon |
U.S.A. |
Jan 19, 2003 |
To all you Dixon genealogist.
There are over 500 Dixon’s listed by occupation, age, location, marriage, and burials
located at http://www.dixongenealogy.com the list is mainly for North, West, and East
Yorkshire, England the list is from 1823 to 1905. The Canterbury list is from 1580 to
1750. Look the list over and if you have any information on any of the people listed
please contact the owner of the site, He can use all the help He can get.
dixongenealogy.com is a free site and maintained by a fellow Dixon researcher.
The Dixon list is an ongoing project that will try to list all Dixon’s in England and
Scotland up to 1900’s. The next phase will be the U.S.A.
There are over 50 genealogy search links and message boards at this site.
If you have leads for the family names listed on the web site contact
Thank you Curtis Dixon |
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