Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #44085
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Dorothy E. Morris |
Ontario Canada |
Jan 18, 2003 |
Seeking ANY iformation on; Henry Brotherstone URQUHART born c. 1773 (of old Scottish family) occupation; wigmaker,peruke,perfumer. He married twice in Scotland - 1) Unknown - 3 daughters, 2)
Unknown - one daughter - Eliza Clara URQHART B.
1825. He is found in Liverpool (Lancashire) in
1829 Directory. He emigrated to Quebec City ? poss. 1830/31? He marr. 3) Amelia REES (nor record of marriage found, - son born of this union; Henry Weston Peter URQUHART 1833. Amelia REES died 1834. He met 4) Catherine McSweney and from this union a son was born - Timothy URQUHART -born 1835 - No record of marriage found for this union. Marriages 3 and 4 (or unions) and births took place in City of Quebec, Canada.
Would very much like to find names/dates/births-and marriages etc. of first and 2nd marriages in
Scotland. Henry Brotherstone URQUHART's parents
and place of birth etc. Willing to share my data.
In anticipation,
Kind regards,
Dorothy E. Morris
Ontario Canada |
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