Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #357
Board Name: England |
John P. Danzey |
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA |
Jul 30, 1999 |
Looking for my mother Ruth Gloria Danzey, last known area, Pagham nr, Bognor Regis, her married name then was Foord.
Her best friend was Brenda Griffin, who had two daughters, Sharon and Donna.
Am also looking for any friends I grew up with in London during the 60's Gipsy Road, West Norwood. London. Or schoolmates from Kingsdale, or Kingswood, same area. I was born in 1949. If anybody knows the following names,John Danzey, Graham Hake,Keith Wilson, Melvin Armstrong, David Blick. All from the Gipsy Road area, please let me know,
Vinedanz@gate.net. Thanks John.
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