Lookupuk.com - Ireland Genealogy Board
Message #34681

Board Name: Ireland Genealogy
Sean Strain Harpenden, UK Jun 26, 2001
Looking for R.C. Strain descendants of Co. Down, N.I.

Particularly interested in the following:
Daniel Strain, Shankill, b. late 1780's?, d. 1830's
Peter Strain, Shankill?, b. 1800's, d. 1860's-1870's
James Strain, b. Aghaderg 1822/23, d. Cook Co. Illinois 1880's-1890's
Thomas Strain, b. Ireland, in Meenan around 1880

I am convinced that all R.C. Strains from Co. Down can be related back to these families from Shankill, Creevy and Glasker.

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