Lookupuk.com - Wales Board
Message #31043
Board Name: Wales |
Leeanne Plunkett |
Brisbane, Qld AUSTRALIA |
Jan 16, 2000 |
SEARCHING,PLEASE IF YOU CAN HELP OR GUIDE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. My name is Leeanne, I'm looking for my Grangfather a Soldier in 1944 for the British Air Force. Based in CEYLON my mother Nanette Kiel was born to Carmen Kiel in 1945 Her fathers name as we know it is BILL BAILEY from Wales We don't have much more to go on, he knew about her as he left a ring to be given to Nanette later as she grew. Carmen was one of five sisters that lived in Colombo where Bill was stationed.The last place that Joan Kiel (Carmen's younger sister) saw of him was in Dover 1952 possibly even in the 60's. Thankyou if ther can be any assistance. Leeanne.
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