Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #31
Board Name: England |
North Vancouver, BC Canada |
Jul 04, 1999 |
Searching for descendents of Walter Penn, married to Muriel Jane Lawrence. Muriel was born in 1899, had two children with Walter, and died in 1937. Lawrence grandparents, who had moved to Canada along with other family members, wanted Walter to send children to them but he rightly refused. Grandparents cut off all contact. All we know about this family is that Walter was a merchant seaman, and the children, a boy and girl, would now be in their sixties. If anyone can put us in touch with these long-lost cousins, we would really appreciate it. They may not even know they have cousins in Canada. They have many - who would love to know them. Thank-you for any help.
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