Lookupuk.com - Wales Board
Message #30955

Board Name: Wales
Reading, UK Oct 20, 2000
Trying to get in touch with an old school friend, her name's Amanda {nee Hamer}, dunno her married name. She and I lost touch when I left Flint, but I do know that she married a guy {scottish I think} who commited suicide..! The last I heard was that she was a special constable, and a checkout girl at Tesco or Safeway {one of those type of stores anyhow}, either in Flint or down towards Queensferry. If anyone out there knows Amanda, then pass on my email address, or just tell her that Ian snowdon was asking how she was. I'm still in the Army, so there's no chance of catching me in the Oak or the Dee on a Friday...!!! Email address :- toejam_rools@yahoo.com
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