Lookupuk.com - Wales Board
Message #30806
Board Name: Wales |
Carrie |
Bonners Ferry,, ID USA |
Jul 05, 2001 |
William Gibbs Married Jane "sorry no last name" I would like to know more about the other children they had. The one Son I have who is in my line is George W. Gibbs born on January, 1828 in Ordsall, Nottinghamshire, England, he died in Hay Springs, Nebraska August 13, 1898. Before leaving England he married Elizabeth the Daughter of James and Ann Hall On February 8, 1859 in Parish of Pendeyn, Brecon Co Wales. Her Birthdate is August 31, 1835 in Brekonshire, Wales she died January 17, 1910 in Chadron, Nebraska, I'm told that George was a miner in Wales. He was a civil War Veteran, company D 133 Regiment of Illinois Infantry. Discharged on Septmeber 24, 1864 at Springfield Illinois. I find a Charles Gibbs enlisting with him and a John Hall. I would like to learn more about the folks left behind in Wales when George and Elizabeth came to America. My Granddad passed away last year and he says if they "Gibbs" are from Wales and they have a Granddad who was killed from a fall off a horse "in, or on the way to London" then it is the same Gibbs.
So can you help me find my HALL or GIBBS line?
I know at least two Gibbs brothers came here. I've been told that the other brother was William then another member of the family said no it was Charles. Like I said I am looking for family. write me with what ever you have
Carrie Sue (Gibbs) 1878.
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