Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30632
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Jess Hunter |
Penicuik, UK |
Feb 18, 2002 |
CAIN/KANE: Ireland & Scotland Trying to trace gt.gt.grandfather, PATRICK CAIN, born c1799 in Ireland. He married MARGARET QUIN, probably in Ireland before 1843. My gt. grandfather, JOHN CAIN, was born in Portpatrick, Wigtownshire, Scotland, in 1843. He married MARGARET MURPHY 15 July 1870 in Glasgow and they had 3 children - JAMES born 6.9.1870 Glasgow, JESSIE (or Janet) born 9.11.1872 Glasgow, JOHN (my grandfather) born 25.10.1877 Glasgow. The 1881 census for Portpatrick suggests the family returned there between 1877 & 1880 and that a daughter MARGARET was born in 1880. It also suggests that gt.gt.grandfather Patrick and wife Maggie were still alive in their 80s and living in Portpatrick.
Can anyone help? I've been unable to find details of Patrick's birth or of his marriage to Maggie Quin, nor can I find anything relating to Maggie. I am having similar problems with gt.grandmother Margaret Murphy whose background is very confused. Census returns (1871 & 1881) show her as having been born in Armagh, Ireland in 1842/3, confirmed on her marriage certificate which states her age in 1870 as 27. This certificate shows her parents as follows: Father - Charles Quinn Mother - Margaret Quinn, formerly Boyle, maiden surname Murphy. Presumably Margaret Murphy was the illegitimate duaghter of Margaret Murphy who later married Boyle and finally married Charles Quin. Unfortunately I cannot find anything to substantiate this.
If any of these names ring a bell with anyone I'd love to hear from you. Regards, Jess Hunter
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