Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30613
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Robert Peterson |
New Orleans, LA USA |
Feb 22, 2002 |
I would greatly appreciate hearing from a list member who could forward to me either the URL address and/or the e-mail address for the following schools: Auchenharvie Academy, Ardrossan, Scotland Glencairn Primary School, Stevenston, Scotland According to data previously supplied to me, the following individuals may have attended the above schools and I would like to secure their applicable school information: Catherine Duff McNeill - DOB: August 13, 1864 Jessie McNeill Reeves - DOB: July 15, 1866 Elisabeth Reeves McNeill - DOB: May 28, 1868 Margaret Fullarton McNeill Reeves - DOB: December 21, 1870 Any information relating to above individuals will also be greatly appreciated. Your cooperation and assistance will be very much appreciated.
Robert Peterson e-mail address: rpeter8370@AOL.com Your cooperation and a
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