Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30503
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Lorelei Thomas |
Medicine Hat, AB Canada |
Mar 13, 2002 |
URGENT MESSAGE!!!My family and I are travelling to Scotland and England on March 29/02 and have recently discovered that our family roots are partially from Glasgow, Scotland. My gggrandfather's name was Joseph Taylor (born around 1850 or so??); he married Anne MacLeod. They travelled soon to Canada in the late 1800's or early 1900's where my grandfather was born in 1916. My 4 boys would be truly thrilled to know that where we are going, their ggggrandfather lived! Thanks ever so much for all your help--I'm new at this and don't really even know where to start my search! Thank you! Lorelei Thomas
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