Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30494
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Ruth Webster |
Cooranbong, NSW Australia |
Mar 14, 2002 |
I am searching for information re William Iverach Webster, born 19.4.1847, Kirkwall and St Ola, Orkney and his wife Annie Wiley Milne, born 26/4/48, Montrose Scotland. I would like information about their wedding date and place and also information regarding the birth of their first three children who we understand to be Mary, Grace and Maggie. Six latter children were born in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia after the family arrived in emigrated to Australia in 1876. We have been told that the family may have emigrated to Canada first, but after the death of Grace, returned to England and then to Australia. We cannot find a record of the birth of these first three girls. Any help would be appreciated.
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