Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30445
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Iris Fitz |
Pablo, MT USA |
Mar 24, 2002 |
McGillis Ancestry!! I am searching for any information regarding McGillis history. The McGillis info I currently has access to does not help me. With this particular McGillis line, I am only able to go back 3 generations. My gggrandfather is William McGillis who was married to Marie DeLorme and they had a son Willima b. in 1852 at St. Francois Xavier who married Isabelle Piche in 1876. I get stuck at William McGillis who m. Marie DeLorme. Also any info regarding the McGillis history would be helpful. Also, would like info about any Metis Settlements in Scotland. The McGillis line I am searching has direct lineage to the Metis in Canada and the USA. Many thanks.
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