Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30441
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Kapolei, HI US |
Mar 25, 2002 |
Am looking for information on McCormacks. James, John, Annie, Mima (family knick name maybe?), Jessie, Mary, Dougald, Jean. James McCormack was the father, Jessie Smaill was mother. Dougald was born April 2nd, possibly 1900, while we have another birth listed for Jessie as Feb 21, 1897. We also know that Mary King was named after King Edward as her birth fell on his birthday Nov 9th, but no year is listed. Most of the girls did not stay in Scotland, but came across to Canada where they then Migrated to Washington State. My Grandmother's name is Lillian she was Jean's only child and was born of an uknown Canadian father. He was the son of the people who employed her and several if not all of her sisters in the house. (can we say BIG scandle?) Dougald, came over to Canada with the girls and then went back to Scotland where he had at least two children Betty and Violet. He left them and their mother and moved to London with a lady whom he lived with until he passed away approx. 1983/4. Any family history, jokes, dates.. anything would be lovely. I met Violet once. Her sister Betty who introduced us via letter, was ill and passed away right after that visit. One thing lead to another and I lost their address, phone and last name vanished with it I guess. Betty was in her 70's I believe and by now Violet must be too. It seems like I met her daughter? or maybe it was a daughter in law also. Mainly remember the discussion about the missing family bible. It was mailed from WA to Scotland and disappeared. What a tragedy.
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