Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30420
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Lori Anthony |
Mar 30, 2002 |
Hi, I am searching for my relatives to complete my family tree.I am looking for info on Elspeth Dingwall christened 9/3/1820 in Logie, Fife, Scotland her parents are David Dingwall and Melville_Grubb married 11/23/1816, they also have a son David Dingwall christened 5/17/1818 in Logie, Fife, Scotland. Elspeth married Peter Mann 7/4/1851 in Dundee, Angus, Scotland. They had a daughter Harriet Dingwall Mann born 4/17/1861 in Dundee, Angus, Scotland she is my gggrandmother and Elspeth is my ggggreatgrandmother. Harriet died in Howick PQ Canada in 1945. Elspeth and Peter had a son John Mann b. @1859 maybe Scotland or Canada and died 5/26/1862 in South Georgetown Canada, they also had another daughter Euphemia Dingwall Mann b. 8/4/1863 in South Georgetown, Canada. I would like any info on these people and their decendents who are their parents? I cannot find any info on Peter Mann he died in Scotland or Canada and Elspeth died in Canada. Please I've hit a brick wall could someone help?
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