Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30377

Board Name: Scotland Genealogy
Cardiff, NSW AUSTRALIA Nov 13, 2001
JOHNSTON (FURTHER TO JAMES AND ELIZABETH submitted earlier). WHERE ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF THE OTHER CHILDREN? David 1st m Margaret SYKES - Peebles 1850. She was born 1830 and her parents were James SYKES and Agnes ARMSTRONG. The JOHNSTON children were James b 1850, Agnes Armstrong b. 1852, Robert b. 1854, David 2nd b 1855, Elizabeth b 1857, David 3rd, b 1860 (my grandfather), William b 1862 and George Scott b 1865. Most of them were born in Selkirk. I HAVE DETAILS ON ONLY AGNES, DAVID AND WILLIAM. I WOULD LOVE SOME INFORMATION ON ANY OF THE OTHERS. Agnes m. William SHEARER (b 1848 Kilbride). They migrated to New Zealand with 5 of their children and had another 6 born there. I have a good record of most of their descendants. David b 1860 migrated but am not sure if he went to NZ first but he married my grandmother Mary Anne MCINTOSH in Dubbo, NSW, Australia in 1895. They went to NZ with their two children when they were young. I have most details of my own family but do not when or where David died in NZ. William also migrated to NZ, m Jane MURDOCK and had one daughter Agnes Bryson. When Jane died he married Emily CROCKER and they had 3 sons, none of whom married. Agnes married William COLLIER and had a large family. I have a good record of their descendants.
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