Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30055
Board Name: Scotland Genealogy |
Kaye Robertson Haughee |
Mabank, Tx USA. |
Jan 30, 2002 |
Robertson/Keir-- Looking for the parents and added information on my Keir side of the family. My great grandparents are James Keir and Janet Wheelan Keir. They were married in Bothwell in 1861. They had Ann Pettigrew Keir in 1864. She married James Butterly. Margaret Keir b 1866 and married Robert Bell Robertson, James Keir, JOhn Wheelan Keir, Thomas Keir, Mary Keir. Does anyone know this family? Most were born in Shotts and Cambusnethen. Interested in any information. Thanks
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