Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #286
Board Name: England |
AJ Johnson |
St. Louis, MO USA |
Sep 16, 1999 |
Looking for Mathias Wynn.....son of John and Kathy Wynn. His mother is a former Pan American World Airways flight attendant and was based in London - Heathrow. The last time I saw or heard from him was when the Pan American routes were bought by United Airlines in 1990 and I had to return to New York base JFK. I also am a former Pan American World Airways flight attendent and now reside in St. Louis, Missouri. Mathias's home with his parents was in Warrenton, England. (Their ferrat was named "Tonite") Anyone with any information about Mathias, please contact me immediately.....greatly appreciated.
AJ Johnson
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