Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #2094

Board Name: England
Debbie Houldsworth UK Sep 01, 2000

I am searching for relatives on behalf of my partners father Mr Thomas Hastings Wilson.

Thomas Wilson his father(d1956)was married to Margaret Wilson nee Richardson and they lived in Jarrow in the areas of Lord St and Duke St in the late 20's and early 30's.

Margaret left the family home in 1935 (approximately) and later remarried with the name Haines or Haynes and moved to Corby in Northhamptonshire. It is believed that her husband worked in Kettering.

Thomas met his mother briefly in 1956, at the time a small boy was with her who would have been about 7 or 8 (aged about 48 now)and it is believed there may be other children who will be Thomas' half brothers or sisters.

Thomas would be very pleased to hear of any information regarding his extended family and can be contacted through my e-mail address.


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