Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #2035

Board Name: England
Christopher Neave London, UK Sep 08, 2000

I am looking to find a dear friend of mine, Michelle Jane Blackburn, with whom I lost touch eleven years ago. Michelle would be in her late 30's/early 40's by now and as for location, I have no idea. It is unlikely that she would have married. Michelle was born in Inverness, Scotland, where I believe her family still live, but she travelled around a fair bit and I have known her to live in London, Leicester, Edinburgh, Brighton, Torquay and Aberdeen which is where I met her 15 years ago. We had an argument 11 years ago when she was still living in Aberdeen and I know she moved away from there shortly afterwards, but I have no idea where she went. A friend of mine met her in Edinburgh around about 1994/1995 but they didn't think to get her contact details. I would dearly love to contact Michelle, we were very good friends and I have missed her over the years. I hope someone can help me in my search.

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