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Gaynor Cox Hertfordshire, England Oct 15, 2009
I am doing some research,and hoping that someone reading this knows something about the Swaine family who lived at Lower Liffey Street in Dublin between about 1912 - 1959. Also the Dillon's who lived at that address for a few years, & were related to the Swaine's. I believe Mrs Swaine was looked on as the local 'midwife'.
I believe she also raised her Granddaughter.
If anyone has any recall of these people, please contact me.
Many thanks. Gaynor.
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Mark Lee New York, USA Oct 11, 2009
Hi, I'm trying to locate a dear friend, Richard (Richteard Romer), who is from Ireland. He used to live in NYC back in 1997-2004. He has a friend named Victor Johnson, who was also in NYC who I've also lost touch with. His old email used to be but it's apparently closed now.

Please, if anyone can put me in touch with him, please, I would be most grateful.

Thank you.
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pam taylor henderson oklahoma city, oklahoma (USA) Aug 12, 2009
I am looking for a long lost friend named John Carson -- from Belfast. I met John in Hong Kong on Christmas Eve 1970 and we spent a very enjoyable night --hitting the clubs and passing the night away. John was a British sailor serving on the HMS Aurora at the time we met.

The last I knew john was attending the Metropolitan Police College in London. I am not sure of the year. I know he had a twin brother who was also a policeman.

I really would like to touch base with my British sailor and "London Bobby" to know he is well and happy and let him know I still remember Xmas 1970 and that I have never let Christmas go by that I don't think of him with very fond memories and what might have been.

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Carol Stuart Toronto, Ontario Canada Jul 16, 2009
I am looking for any family connection, or information re the following family....
-----Anthony Flannelly - Born 1807, Co. Mayo ?, Ireland
-----His wife Mary (Maria) Carlan ?, Co. Mayo, Ireland
They left Ireland on the Ship "Charles Walton in 1847 and arrived in Grosse-Ile, Quebec Canada. Port of departure in Ireland was Killala, Ireland.
Anthony and Mary died on the ship, along with 3 of their children, prior to landing in Canada. Their deceased Children who all died on the boat in 1847 are -
Anthony Flannelly Jr. Born 1843, Ireland
Eleanor Flannelly Born 1844, Ireland
Margaret Flannelly Born 1838

My Grandfather, son of Anthony Flannelly and Mary (Marie) Carlan ? also came on the ship Charles Walton but survived while his Parents and Sibblings died.
Patrick Flannelly was born around <1829 - 1830> in Co. May Ireland.
Any information anyone has on this family would be very much appreciated. Thank you
Carol Stuart.
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sandra pugh scotland Jul 02, 2009
looking for the patterson family from forth road in the shankill i brought up their grandson born in 1971 to their daughter known as lynn but not her birth name she married my brother in jan 71 and son born in aug 71 she also had an older son who was 1 in the jan of that year and called garren jonathan has never seen his birth mother and would dearly love to he lives near me in scotland as his paternal grandparents died very young hence why i brought him up please help i beleive she may have emigrated to the states with her new family late 70s early 80s
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Sandra Linde South Africa Jun 20, 2009
Im looking for my cousins Jerome, Ciara and Aiden Myburgh, Children of my belated aunt,Susan Myburgh and her husband, Michael Myburgh(who we last heard got remarried after finding love again after my aunt passed away). They stayed for years in Ireland. My dear cousins, did you know that your grandma is still alive and misses you alot. She is still healthy but not getting any younger. Only God will know how many years she has left. She is almost 90 now. Please make contact with us!
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Carolyn Canada Jun 19, 2009
Hi, I am searching for Katherine O'Dwyer, born approximately 1940
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Bridie Surrey Jun 01, 2009
I am looking for a friend that I have lost touch with. Her name was Deborah Maxwell and she lived next door to the McGirr family in Rathcoole before moving away to live near Dundonald.
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