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Janet Winter Georgia Jan 26, 2010
Seeking info on my ggg grandfather Alexander McGowan McWilliams. Born about 1759 in Larne, Antrim, Ulster, Ireland. Can't find name of his wife. Children were David, John, Robert, Mary, Jane, Ester and Andrew E. (my gg grandfather). Alexander supposedly came to the U.S. arriving in Charleston, SC. He settled in Laurens County, SC, where he supposedly died in 1813. Would like to find ship he sailed on and where he is buried. I was in Laurens, SC in late December 2009, but couldn't locate his grave.
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Karen Searching for Donald Andrews Jan 06, 2010
Hi there, I wonder if anyone could help find Donald Andrews who lived at willow Drive, Balcon, Chester in the late 1950's. He was a shipbuilder. he did have family in Ireland so its possible that he moved there.
If you have any info please do let me know. He would be in his mid 70's now.
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liam gallagher ireland Nov 13, 2009
Hi i am trying to trace cousins in around washington dc, There name is Dodson there mothers name was Mary Catherine Feely.
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Thea Hickson London Oct 26, 2009
Are you trying to find a member of your family?

Has your search gone cold? Or do you just not know where to begin?

You may be a birth parent, adopted person, a separated sibling, estranged parent or someone who has grown up in care - hoping to be reunited with lost relatives.

From the makers of the hit family history series Who Do You Think You Are? a new documentary programme will aim to reunite long lost families.

If you are over the age of 18, have experienced family separation and now feel ready to seek a reunion then please get in touch.

Visit: or go to and follow the link to the application form.

Alternatively, please write to Find My Family, Wall to Wall Television, 8-9 Spring Place, London, NW5 3ER for an application form
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elizabeth ayrshire Oct 20, 2009
i'm looking for any descendants of robert mcmahon who married martha lang about 1858 in renfrewshire they eventually moved to lugar in ayrshire....i know they had at least two daughters annie and mary...annie married john morgan
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elizabeth ayrshire Oct 20, 2009
i'm looking for my cousins or their families...frank and lorraine morgan don't knoe lorraine's married name...they were born in belfast in the 1930's their parents were samuel and eileen...samuel was my mother's brother
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Colleen Jeffrey Vancouver Oct 18, 2009
Hello My is Colleen Jeffrey
Iám looking for dad's relatives who lived in Londonderry . His father name was Patty Jeffrey and his brother had shirt factory 34 Primrose Street Waterside Londonderry Ireland .My grandfather came to Vancouver in 1900 by ship and Robert Jeffrey Lived in Hamliton Ontoria ,My father and grandfather lived in Vancouver and my grandfather passed away 1957.
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Colleen Jeffrey Iám living in Vancouver B.C. Oct 18, 2009
Hello my name is Colleen Jeffrey .Iám looking for an Alan Jeffrey .MY father is Ross Jeffrey . My dad was wondering how you are doing .
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