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mary m. jackson north carolina Jan 01, 2006
I am searching the Irish County of origin for the marriage, birth etc. of Catherine O'Malley and James Crane circa 1850-1858 for marriage-James Crane's county circa 1825-1835 and I would hazard a guess that it was the same for Catherine. I have their daughter, Catherine marrying Michael Miles in Great Bolton, Lancashire in 1875. Also looking for any info on Edward Miles born somewhere in Ireland probably about the same dates as above and especially his wife's name and where from. I seem to be at a total standstill as to where in Ireland they are from. Please, please help. Thanks. Mary Miles Jackson.
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Geraldine Jackson Ireland Dec 30, 2005
Goldenbridge Industrial School,Dublin, where you there in the 1950's, I would love to make contact,and I want to wish all of you A Happy New Year,my brothers were in Kilkenny Industrial school,and later Artane.
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Geraldine Jackson Ireland Dec 22, 2005
Looking for any Information on the HUGHES family from Cork, there were 14 children in the family,I am the grandaughter of one of the daughters who married in Dublin.
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Jessie Morrison Glasgow, Scotland Dec 19, 2005
Try to find if my gr gr grandparents who were married in Dromore Co Tyrone N.I. on 16th October
1845 were they born there Their names are James Wilkie and Mary Morrow. I think they came to Scotland between 1845 and 1857 Hope someone out there can help or even find their marriage certificate details for me. thank you Jessie
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louise alexander Notts Dec 11, 2005
i'm looking for my husbands and sister, who at the time were named Rachael and Sean Mullins but since then their last name could have changed. We suspect them to be in Southern Ireland and the eldest to be 13. ANY information on them or a starting place on how to loctate them would be most grateful.
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tracey uk Dec 10, 2005
l was looking for a george joseph fletcher who went out with a violet gower
george went to prison in 1934 in parkhurst then transfer to portsmouth in 1934
violet also used the name oshea
can anyone help
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Laura Hennessy Ireland Dec 02, 2005
Thomas Hennessy born September 25 1844 in Wexford Ireland. Parents names unknown. emigrated to Canada around 1849-50. Marrien Ellen Mullin in Ontario. Moved to U.S. in 1880. I would like information on parents.
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Jill Foley Cork County, Ireland Nov 20, 2005
I am trying to identify exact birthplace, in County Cork, of my husband’s g-grandfather, Michael C. Foley. Michael was born to Thomas (or possibly Timothy) and Margaret Moriarty Foley between 1864 and1867. One birthdate I have for him is Nov. 11, 1864, but I am doubtful of its accuracy. He immigrated to the US sometime between 1881 and 1884. His older brother, John, is said to have arrived sometime before Michael. I am not sure what port they came into, but I do know Michael settled in Connecticut. Michael and John had at least one sister (given name unknown), who immigrated to the US (date unknown) and after arrival, married a John Callahan and in 1927 was living in Buffalo, New York. Michael married Mary Walsh in 1893 in Waterbury, Connecticut and they had their first son, John Thomas Foley in September 1893. Shortly thereafter, they moved to Ithaca, Tompkins Co., New York where they spent the rest of their lives and raised 5 children:
1) John Thomas Foley, b. 1893 in Waterbury, Connecticut
2) Thomas Coleman Foley, b. 1895 in Ithaca, New York (my husband’s grandfather)
3) Marguerite T. Foley, b. 1897 in Ithaca, New York; m. Robert Ryan
4) Mary E. Foley, b. abt. 1901 in Ithaca, New York; m. Nicholas Rich
5) Alfred J. Foley, b. 1903 in Ithaca, New York
I wish I had more specific details about their lives before leaving Ireland, but unfortunately I do not. That is what I need help with. If there is anyone out there that has any information about this family, please let me know. Thanks!

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