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d hewitt shetland isles Jun 08, 2006
searching for nameske in wexford or cork. ancestors were conected to midlands england and ireland 1700 and 1800s
thank you
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Ashley USA Jun 07, 2006
I am looking for my father and a friend of his. I have a liitle bit of information. My Father's name Michael Mckee is was born January 1964 in Belfast Ireland. Last I heard he moved to London in 1986 1987. He married in 1986 to a women named teresa. His friend is Edomand Boulter who moved to London about 5 years ago with his wife they had no kids. They both met my mom in1984 or 1985. My mom is from the states she was voluteering in a house for kids in Belfast. Anyone who has any information please e-mail me at Thanks Ashley
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Laurie McKnight USA Jun 03, 2006
Looking for family of James McHugh. He was a coal miner that moved to the States and lived in Pennsylvania as a coal miner. He married Mary McElwee and later moved to Rhode Island. They had 2 sons and 2 daughters. Sons names were Benard, and Cornelius, daughters names were Anna and Margaret. I am Margarets daughter. Mother went back to Ireland in the 80's and met many cousins that are still (or were) in Donegal. I believe her one cousins name was Mary McHugh. If you have any info on how I can contact the McHugh family from Donegal, PLEASE email me at the above address; I'm researching and seeking.
Many thanks for the help.
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John Mahoney NSW Australia Jun 02, 2006
Trying find the whereabouts or any information on Pat (nee) Evans. Pat's family home was in Albert St. Kidderminster, Worcestershire - she lived there during the late 1950's and early 1960's. Pat was the only child of Bill and Mary (nee Gwilliam).
She was a ladies hairdresser by occupation and during early 1960's worked in a Salon at the junction of Blackwell and Coventry St's, in Kidderminster.
Pat did marry, however her married name is unknown. Currently, she would be approx. 61 years old.
Any information, however small would be most welcome.
Contact email-
John Mahoney
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Edith Rivasplata San Francisco, CA usa May 30, 2006
PAUL BRENNAN of Dublin,Eire-where are you?Met you in 1990 in London. You were working in construction-painting,etc. Attended a course for becoming a contractor at Dollis Hill. Shared flats with Tom Carraghr and had a sister, Angela who lived in Manchester with her husband Deek. You lived in Golders Green and Hendon. Thought maybe you returned to Dublin-was there in 1997. Hope you're well-would love to hear from you or any one who knows your whereabouts.Edith
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Brittanie Wittmer Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky (US) May 28, 2006
Sorry to have written a book below, but I figured if anyone was willing to help or could possibly recognize these persons it would be better to give too much info than not enough! Hope my long-windedness doesn’t turn anyone away from my query….

I am seeking information on the family and ancestors of my 3rd great-grandparents, Edward Heverin/Hefferin/Heavrin (b. 1800/1840, prob. 1820/1830) and Rose Unknown (b. 1828/1835). They were known to be in Newry, County Armagh, Ireland on December 8, 1859, when their second son Charles was baptized at the Parish Church of Newry (Catholic). Their first son Edward, my 2nd great-grandfather, was born on December 19, 1858 (location unknown, but presumably also in Newry). Looking for the marriage record of Edward and Rose, any information on their parents and/or Rose’s maiden name (see below paragraphs for possible info on Edward’s parents), baptismal information on Edward and more information on Charles’ baptism, and any directory/census/other information related to these folks.

I do not know any information on Rose before her marriage to Edward Heverin. It is possible Edward’s mother was named Mary (b. abt. and that he had a brother named Hugh (see post-US immigration info below on this possibility), however, it is also very possible Mary and Hugh are not of the same family as Edward. Looking for any and all records that may help me with this information.

Rose Heverin, wife of Edward, and her two children, Edward and Charles, emigrated from Ireland to the U.S. sometime between 1860-1864, Rose being widowed either right before or right after their move. As described below, it is possible Rose and her children went to Tennessee after arriving, but it is definite they were in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky by 1870, Rose then being married to Andrew C. J. Taylor, an Irish Stone Cutter. It is not known whether or not Rose met Andrew before or after her immigration. I would like to find any death/cemetery information on Edward Heverin, and/or emigration records for those I’ve described.

Though I have nothing but circumstantial evidence to support it, I have not been able to rule out that a family found in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee in 1860 is this same Heverin family. The coincidences are strong, though I have run into coincidences just as strong in the past that were indeed just that.

This family is found in Ward 4 (Dwelling 912, Family 1046) and includes a family grocer, Mary Heverin-Heveran, age 40; Hugh Heverin, Stone Cutter, age 22; Rose Heverin, age 40; Edward Heverin, age 5; and Charles Heverin, age 2. All are noted as being born in Ireland, and, as Charles is only 2, indicates the family immigrated 1858/1860. Mary Heverin, family grocer, is found in the Nashville City Directory in 1859. Mary died in 1869, and Hugh married Mary Cox 1870/1880 and remained in Davidson County. I have not been able to locate any Census records post-1860 of this Rose and her children that would suggest they could not be the same family as Rose Taylor (wife of C. J. Andrew Taylor, a Stone Cutter from Ireland) and Edward & Charles Heverin, found in Jefferson County, Kentucky during and after 1870.

Obviously finding a Rose, Edward, and Charles Heverin in this order, age range, and immigration period is noteworthy. However, the years are off enough from other records to throw a little doubt on a link, though even these other records are inconsistent in themselves. The age listed for this TN Rose is 8-15 years older than Census records of my Rose show (these are very inconsistent though). Later Census records for Edward & Charles variously list immigration year as 1860/1864, and this candidate family is known to have been in Tennessee in 1859 (per above noted Directory). Also, one Heverin researcher (John Worland) has described a baptismal record of my Charles Heverin relative from December 8, 1859 at the Catholic church of Newry, County Armagh, Ireland. Assuming both records are correct concerning dates, this would certainly make it impossible for my Rose and children to have been in Tennessee in 1859..but maybe they could have came after Mary (the only one found in the Nashville city directory), some time between the baptism of Charles in December 1859 and June/September 1860 (official and actual census period)...? Both my Rose and this one were apparently widowed, mine by her husband Edward at some point after Charles' baptism, so perhaps Rose joined her mother-in-law after the death of her husband...?

Other coincidences worth noting are that Hugh Heverin (TN Rose's brother-in-law, possibly the brother of my 2nd great grandfather Edward and 2nd great uncle Charles) and C. J. Andrew Taylor (my Rose's second husband) were both Stone Cutters. I cannot find Andrew in 1860, but perhaps he had not come over yet. Also, my Edward Heverin married Ida May/May Ida Jackson of Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee (father unknown, mother Martha ?). I have not been able to locate Ida May in any Census prior to 1910 and cannot determine how she and Edward may have met...but there is a Jackson family two households from the above Heverins in 1860 Nashville. Jackson is a common name of course, but the Nashville coincidence is interesting in light of all else.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.

Brittanie Wittmer
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Angie Burdett Kent May 27, 2006
I am trying to trace my birth mother, who is named as Catherine (Ena) Theresa Durack, on my original birth certificate. She was born on the 6 October 1946 in Tipperary.

I was born on the 19 March 1969 and named Dierdre Noreen Durack at the Central Middlesex Hospital in Park Royal in the London Borough of Brent.

At the time of my birth, Catherine was living at 81 Walm Lane, Willesden Green, London, NW2 and was working as a cinema supervisor in the Odeon Cinema in St Martin’s Lane (where she met my birth father). Catherine was 5ft with grey eyes and brown hair.

I was put up for adoption with the Crusade of Rescue in Ladbroke Grove.

Catherine has three sisters. Two of them are called Noreen and Hanora and were living in the UK at the time of my birth. One was a nurse and one was a secretary. Catherine also has a brother who was an agricultural instructor.

I am also trying to find my birth father, called Frank Beaty (or Beatty) who was born around 1942 in Wexford, Ireland. He has fair hair and blue eyes and was about 5ft 6".

In 1969 he was living at 11 Torbay Road, Kilburn, London, NW6 and worked in the Odeon Cinema in St Martin's Lane, before leaving to either become or continue working as a mechanic.

I believe he had another daughter called Catherine who was born in or around 1966
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Themba South Africa May 22, 2006
Cassandra..Anyone who might have met a lady by this name.Probably in the banking sector.She moved to Ireland 5 years ago from South Africa.She used to live in Bridgetown, Bloubosrand,Fourways and worke for Standard Bank in Johannesburg.Anyone please help.
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