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carolina uk Jul 14, 2006
desperately seeking patrick john bulger born 1944 in southern ireland he probably still lives there

he was in the royal medical core in aldershot in 1963 he has a brother called john patrick bulger if anyone knows patrick or any info about him can you please email me thank you

yours eternally grateful carolina xx
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mary miles jackson raleigh, nc Jul 10, 2006
Am seeking information on Edward Miles who married Margaret Matilda Monahan in Balinrobe, Co. Mayo in 1854. My great grandfather Michael Miles' marriage certificate in Bolton, England states his father's name was Edward from somewhere in Ireland. Please help. I desparately want to know where in Ireland my family is from. Mary Miles Jackson.
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Sylvia UK Jul 05, 2006

Does anyone know of a Sarah Keegan (maiden name) or her family? If Sarah is still alive she will be in her 80s.

As a young woman Sarah left Ireland to work as a parlourmaid in Poole, on the south coast of England, where she had a baby boy in April 1942. She named him Thomas Joseph Keegan and put him up for adoption, then probably returned to Ireland. Maybe her family never knew about the baby.

That baby is now 64, with three happy grown-up children who would love to find out about the "lost" side of their family. They understand totally that attitudes were very different then, and they feel nothing but love towards Sarah.

If you know of any Irish-born Sarah Keegan who would be in her 80s now, please do get in touch (or ask her family to contact me) and we can discuss how to approach this sensitively to find out whether she is the one. So much time has passed already; we don't want to lose any more.

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Christopher Ballynahinch. Near Belfast Jun 27, 2006
I am helping a friend Val Bowden, from Abbey Road, Dundonald, Belfast, now living in Swindon, Wiltshire, England with her partner
(plus four cats and a dog) has asked me if anyone knows two brothers Colin and Howard Reid who were at Gilnahirk Primary School during the time she was there. Val was a pupil at Gilnahirk from September 1960 to April 1967 when her family moved to England. She kept in touch with Colin for a number of years. He was living in the Belmont area, near Stormont, with his wife and two children

If you have any information please let me know. I'll pass the word on to Val

Many thanks, Christopher
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MICK SHEEHAN england Jun 25, 2006
hi my dad is looking for owen o,kane who lived in belfast with his wife patricia. they worked together in mexico in 19994. he has lost his address and still recieves a christmas card every year but has no return address. any help would be great
thanks very much
jacquie allen
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Owen Loney Rathfarnham, Dublin Jun 25, 2006
Seeking to contact old school friends who attended the Loreto Abbey School in 1971. In particular those in Mrs O'Leary's class. Also wanting to make contact with friends who lived in the Barton Road area during 1971. I lived there with Granny Murphy whilst visiting from Australia. Owen (Sydney, NSW)
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Christopher Ballynahinch near Belfast Jun 17, 2006
I would like to introduce people to Belfast Forum It is a Forum for all things about Belfast. Most of the posters are Belfast people living in Belfast or in the north of Ireland but there are also Belfast exiles around the world on this site.

I was born in Belfast. I lived in Belfast for many years. I have a keen interest in assisting people trace their ancestors both on the Belfast Forum and on Both the sites I have mentioned are free and their members are friendly and very helpful.

Good Luck to you in your searches for people.
I hope you succeed in finding them soon.
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Deirdre Quirke Cork, Ireland Jun 09, 2006
My name is Deirdre Quirke and I am looking for a man named Paul McCormick he is in his late twenties and from armagh, but was for a number of years working in cork in a IT company
Any information would be greatly appreciated
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