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elaine sheridan canada Mar 14, 2008
One of my ancestors, ROSA CLARKE of County Cavan married someone named GRAY and then was widowed. Don't know if she married and was widowed in Ireland, but at some point she went to New York and married one LUKE McCABE, also of Cavan, in Manhattan, New York in 1877. Would like to make contact with any of their descendents in the U.S. email:
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Christine Smith-Stephens Australia Mar 03, 2008
Seeking Info decendents Michael Malia (O'Malley). Michael is believed to have been born in Westport Co Mayo 1860 his fathers name is John. Little is know about Michael until the age of thirty. In 1890 he marries Mary Moran at St Bedes Chapel Westoe Lane Sth Shields. This is not his first Marriage as on his marriage cert he claims to be a widower. The 1932 Electoral Register has him living at 7 Hodgson St Wallsend with the following people. James Malia (his son) Magnus Malia, Owen Malia, Mary Ann Malia (his daughter in law) Ellen Malia & Margaret Malia. Michael died in 1932 so this is his last known address. Michael is my Great Grandfather and I would like to here from any family members or people that may know the family.
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Wendy England Feb 24, 2008
This is a message for Stephen Hoy who posted the following message on Genes Reunited on 6th Feb.2003

'Any info on Margaret Mary O'Callaghan living in Romford Essex in the 1940's and early 1950's having come over from Eire'
Stephen is no longer a member of Genes but it is imperative that I speak to him.

Does this ring any bells with anybody? please contact me if it does.

Thank you
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Ann Dublin Feb 02, 2008
Looking for any CORE family in the Dublin area my Grandmother Teresa lived in Benburb Street Dublin until 1956.
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Wibeche norway Jan 24, 2008
I am trying to find a man I met in Dublin at Grafton Capitol Hotel, this was the 19.01.08 at the bar called Break for the Border.

All I know is that his name is Neal/Neil, his sisters name is Rebekka/Rebecka, he is about 25 or 28 years old, about 175-180 cm, normal size, brown hair and blue eyes (if I can remember right!)

If you think you know him or Neal/Neil is reading this could you contact me email:

Thank you so much!
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Linda Rhode Island, USA Jan 18, 2008
I am searching for information about Bridget O'Reilly and Michael Curry from Co. Cavan who left Ireland during the famine and married here in 1849. I found some family in Lurganboy. Also, looking for a way to contact Peter O'Reilly, the fishing expert and author as he is a relative that I didn't get to meet when I was there. Other relatives - Sheehans, Fagans, Sheridans left but didn't leave me a direct path to follow as Bridget and Michael Curry did. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Linda
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Maureen Massachusetts - USA Jan 16, 2008
I was wondering if someone could help me. I don't have much information to go on, but I'm hoping it will be enough. I am in search of Ellen Drum/Drumm who was born in Ireland around 1827. She was the daughter of James Drum/Drumm and Rose McManus.

If anyone has any information, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Susan Renzo New York Jan 16, 2008
I am looking for origins information on the following four people (my ggrandparents), all born in Ireland:

JOHN McCORMICK b. Oct 1865 emigrated to NYC 1883, may have had sister Catharine, married 1892 to
MARY HARTFORD b.May 1868, emigrated to NYC 1887.

JOSEPH HENERY HYLAND, b. Nov 1863, emigrated to NYC 1886, married in 1892 to ANNA KEEGAN, b. Apr 1870, emigrated to NYC 1880.

I have been unable to locate anything that tells me what towns they came from, or who their parents were. My mother is their last surviving grandchild, ans she doesn't remember much, as she is 82 years old. ANY CLUES would be appreciated!!
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