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Lorna Maine - USA Apr 11, 2008
I'm searching for my childhood penpal who I lost touch with in my teens. His name was COLM ROE and he was born in the 1960's. As children we shared letters that I mailed to an address that I think may have been: 37 phillipsburge, Marino 3, Dublin Eire. However, years later, letters to this address generate no response. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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elaine morgan cheshire Apr 10, 2008
wanted family or cousins of harry cook born 1918
cork or waterford worked dublin building work
lived in liverpool uk 1n 1940 can any one help
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Ashleyrose USA Apr 05, 2008
Hi everyone!!!!
I am looking for a Thomas Mckee. He worked as a postman in the 60's. His wife's name Audrey. They had three kids two girls and a boy named Michael Mckee. They lived in Belfast Ireland. If anyone has information please e-mail me at Thanks
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Carolyn Canada Apr 02, 2008
I am searching for Katherine O'Dwyer - born between 1938 and 1942.
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Susan Henry England Mar 27, 2008
Grandfather CHARLES WILLIAM HERBERT D'EVELIN/DEVELIN/DEVLIN born approx 1885 Rathgar, Dublin. His father JOHN born approx 1841 Carlow, Co Carlow, IReland. Was an accountant, rent collection agent. Family of 6 sisters and 1 son. Sorry no female names known. Have Dublin census records already thanks. Any further knowledge of this family please contact me at
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mary mc cann family in usa Mar 20, 2008
I hope you get this message one day, just to let you know that i am still looking for you since 1996, your mother was Mary McCann born newry ireland 1925. married Hendry in 1944 and moved to scotland 1946. please contact me asap,I have your birth certificate, i am her daughter. I know you were adopted, possibly by someone that new my mother and father very well, dont give up I will always be here waiting.
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Ivor Coster Edmonton/London/Australia Mar 17, 2008

Galliard Road Primary School - 5th Form 1955 - Edmonton, London.
Teacher was Mr. Berriman

Ten of us from the above class of 1955 are organising a class reunion in 2010, I was wondering if any of you know any of the following people, all about 64 now, I know it’s a long shot but you never know.

Brian Prior,
John Spear,
George Clarke,
Roger Taylor,
Norman Pitt,
Frank Farringdon,
Kenny Blanchflower,
Alan Rogers.

Susan Critten,
Mary Amos,
Hazel Barnet,
Margaret Bannister,
Margaret Nottle,
Pat Long,
Carol Chin,
Christine Harris,

The girls would be maiden surnames of course, just to make it a bit harder.

If you know anyone on the list please Email me on or ask them to or both, if you can supply addresses &/or phone numbers that would be good too, even though I’m downunder in OZ.

Our website is:

Thanks for your time and help.
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gerald auldworth wiffen cape town south africa Mar 16, 2008
My grandfather, william wiffen, born in Ireland, round about 1875 to 1888, lived in south africa, in the town of kimberly for ? 5 to 6 years from ?1904 to 1911, and left south africa after 1911.
I will be so greatful if anybody can help me with information about any Wiffens born in Ireland during the time mentioned above.
Thank you
Gerald Wiffen
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