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Pauline Thompson Lincolnshire, UK Feb 04, 2009
Hello, I am currently looking for the family of the late Victor Tasman Parker, last known residence Durham Norlfolk. I have found the names of the children and would like to get in contact with them. The names of the children are believed to be Danny, Terrance, Vic and Liam Parker. If anybody has any information on this matter please contact me on my email:
Many thanks,
Regards Pauline.
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Lesley Australia Feb 01, 2009
Hi I am an Aussie lady searching for Egan & McVeigh family. My gr gr gr Grandfather Thomas Egan & wife Mary Harma (n) from Dublin. Thomas was a bootmaker born 1802 Dublin Ireland and his son James Christopher Egan my gr gr grandfather, born 1828 Dublin. James married Sarah McVeigh in 1854, Melbourne Australia and they travelled around Stations working in Victoria. I am in contact with relations living in Victoria from Egan side, and we seek more info on anyone who may be related to these families. Sarah's parent's were Patrick McVeigh, farmer & Mary Anne Hatherton Sarah born Armagh 183O. We are not sure when or where James entered into Australia or if his parents or siblings arrived as well. Hope someone can help here with some advice!
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gibCoomssip Jan 25, 2009
Hello People,

I Just joined up and am trying edit my profile but i can't see the button!! probably staring me in the face lol

thanks guys
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Sharon Dubois Ontario Canada Jan 22, 2009
I am looking for McCords born in Londonderry Conty Ireland. They lived in Cookstown Tyrone county in Ireland the late 1800's and a place called Claggan
There was a William John married to a Margaret Jane (Curran) born in Scotland.
Any information would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.
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Anne Keegan Rugby Jan 15, 2009
I am searching for Michael Ryan who moved with his family to Tipperary are in eire in 1988
The last I heard he had a daughter and was studying in Dublin
I have been led to believe by my late grandmother that there are letters which exist that I did not get
Michael should be 36 or 37 now, his mother is Helen and father is Pajoe, he has a brother Aaron who is 33 or 34
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Deanna A. Merrithew (King) Keswick Ridge, NB Canada Jan 14, 2009
Hi, I am searching for a long lost pen-pal, Brian Thompson, Wife name Trica, and son is Brett, old address I had that he was living in Co Antrim, Broughshane, Balleymena (spelling!)lol,. I lost contact and would like to talk to him again. Give family updates, etc. I am also on facebook as well, as Deanna King. Thanks


PS last contaced in 1993, when my mom passed away, he had called me. Remember her calling Brian the "Irish Cowboy", lol
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Nicola McAuley Formerly Liverpool Jan 10, 2009
Hi, i am looking for an old friend of mine name of brian Curtis also known as (benson) lived with his parents in county Fermanagh Enniskillen.
Contact : nicola
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Lulu Northern Ireland- Armagh Jan 09, 2009
I am looking for Geraldine Hamill from Armagh...married Ed Cunnane in Dec 1999. She used to live in The States, not sure if she is back in Ireland now....we were good friends and lost touch would love to hear from her. Reply please to
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