Success Stories Message Board
This board is solely for people who have found their lost ones with the help of LookupUK.com
To add a success story, please go here, or if you would like our help too, Click Here.
If you are looking for someone, and wish to post that information, Click
Note: If you have just posted a message:
Many thanks to Lookupuk.com with whom I meet two special internet friends Steph and Willem with out their love and support I would of given up long ago but I was very very lucky to be reunited with my birth mother, her husband and two wonderful half sisters in London in May this year. With out this site I would of never have been where I am today reunited and to have found a warm and loving family thank you to everyone
Vanessa <fould@telkomsa.net>
Durban, KZN South Africa - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 23:38:24 (BST)
PETER ROY TAYLOR - son of Annette has now been traced.
Thankyou so much for providing this site and good luck to everyone who is searching for a loved one. This only took approx 13mths to find him. NEVER GIVE UP.
brenda patient <brenda_patient@hotmail.com>
cliftonville, UK - Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 17:06:41 (BST)
Well i don't really like it when you have to be a member cuz i am oly a member on with FREE message boards & stuff
malaga spain - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 at 10:53:44 (BST)
After many postings on many sites I am pleased to say that I have found my family. My mother Margaret Anderson Cameron is no longer living but has relatives that have since been in touch with me. My husband and I went to Scotland last year and spent a few days researching New Register House. We were not successful ourselves but a kind fellow put us on the right track. We returned with little success but he has continued on our behalf, unbeknownst to us and found family that I did not know I had. They have welcomed me with emails, photos of my late mother and I am happy to say I am returning in September to meet my new family. I am beside myself wth excitement. There are alot of kind people out there always willing to help.
Eleanor MacPherson <ellenmacpherson@aol.com>
Lachine, Que Canada - Monday, June 20, 2005 at 13:07:34 (BST)
Debby Wilson found my son Steve Withers birth mother and family 4 years ago. we are in the USA and brought Steve here from the UK when he was 6 months old. Steves birth mum and her husband had a difficult time coming to terms with us finding her. It was something that she had put behind her. We have been e mailing her brother (Steves uncle) and I met him when I visited the UK 4 years ago. This April was Steves 40th birthday. His mum had come to terms with the situation, so he and I went back for his birthday. It was awesome. His mum and her husband met us at the airport - big hugs. He met his 1/2 brother and sister and it was as if they had known each other all of their lives. He met his uncle aunt and cousins. He said that he had discovered a part of himself that he never knew existed. His brother and fiance are coming to Las Vegas next April to get married, so we will see the whole gang again, and Steves wife Anita and his 2 children will be able to meet them. Debby we can't thank you enough for what you did for us.With grateful thanks.
Maureen Withers
Maureen Withers <limeylADY37@VERIZON.NET>
Santa Maria, Ca USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 at 02:21:01 (BST)
I found my grandfather in five days. I was helping my mom do genealogy work. She had been looking for information on her dad and I thought I would see if anyone out "there" could assist. I posted my message on May 22, 2005 and I had a reply from a wonderful person who was kind enough to give me two addresses and even go as far as to contact the one address / person who we thought might be a relation.
It turned out to be my grandfather , My mother had not spoken to her father in 50 yrs.... and in one week , I had a name, phone # , address. My mother called her father this past Sunday. My grandfather is 80 yrs old and was happy and surprised to hear from his daughter. I can't thank Carol enough for her help and kindness. May God Bless her in her search...
Catherine Kremer <bella7114@aol.com>
San Antonio, Tx USA - Wednesday, June 01, 2005 at 04:57:18 (BST)
Thanks to LookupUk I have now found my Mother & two big brothers 36 years after my birth. There have been many brick walls that I have come to face during the 20 years of searching for my birth mother. Eventually I found a message on this site that had been posted some years before. I hope that this inspires others to continue and not give up.
Grant Miles
UK - Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 22:39:52 (BST)
Hi, thanks for letting me sign your guestbook :). I have reviewed many guestbooks and this is one of the best I have seen. Best wishes in your endeavour! Dental Insurance
Dental Plans <Dental Plans>
Sacramento, CA - Sunday, April 17, 2005 at 11:55:47 (BST)
iwas looking for mark andrew battey [greenway]
well he got in touch in feb o5 . im his sister and he had been out of touch for years it was so nice to hear from from although he has not phoned since. it was so good to heard from him to know hes ok. good luck to all you out there looking for your loved ones .
sheila <smwcjc@blueyonder.co.uk>
birmingham, UK - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 23:08:05 (BST)
My friend asked me to help find her birth family. I googled her father's name and was directed to a message on this site. It was from my friend's sister. it had only been posted a week before. Since then they have exchanged e-mails and phone calls and she has met one of her brothers. I know she is incredibly grateful to your site.
Sue Nelson <a.r.nelson@ntlworld.com>
Romsey, UK - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 23:53:28 (BST)
I am happy to now be posting in the "Success Stories" section. I have finally found my birth mother who I was parted from when I was 11 months old, and through a series of twists and turns it started with this web site. I started by contacting someone by email whose name I found in this success stories section. She then gave me the name of the investigator she herself had used. With his help and some searching in the Family Records Centre myself, I have been successful. I have spoken to my mother on the phone, and she has emigrated to Jamaica and I plan to visit her later this year. I also found out that I have 2 half sisters whom I did not know about, one of which had in fact also been searching for me, but with no success! I would also like to offer my sincerest thanks to all those people who offered me help and made suggestions that have helped my search. If anyone needs details of the investigator that I used or any other assistance, please do contact me as I will be very happy to help anyone else to be reunited with their family.
Marcia Clarke
Marcia Clarke <nubianp@ntlworld.com>
Leeds, UK - Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 20:37:41 (BST)
i would like to thank this site my wife found it by pure accident after registering with uk birth adoption and happened to click on a link to this site and we found out i had a sister i never new i had so thank you and dont stop looking and i would like to thank my sister for looking for me without this we would never of found each other thank you
paul brooks <paulbrooks7@yahoo.co.uk>
leicester, UK - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 20:22:09 (BST)
Brilliant! Searching for old friends from the '70's in UK. A daughter of one of them saw message and contact has been made after 25 yrs.
Thanks very much
B. Cragg
cragg <kpbpel@tiscali.co.uk>
london, UK - Sunday, February 27, 2005 at 12:17:02 (GMT)
Delighted to say I found my niece Joan Duffy earlier this year. She has since met up with lots of members of her biological family. Many thanks.
Julia Tait
UK - Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 22:04:21 (GMT)
I searched and searched for yrs,left messages on lookup.com and many others.I kept the social services up to date with my phone numbers/addresses and 15th dec 04 i got that phone call,HELLO MUM.we have chatted on the phone and getting to know each other that way first,we are meeting on the 12th jan 05 when i will fly to UK from germany.I am so happy,it seems so un real.I have a bond and i know rob does to,we feel so complete and that for me life IS worth living after all,I cannot wait i have read messages on here for advice and i am taking it very slow to start which is killing me because i just want to be there NOW but yet i know it is good to wait.I thank lookup and sites like this for the help i have had and still getting from readers like yourselves,i thank you from the bottom of my heart.
dawn southern <dawnsouthern73@hotmail.com>
UK - Monday, December 20, 2004 at 05:44:41 (GMT)
My daughter lives in England. She had dropped out of sight for 3 years. Two days ago, I answered the phone, and it was she phoning from Dorset. I am going to England in the first the new year to see her. I have never been so happy in my life--and it was LOOKUPUK.COM that kept my hope alive throughout!. God Bless You all.
Bertha Harris <bharris28@nyc.rr.com>
New York, NY U.S. - Thursday, December 09, 2004 at 16:33:34 (GMT)
Dear All, Thanks to this web site I have traced my biological father. I have been searching intermittently for 20 years, having already traced my biological mother. One evening I decided to try the internet and found this web site. After 2 hours I located the address of my grandparents. The next day I wrote a letter and sent it. The day after I received a phone call from my grandfather I had not seen for 38 years. In the evening my biological father phoned. WE have all met up and are doing really well. I am so lucky for having such wonderful adopted parents but also grateful that my bio mother and father wanting me back into their lives. Thank you so much Paul and everyone else involved in this fantastic web site.
Rebecca Tooher <R2er@aol.com>
Whitstable, UK - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 13:51:12 (GMT)
I placed a message in Feb 2001 and found my family in March 2001- I've been so busy continuing the research that I forgot about the notice until today when I disvoered it again!
Found them all where I suspected they were with the help of a researcher and a very determined effort on my half- I had a wonderful reunion with my mothers older brother and all his family in Sussex and found my cousins in Southampton too ! Wonderful, and all I can say is dont give up and keep searching using any means possible- it does work.
I'm now searching on behalf of one of my cousins- so it continues.
Marilyn Colwell <mcappiello@blueyonder.co.uk>
Surrey, UK - Thursday, November 18, 2004 at 11:08:28 (GMT)
i would like to say a big thenk you to this site as it has helped me find me real dad i couldnt have done it without your help
kelly wormald <griffo1972@tiscali.co.uk>
west yorkshire, UK - Saturday, September 25, 2004 at 13:10:01 (BST)
I am delighted to say that my search for my brother's birth mother was successful and that she has travelled to Australia from England to meet him after more than 50 years. He also has 11 half-brothers and sisters. This site gave us an immediate name and address, but we did then go through an intermediary with Norcap and made contact that way. I would recommend that people consider very carefully what the consequences may be to all involved, and make haste slowly. But ours has been a success story - thanks heaps!
Sandra <roachowl@aol.com>
Narre Warren Sth, Vic Australia - Saturday, September 25, 2004 at 07:32:12 (BST)
Great website! However, I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.
Martin Lamput <Martin Lamput>
- Wednesday, September 22, 2004 at 07:47:02 (BST)
I have posted a previous note in this section to say that I had been reunited with my birth mother - that was a year ago. I'm happy to say that things have gone so well, I've been to Philadelphia, where she now lives, and met my two half brothers and their families and my mother has also visted here and met my husband and daughter, and my three brothers from the family that adopted me. I've discovered a whole new family, lots of aunts and uncles who live near me and who I see regularly. My birth mother hasn't met my adoptive father (my mum is dead) but only because he's 90 and a bit confused now and all my family felt it would unsettle him as we're not sure he can understand certain things. My mother and I speak every week on the phone and are so alike in many respects. For anyone who's unsure about tracing or meeting their birth parents, all I can say, is be careful in the early stages because things can go wrong, but trust your instincts and you may discover the answers to the questions that I think all adopted people have. I now feel as if so many gaps have been filled in and I now understand who I am. Many people have commented that I seem more content and settled and I think that's true. I wish everyone as much luck and success as I have had in their searches and hope that things work out for you all.
Ann Ferguson <ann.ferguson61@btinternet.com>
Ayr, UK - Sunday, September 05, 2004 at 10:27:53 (BST)
After searching for more than a year, I happened across this website and although I had not heard of it, I thought I might as well leave a message. I had left messages on other boards and heard nothing, so you can imagine my suprise about a month after leaving a message looking for my cousins, one of them contacted me!!!! This is an invaluable service and if it were not for LOOKUPUK I would probably still be searching. Thank You.
Sarah <sunshine113000@aol.com>
Oceanside,, CA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 at 05:54:19 (BST)
Hi...This site helped me trace my Birth Mother. Sadly, she turned out to be quite a disturbed woman. I had to stop any contact with her, as she was very unpleasant. In some respects I'm glad I traced her, if only for my peace of mind, but on the other hand, she was a very distructive person who couldn't let go of the past..therefore making it very impossible for me to live my future. For anyone tracing there Birth parents, be very very careful. I mean that from the heart, as I was hugely let down, as I'd built up this idylic Birth Mother in my mind, only to find that at first it was magical, but then got very dark and nasty...especially towards my adoptive parents. Just take things very very slowly, and think only of yourself so you don't get hurt like I did...!!!
Love Claire x x x
claire tilley <tiger.tilley@fsmail.net>
cheshire, UK - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 at 18:34:41 (GMT)
I found my family within 2 days thanks to lookup uk, i had been looking for 8 years with no sucess, a big thank you to all at lookup uk you do a fantastic job, keep up the good work thank you. david robinson
DAVID ROBINSON <m.stephenson600@ntlworld.com>
Teesside, UK - Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 18:15:30 (GMT)
Thanks in no small part to this website I found my daughters after 22 years. One in Israel and one here in the UK. I've spent 12 years doing it but it was worth all the effort in the end. As my daughter VAnessa told me last night. "Never say never DAD." I never thought I would hear her voice again but she's right and I'm very garteful for the use of this resource without which we would not be reunited. God bless you all.
John Rutter
John Wade Rutter <john@qedcomputers.com>
Bridgnorth, UK - Sunday, February 15, 2004 at 09:55:12 (GMT)
Thanks to your site i found my friend who i have'nt seen for years.We are in touch on a regular basis,visit each other and keep in touch via e-mail, Thanks again, Aileen.
Aileen Thyer <aileenthyer@hotmail.com>
UK - Saturday, January 31, 2004 at 08:39:11 (GMT)
Last Wednesday I recieved the letter I have been waiting for .My Sons friends found me after 28 years on this site,he was adoped as a baby I will be meeting up soon and am sooo excited.I posted the message in 2000 and had given up hope so to of you out there dont give up!! Thank you look up!
Lindsay Midali (nee Parr) <lindsaymiduk@yahoo.co.uk>
worthing, UK - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 at 00:00:59 (GMT)
It didn't take long at all to find who i was looking for. Thanks.
kevin parker <kevp33@ntlworld.com>
newark, UK - Sunday, January 04, 2004 at 17:26:46 (GMT)
After 10 years a kind angel helped me find my birth mother within 2 days of his first contact with me. Last night I spoke
to my birth mother for the first time and it was wonderful. Thanks you are wonderful.
Julia Forrester <jarus@wn.com.au>
Perth, WA Australia - Wednesday, December 03, 2003 at 23:18:59 (GMT)
Have you been reunited with a loved one this year?
I’m a women’s journalist, writing a Christmas feature on happy family reunions. I’m looking for people for whom this Christmas has special meaning, as it’s the first Christmas since finding their relatives. Family members could be birth parents/adoptees, siblings, missing persons, estranged family members.
It’s for the women’s section of a national newspaper. Photographs required. Sensitivity assured. Please email Sally at: sjanes@fsmail.net
Thank you
Sally <sjanes@fsmail.net>
UK - Tuesday, December 02, 2003 at 14:17:49 (GMT)
Thanxs to LookUp
I have found my birth mother Elizabeth after years of surching, now we have exchanged numbers , address , photos , and chatted on the phone its been great and its all down to lookup.com ....... Everyone still looking dont give up how ever long it take it could be worth it .
Good Luck
Jane xxx
jane <jannie36uk@yahoo.co.uk>
northumberland , UK - Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 20:18:09 (GMT)
Sadly after searching since 1991 a researcher has just helped me find my birth mother, but she has rejected me. It is very very hard to deal with and yes maybe it will change in time, but her letter is very final. I am just wondering if anybody else has such experiences and whether it has changed with time, or if you know of other websites where I can find help. I have 2 half younger brothers and know where one of them is, so a future decision obviously has to be whether to contact at least this one. Tough times and tough issues to deal with.
Sally Harris <sally31@hotmail.com>
Reading, UK - Thursday, November 13, 2003 at 11:54:20 (GMT)
thanks to your sites ,i have found my brother ,james brooks, he is in canada now , and his daughter looked on all the adoption sites ,and found my messages ,we had a lovely new year 2002 gift talking to my brother and his daughter . we have been to canada and met all his(our) family ,they are all overwhelmed, and he had no other family apart from his 3 children and his grandchildren.i think he is still in shocked knowing now what a big family he really has, i am still on cloud nine and still cannot believe it . i had been trying to find him since i was 15 i am now 57, and i had never ever met him before as he was adopted at 6 weeks ,when i was 2.i always love him although i never new him ,but now i tell him every time we speak on the phone, as i love him even more now ,and his family . if it wasnt for these sites ,i still think i would never have found him ,and i thank you from the bootom of my heart ,you have made my family and my life complete. all the people searching for loved ones MUST NOT GIVE UP i nearly did severall times, and now ime glad i didnt.and if i can do it everyone ,can thankyou again and again ,i cannot thank you enough from jeannie gentle nee brooks and our family
jeannie brooks <muffinmule@hotmail.com>
luton, beds UK - Sunday, November 09, 2003 at 18:12:10 (GMT)
Were you forced to give up your baby in the 1940s, 50s or 60s? I am looking for natural mothers and their children - NOW REUNITED - to take part in a major TV documentary series about the history of unmarried mothers and their children in 20th century Britain. If you and your natural mother/child would be interested in contacting me to talk about your personal stories I would be delighted to hear from you. The series will be made by Steve Humphries, the producer of many acclaimed oral history documentaries, including 'Sex in a Cold Climate' for Channel 4 - the inspiration for the award-winning feature film, 'The Magdalene Sisters'. With many thanks for your consideration.
Mary Parsons <research@testimonyfilms.force9.co.uk>
Bristol, UK - Thursday, October 30, 2003 at 16:22:28 (GMT)
Thank you Lookup UK
Yeterday was one of the happiest for a long time, I found the daughter i had adopted 40 years ago.
We have spoken on the phone and exchanged photo's over the net. Hope that we will be able to meet soon
To all those out there still looking, Good Luck and keep looking
Elizabeth <lizd@9thepines0.freeserve.co.uk>
Chelmsford, UK - Wednesday, October 08, 2003 at 19:12:43 (BST)
I have found Christina Abrol. However it is not a success story. I found out that she died in 1976 already. Thank you very much for the opportunity to use your website. My entry of 19th March 2003 may now be deleted.
Best regards.
Arie Verhoef
Arie Verhoef <a.lverhoef01@freeler>
Gorinchem, NL Netherlands - Monday, August 25, 2003 at 09:57:11 (BST)
After a long search, my entry on this site has paid off and I have been reunited with my birth mother.
Ann Ferguson <ann.ferguson61@btinternet.com>
UK - Saturday, August 09, 2003 at 01:17:18 (BST)
Congratulations for your website !
sexe <giorgws@bzh.net>
Miami, USA - Monday, August 04, 2003 at 21:38:41 (BST)
Following a message left on this website message board (Aug 2000). Many people contacted me with information concerning my birth mother. Contact with my birth mother was made via a third party and further information and history was kindly provided. Unfortunately, my birth mother is unwilling to make direct contact or reveal my birth fathers identification, something I am keen to discover. Having only limited information I am continuing to search and seek advice, but I am grateful to have found out all I know to date.
John William Edwards <iwhitlock@yahoo.com>
UK - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 at 21:42:46 (BST)
I know this is a non advertising site but after many years of searching, I have finally found my dad thanks to the help of a great bloke.
He is an investigator and does this for a living but charges only a small fee.
If you do get stuck and frustrated, let me know and I will send you his details.
He found my dad in 48 hours and I have now finally met him, It was wonderfull.
Godd luck and best wishes to all searchers.
Sally <sally_webster@tiscali.co.uk>
UK - Saturday, July 19, 2003 at 12:39:32 (BST)
two years ago I found a brand new half brother alive and well thanks to all the help and support and advice I received from LOOKUPUK readers. Without the help on offer I would have been still fumbling around with my search. Sadly I discovered my birthmum Muriel Phyliss King/nee Normanton died in horrific car crash on M6 near Wigan in 1971.
Still remaining is the mystery of my sister Angela Normanton,born 1st December 1951 in Harrow?
Best wishes toall searhers...never give up.
Gerry. Yorkshire
Gerry Woodgate <yorkshirefoto@aol.com>
Shipley, UK - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 23:02:19 (BST)
i need to find my father his name is justin he is 32 years old and he nows donna brock i am his child my name is sarah brock and he was friends with my mother so if u now him email me on cookingart54maw@hotmail.com
sarah amy brock <cookingart54maw@hotmail.com>
wales, UK - Monday, July 07, 2003 at 16:36:02 (BST)
After using the addresss and telephone directory I was able to find a person with the first initial and the surname of the person I was looking for. After a quick phone call I found that I was talking to the person I had been looking for for many years. Than you
Ken Burke
UK - Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 15:55:43 (BST)
tracey lennox <doulou@xtra.co.nz>
UK - Saturday, May 17, 2003 at 00:50:39 (BST)
A big thank you for this site and to say patience is a definately a virtue.
In August 2001 I posted a request regards my Godparents.
I am thrilled to say I found two of them and have met them, from this meeting I found a lot out about my father who was in the merchant navy and that he was in Bombay when they had the great explosion in 1944 just to two months before I was born.
Although I had never met my godparents in 57 years they made me so welcome I felt I had known them all my life. They are both truly lovely people. THANK YOU once again.
Lidgard <lidgard@ntlworld.com>
UK - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 22:28:19 (BST)
I really must tell you about a great Lady called Lynda Greatbanks, She found us for My Brother who was searching for us from New Zealand, His name was Phillip and he came over, and we met up it was wonderful to find that I had a Baby brother, 42 years later we have a bond that will never be broken, any way My Brother and Husband were talking about feelings because he was fostered from birth and had no family to talk about, so he said that he should contact Lynda for her help, Which we did when Phillip had gone back to New Zealand, Lynda did what she had to do and made contact to say that she has found a Uncle Peter and we have just returned from meeting him, and that again went well and Lynda is in contact with My Husbands Mum and when she has told his Brother I know that we will meet so I really must say a big Thanks to LYNDA GREATBANKS THE BEST. Feelings are still up and down for both of us at the moment so all you looking hang in their it will happen in the end and when it does you will understand what I have said. Lynda Thank-you from the bottom of our Hearts
Pamela Smith <Pamela.smith14@btinternet.com>
UK - Monday, May 05, 2003 at 17:05:31 (BST)
A big thank you to Raymond Bates, of Australia, and this wonderful site, for helping me to make contact with my friend Joan, after 42 years, once again my thanks
margaret yates <mirimar2000@hotmail.com>
vancouver, canada - Saturday, May 03, 2003 at 02:51:53 (BST)
GLASGOW, UK - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 15:35:09 (BST)
i have found my adopted sister at long last.after reading other stories from lookup.com i deceided to go to ireland's GRO office and search for my sisters birth lines and to search the adoptions register all i had was her DOB and the name she was given as a baby,and to my surprise all it took was 1 hour and i found her.I have made contact with her on the phone and she told me she had also being looking for the family i am awaiting photo's of hazel(new name) and her daughter elizabeth.I would love to help other's find there loved one's so if you were born in the glasgow area and i can search records for you i will. anita friel
anita friel <mrsf2003@yahoo.com>
glasgow scotland, UK - Friday, April 25, 2003 at 16:04:20 (BST)
I would like to add to my previous e-mail, my thanks to the person in Australia who made it possible for me to find my friend, J roberts(nee Luke)
margaret yates <mirimar2000@hotmail.com>
vancouver, canada - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 21:27:49 (BST)
Thank you for this wonderful site, I have just made contact with a person I have not seen for 42 years, once again, many thanks.
margaret yates <mirimar2000@hotmail.com>
vancouver, Canada, - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 21:15:58 (BST)
I found a post for someone looking for information on the Sawyer lineage. Turned out we are second cousins once removed. She lives in Canada and we are currently exchanging info. What a brilliant site ! I hope my other posts are equally as sucessful.
Debra Buchanan <stuartb@pnc.com.au>
McGraths Hill, Australia - Sunday, April 20, 2003 at 07:15:29 (BST)
Katherine <Katherine88>
EDINBURGH , UK - Sunday, April 06, 2003 at 00:01:03 (BST)
i meet up wit my friend now every weekend now that i found her on this webpage
Amy Abrahart <amy_abrahart@msn.com>
london, UK - Thursday, April 03, 2003 at 12:25:02 (BST)
UK - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 19:59:46 (GMT)
Within 3 days of posting a message for my Uncle whom I hadn't seen in 40 years I received an msmail with his address. With the address I was able to lok up his phone number and was talking to him within hours. Thanks you
jan schr <jschroder@mts.net>
canada, canada - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 00:40:10 (GMT)
We have been searching for Jody & Dean Foulds my husbands children that he has not seen or spoken to for 20 years and with thanks to a very special person called Mike - Jody and her Dad spoke on Friday Night. Thanks to your great website and thanks to Mike for taking the trouble to help us in South Africa.
Vanessa Foulds <vanessaf@mcmotor.co.za>
Durban, UK - Monday, March 10, 2003 at 11:38:56 (GMT)
I have been looking for a friend for a long time , problem is i do not know her Married name, her
name is Josie Maher, from Thurles Co Tipperary Ireland,, a man named David Noonan saw one of my adds and
called his Mum who was born in Thurles and asked her if she knew either of us,, she was thrilled to hear both names and we have been in constant touch as we all went to School together and were friends until years and Countries seperated us,, so you see what a great web-site LOOKUPUK.COM is, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, EVERY DAY HAS A LITTLE MAGIC,,,thank you Eileen Leen
Eileen Leen <Thurles@webtv.net>
Myrtle Beach, N.C U.S.A - Wednesday, March 05, 2003 at 04:10:43 (GMT)
I posted my first message on here in Jan 2002. I was born Paul McGowan-King and was adopted at birth
and wanted to find my birth parents. I would like to say a big Thank you to your researcher for the
information she provided me with at the beginning of last year (Jan 2002). They found the names of 2
half sisters which gave me something to go on. In November last year I eventually traced one of my
sisters living in Wales and have now traced the other sister in Australia. This led to me finding my mum
and dad who were still together and living in France and on Xmas Day I spoke to my mum for the first
time. Last week they came over to England to meet me and it was just about the happiest week of my life.
I now have a whole new family wanting to meet me. If it wasnt for your researcher finding the names of
my half sisters I wouldnt be writing my success story now. Thanks.
Jay Giles
Jay Giles <gtopanga@hotmail.com>
northants, UK - Friday, February 21, 2003 at 15:25:56 (GMT)
I posted a message on this site and after six months I received the help I neede in tracing my birth mother. I now have a wonderful relationship with my mother and my new found family. I have this site to thank and would offer to anyone my support or help if they wish. I would especially offer my assistance to anyone in Northern Ireland where some subjects are still not talked about.
Peter Blair <blair.z@btopenworld>
Ballymena, UK - Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 23:56:14 (GMT)
I posted a message on 4th Feb 2003 and received a reply two days later with exactly the info I was looking for!!!. What a service! I will certainly suggest Lookup to all I know.
Ray Lines <RayJoLines@ntlworld.com>
Kempston Bedford, UK - Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 09:27:21 (GMT)
I posted a message on your board and had a successful reply two day later THANK YOU
Ray Lines <RayJoLines@ntlworld.com>
Kempston Bedford, UK - Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 12:15:20 (GMT)
I have been helping my husband to search for his two daughters who were adopted in 1972 and 1973. After searching and posting many messages I had an email from somebody recommending Lookup. I could,nt believe my eyes when I typed in a name in the search box, and there was a match in names of somebody searching. This turned out to be my husbands younger daughter. We are now in constant contact
and are building a strong relationship. We have not met yet, but that time will soon come. I would like to thank Lookup for your very informative site and the person who emailed me recommending it.
Julie Maughan <Julesmaughan@aol.com>
UK - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 13:03:53 (GMT)
Thank you LOOK UP! I have found a brother I did not know existed, we have a strong relationship and are very happy. We have peiced together most of the family 'puzzle'. Unfortunately we have learned that the brother we were both searching for had passed away 11 years ago,VERY sad news but at least we know now. Thank you again look up. Love and best wishes for anyone who is searching for biological family. Good luck! XXXXX
Julie Phillips <louisephillips936@hotmail.com>
UK - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 04:21:48 (GMT)
I am pleased to report that after a search of approximately 4 months Barry and I at last located my
Mother and a brother I never knew I had, both alive and well and living in Melbourne, Australia. During
the search we gained a great deal of knowledge and have since been able to establish contact for two
friends with their respective birth mothers, and as recently as last night (13/1/03)another lady with her
two sisters after 56 years.
Ian Bond and Barry Hughes <ian.bond@btinternet.com>
Taunton, UK - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 14:23:27 (GMT)
great website recommended to others
Finally found my dad after he married 5 times, many thanks for all help
especially the researcher who finally found him!!!!
Keep up the good work AGAIN THANKS FOR THE HELP
lesley <lesleyj53@aol.com>
Boston, UK - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 04:51:37 (GMT)
AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 11:18:09 (GMT)
After searching for two years and posting many messages on the web board i had received many responses suggesting various search methods that might help or offers assistance. Two of these offers of assistance both gave me the same address to try. It was my mother! i could not believe it could have been so easy after all that. This web site has been invaluable, without the help of everyone who gave me advice this would not have happened. I have been waiting all my life for this day. Thank you everyone and a big thank you to Lynda.
Thank you so much from me, my mum and my very large new family
Paula Sally Bartle (nee) Harney <jml18@le.ac.uk>
UK - Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 13:25:25 (GMT)
Our brother has now contacted us. He is delighted and we look forward to meeting him.
A family jigsaw complete at last! (we hope.)
Terry and Rebecca <rebntel@ntlworld.com>
UK - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 21:37:28 (GMT)
I've been searching for my Mum for the past 5-6 months, left a message here and other sites. Thanks to help from the wonderful Debby I have just met my Mum and 1 of my 6 brothers & sisters. I couldn't have done it without Debby's help, who is compassionate, considerate and reasonably priced - 10 out of 10.
Paul Tack <tictac63@ntlworld.com>
UK - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 22:15:11 (GMT)
Adopted Daughter found. On the 2nd January 2001 I received a message from someone who was searching for a friend on this site when they noticed my name. It was in fact my adopted daughter that was searching for me. I had tried for the last 15 years to trace her. We were reunited in March 2001 after 35 years. I am now also trying to trace the other unmarried Mothers from Barsham House in Malvern between March 1966 and July 1966. Please get in touch.
Kathleen Wood (now Cary)
Kathleen Wood <kate.cary@pharma.novartis.com>
Camberley, UK - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 16:46:24 (GMT)
On the 2nd January 2001 I received a message from someone who was searching for a friend on this site when they noticed my name. It was in fact my adopted daughter that was searching for me. I had tried for the last 15 years to trace her. We were reunited in March 2001 after 35 years. I am now also trying to trace the other unmarried Mothers from Barsham House in Malvern between March 1966 and July 1966. Please get in touch.
Kathleen Wood (now Cary)
Kathleen Wood <kat.cary@pharm.novartis.com>
Camberley, UK - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 16:34:08 (GMT)
I never thought the day would come that I would finally be posting a 'FOUND' message. I have been looking for Michael, our brother who was placed for adoption in 1946 - and today out search stops as he has been located. It has been an emotional, expensive and tiresome journey, but I knew that I had not failed until I stopped trying. I am like a ferret with a rag. I never put it down.
I had bought endless adoption certificates, over 100 but then discovered that his was not in the adoption indexes in London…… if it had of been there it would have been one of the first we’d have bought because of the christian names. We never could have located it unless I had got upset/cross one day and asked for help and found staff at the FRC and ONS who were willing to help. PLEASE be aware that there are mistakes in the indexes of the Adopted Childrens Register.
The surname we were given was very common. But with the help of friends I have made during our search we now have come to the end of our search. A letter is now on it’s way in the hope that our brother who was adopted will want to know us. Any contact will be good, but of course that will be his choice. I just have my fingers crossed that he will want to know my husband, his birth brother, who is a lovely man.
I must thank the friends I have made and who have been so much help. There have been so many, to many to list, who have been willing to listen and check things for me. Thankyou and to two a special thanks. To Jean Ryan for meeting me in London and helping me to order all that was needed and for being there endlessly on the phone for so long.
And to Debby. Debby does so many searches after her day at work. She manages to spend hours every evening tracing and reuniting birth families and was always there on the end of the phone if I needed her. She has always been there to check her fiche for me and now after all the necessary checks we have a letter on the way to our brother.
I thank everyone who has helped us and thank those who have let me help them to search too. I have loved it and after I have taken a breather I will be back. If anyone wants details of those who have helped me please feel free to contact me on rebntelatntlworld.com.(change the at to @)
Lastly I thank Paul for providing this site to support all of those who search for the missing pieces in the jigsaws of their families.
Rebecca <rebntel@ntlworld.com>
UK - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 15:47:34 (GMT)
I was forced to give up my son for adoption when I was 16,
Although I registered with NORCAP many years ago I heard nothing. I started researching my family tree some time ago and found this web site while trawling through my research. I couldnt believe it when I saw a message from my son asking for contact, After all the years of hoping and wondering I discovered that he lived only 26 miles away,
claire taylor <graeme.taylor7@ntlworld.com>
UK - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 15:57:28 (GMT)
during December last year I read a message from Sherry MacBeth in Colorado, looking for the father of her husband Raven, Geoff Onslow, last known to have been living in Banbury. As I lived and worked there for a number of years thoughout the 1970s I thought I might be able to help and in fact I located Geoff within 24 hours. It had been Raven's dearest wish to return home after 23 years of exile in the USA, and after a long struggle it has now been achieved, Raven is home with his American wife Sherry and his 4 year old son Bryn, and has been reunited with his father. To anyone still searching I would say "never give up hope, and use the most unorthodox methods you can ever imagine" I did, and it worked!!
Lindsay Seagrim-Trinder <seagrimtrinder@aol.com>
Rogiet, Near Chepstow, South Wales UK - Friday, October 25, 2002 at 00:55:59 (BST)
I am happy I have found my bio father and halfsiblings. We have written and sent video tapes. I was wondering if someone could give me advice on this situation. You see my father had remarried to a woman my age (37) and my siblings age from 20 down to 2. The younger don't know who I am but the three oldest have known about me but never expected to hear from me. I was raised in usa and they in ireland. The oldest girl is having a hard time dealing with this and the oldest boy is indifferent. I want to bond with them but i am not sure what she is exactly angry about. He married her mother 15 years after mine. Her mother and i get along great and my half sister writes to me nicely but they tell me she is having a hard time. Any advice PLease. Karen
Karen <kss2mc@yahoo.com>
Fl US - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 17:21:58 (BST)
Hi Guys,
Well I am surprised that I have got the chance to post this success story, but here it is. I have finally found my half brother. My mum has been looking for him for years and I only started looking for him 2 years ago. I got home after work last week to find a letter from someone. I then found it to be my half brother, I just couldn't believe it. I spoke to him first, just to make sure it was him and we spoke on the phone for about an hour. Obviously he had a lot of questions to ask,. he has nothing against my mum, he doesn't hate her, he just wants a few answers now and finally get to know his real mum. I then phoned my mum and told her, she just couldn't believe it at first, she was in shock I think. Then she just burst into tears and asked me how I had found him and what I went through to do it. He was trying to find his mum and found that he had a half sister already looking for him. They then spoke on the phone and have been phoning each other every day and texting each other ever since. I am just so happy for my mum. My half brother said that he was looking for my mum and didn't expect to have any other brothers or sisters, so he said it was a bonus (I have a twin sister and 2 older brothers). He has 3 children of his own, so my mum is a grandma now. None of us have children, so I am half an Auntie aswell. I don't like using the words half or step or anything like that, it just doesn't sound right.
He is now going to see Mum next week. Oh and get this, he only started looking for her at the beginning of October, and ended up finding my details and sending me a letter on the 8th of October 2002. He said its gone really fast for him. The reason why he has only started looking for her, is that his adoptive Dad asked him not to. His adoptive mum (like ya do!!) left them when he was young. ( now that is a whole new story) but anyway, he was brought up by his dad and was really close to him. So he accepted his request. His adoptive dad died last year. so then he started his search.
To be honest I never thought I would be the one to find a half brother. I have known about him for 10 years now. I always think that I am one of those that nothing special will ever happen. Never win the lottery or anything like that. It is all still a dream now. It is weird that this guy is my own flesh and blood and I don't know anything about him. Everytime I talk to my mum about him we always end up in tears, always of happiness and probably shock. :o)
I hope you too find who you are looking for, keep your hopes up. My half brother is 35, so we have missed out 35 years of his life, but don't dwell of what you have missed, look forward to the time that you have to get to know that person. :o)
Good Luck
Gillian xx
Gillian <wicked_lady_20@yahoo.com>
Holland - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 14:08:41 (BST)
I would like to say a big thankyou to lookupuk.com and especially to the people who responded to my plea for help;Barbara,Jimmy and Helen this is for you all, Thankyou very much for your time, and so generous help . That family has been a stumbling block for about ten years and in one day you removed it.I know that I thanked you personally but I think that you deserve this public one as well
Blenheim, NZ - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 00:46:26 (BST)
I would like to say a big thankyou to lookupuk.com and especially to the people who responded to my plea for help;Barbara,Jimmy and Helen this is for you all, Thankyou very much for your time, and so generous help . That family has been a stumbling bloack for about ten years and in one day you removed it.I know that I thanked you personally but I think that you deserve this public one as well
Blenheim, NZ - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 00:45:39 (BST)
Just a quick note to thank all those who helped myself and my partner Barry in eventually locating my birth mother and my half brother, now living in Melbourne, Australia. We had a wonderful 40 minute telephone conversation last Saturday morning, the first contact in almost 53 years, and it was wonderful. It has taken us 8 weeks since forst seeing the adoption file, we have run up a few blind alleys and have learnt a great deal about the processes of successfully tracing birth parents to the extent where we found a colleagues birth mother in just a quarter of an hour. If we can help any others in the same situation, then we shall be delighted to hear from you and assist where possible.
Ian Bond <ian.bond@btinternet.com>
Taunton, UK - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 11:37:36 (BST)
What a fantastic site!!! Thankyou to all the very kind people who responded to my message board searching for Trevor Farthing, my real father. We are now in regular contact and this would not have been possible without all your help. Finding him was beyond my wildest expectations. This site really does work!! Thanks again.
Melanie Brett <Melaniebrett@aol.com>
Plymouth, UK - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 18:44:28 (BST)
Thanks and GOD Bless LOOKUP UK, who reunited me with my long lost love... We've been happily married for just over a year now..with a new home, new life and everlasting love and peace for on another...
Marvin Alexander <marvinalexander@netscape.net>
Jonesboro, GA USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 21:32:22 (BST)
This site really works! Within days of posting my message, I received the information needed to contact my real father. I had been trying to find him since learning of his existence 2 years ago, but to no avail until I came across this site. Thank you to all of you who responded, I cannot explain how wonderful it feels to have found Trevor. Post a message, this site is genuine.
Melanie Brett <Melaniebrett2002@aol.com>
Plymouth, UK - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 15:35:24 (BST)
Just to say a big THANK YOU to all concerned in helping me with my search for my daughter. I'm very happy to say she has been found and wants to hear from me. To all those still searching NEVER GIVE UP
Thanks again everyone
Catherine Rowland <cast@shaw.ca>
UK - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 21:23:46 (BST)
Thank you for posting my search for former teacher Mr B Tranter. Found him, received e-mail from him earlier today !
Carol Barg nee Stephens <ceebarg@yahoo.com>
Terrace, BC Canada - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 03:18:34 (BST)
To everyone who helped find my family, who did not know I was alive for 40 years. I want you to know
that I
have just returned from a very emotional trip to the UK. I have met my mum and two brothers, their families and extended family. It was the most amazing experience of my life. Both my family and I are eternaly grateful to you. We are now going to start flying across the atlantic on a regular basis. My mind is still in a whirl, but my life is so totaly complete and I am a very Happy Big sister and Aunt.
You always told me they can run but they can't hide, you certainly were right.
For those of you still searching, don't ever give up.
SARA BARRETT <mwilliams32@sc.rr.com>
MYRTLE BEACH, SC USA - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 00:48:35 (BST)
i find my friend
sultan <sultan_006>
hamilton, on canada - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 04:16:59 (BST)
I would like to thank everyone at lookupuk.com. I was trying to find friends and my Dad.....I found a sister that I never knew I had!
I had been looking for over twenty years for my Dad, and just was not getting anywhere,I posted a notice on the board May 13th 2002 and August 13th 2002 I heard from my sister.
Although Dad passed away in 1994,and I never got to talk to him, I now can talk to my new sister about him, and she tells me so much.
This is a message to everyone, not to give up.
When you post a message on the board, try and give as much information as you can, a little or a lot it all helps.take my word for it!!! I'm leaving for the UK in the near future to meet my new found sister!!!
AGAIN ALL MY THANKS TO EVERONE @LOOKUPUK I coudn't have done it without you.
Audrey Talbot
Audrey Talbot (Lewis) <ronandaud1@msn.com>
Clearwater, Fl USA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 18:24:37 (BST)
Within 12 hours of my posting an enquiry for a friend I lost touch with more than 25 years ago, I had a reply with full address. Made contact with them, they were only 30 miles away. Thanks a million.
Cynthia <Wise@miltonabbas.fsnet.co.uk>
Blandford, Dorset, UK - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 10:10:46 (BST)
I posted messages with lookup a few months ago after searching for my birth parents for several months. Two weeks ago, I contacted www.birth-family-online and they found my birth father within a few hours (yes, hours) and gave me a possible address for my birth mother.
Deborah Browne <chestnut1@ntlworld.com>
Cardiff, UK - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 23:27:09 (BST)
Having been adopted 50 years ago, I had periodically searched for my birth parents, knowing that my mother had married and had several more children. A couple of years ago I found a message from a half sister looking for our mother. A bit apprehensively I put her in touch with mother's relatives, trying not to let on who I was. (If she didn't know about me I wasn't going to let on). Eventually she told me she knew about me 25 years ago and had searched for me too!!! As a result of putting our heads together, familes info, and various organisations we found her unexpectedly this week. My sister was able to speak to her mother on the phone for the first time in many years. Hopefully they can build a relationship, as well as the other siblings if they want to. Just like to say, keep looking, you just don't know when it will happen. Thanks to everyone who have given me advice and assistance over the last couple of years and thanks to Lookupuk for putting me in touch with my family too.
Julie <julie@juliefarmer.com>
UK - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 15:45:38 (BST)
sheila morey <sheilaexraf@aol.com>
devon, UK - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 22:48:37 (BST)
It took 5 years but I have found my father's family. I was born in London in 1940 and sent to the USA in 1945. I was told my father had died in 1940. By accident I found this was untrue and spent 5 years searching England for him. With the help of the Child Migrants Trust, the Batersea Historical Library, many geneology sites including Julie's List, and the help of 2 distant cousins who found my postings on this site I found my family. My father died in 1983 having spent 40 years searching England for me. I have found uncles and cousins. I have a family for the first time in 55 years. Do not give up!
stewart bogdanoff <stub@bestweb.net>
NY USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 17:12:47 (BST)
I have just had the most fantastic and emotional four days of my life thanks to Lynda Greatbanks. I have been reunited with my adopted daughter Gillian after 36 years apart. Gillian had been looking for me for some time now as the messages on Lookup will confirm. I just wish I had known of these websites sooner.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
rosemary <rosie@rospau.freeserve.co.uk>
manchester, UK - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 19:45:14 (BST)
I do not know how to thank LOOKUPUK.COM I asked for their help on Thursday the 4th July and by Saturday the 6th of July I had a phonecall from my father I just could not believe how quick I got a response. So a big thank you Paul.
Michelle Wilders(Bennett) <michellewilders@hotmail.com>
Dublin, Ireland - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:20:05 (BST)
we have recently found our brother gareth john and cannot begin to say how much joy it has brought us all. thank you so much to all the people who contacted me from my message post with advice and ideas and to lookup for having this site to enable people like us to have the hope and support whilst trying to find our loved ones...thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and the very best of luck to everyone else who is searching...never give up.
laura and family
laura wishart <laurawishart@lineone.net>
UK - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 11:33:48 (BST)
I posted a message yesterday re my friend who trained with me as a nurse over 50 years ago.
Today we got an E Mail with three possible addresses and phone numbers. We tried them and one was in fact
the friend who had last contacted me in 1958. We talked for over an hour and will now resume contact. Thanks very much indeed for this.
Margaret Tyler <TTyler13.compuserve.com>
Hatfield, UK - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 22:04:31 (BST)
I posted one letter on your site to wish my adopted son a happy 38th birthday and he replied. We are now in contact through e-mail. Thank you so much for your wonderful site
UK - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 19:08:03 (BST)
Amazing experience to be reunited with my birth mother yvonne collins (nee evans).We meet often and are becoming great friends! Now searching for my birth father Bayo Henry.
Morven <morven-mclelland@tiscali.co.uk>
london, UK - Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 19:05:35 (BST)
I have made contact with my friend Terri, through this site.I would just like to say thankyou very much to all that replied.
yvonne clarey
UK - Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 23:08:15 (BST)
Without the help of Lynda Greatbanks I would still be running round in circles. I found a lost adopted brother who I love to bits.Lynda was a great source of inspiration
and comfort in the search for my missing family. Now all is well.
Thanks Lynda.
Gerry Woodgate
Gerry Woodgate <Yorkshirefoto@aol.com>
Shipley, UK - Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 17:27:22 (BST)
I asked Paul Field of Lookup UK to help me find my daughter whom I had spoken to in 3 years or seen in 11 years. They gave me her address within hours, I then sat out to find her phone number, with no avail. Then I called the apartment complex where she lives, and left a message for the manager to have her call me if she still lived there. Within 24 hours my daughter called, she is marrried so her last name had changed, she is well and happy and we are talking almost everyday now and plan to visit soon.... Thanks Paul, you don't no what this means this means to me!!!!! Hey everyone try these people, you won't regret it.
Catherine Seamons <catherine.seamons@mciworld.com>
Soda Springs, USA - Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 03:46:41 (BST)
Thanks to Paul, the Message Board and the response from Dave
I have made contact with my brother, Bruce Galloway, who I
have never ever met. We plan to do so very soon and we
are also trying to trace the rest of our siblings and half
siblings for a grand reunion! It was worth the 54
years wait! Thanks Paul.
Lyn Hardy <lyn_hardy@uk.ibm.com>
Basingstoke, UK - Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 03:44:41 (BST)
Thanks to Paul Field at lookup.uk I now have the address and telephone number of my Birthmother. I am still mustering up the courage to contact her but as soon as I do I will let you know what happens.Thanks so much
Love Jessica
Jessica Edmunds <jessica.e@virgin.net>
crewe, UK - Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 03:42:49 (BST)
I would like to thank Lynda Greatbanks for all the help and guidence she extended to me during my frustrating search for my birth mum and brother. I work full time and all there spare time I had was used up on visits to the index,writing dozens of letters,making hundreds of phone calls,and finally counting the financial costs to myself.
One e mail to Lynda solved my problems. If you are not a expert like Lynda you may find yourself running round in circles. If you have family committments it can be even more difficult.
Lynda often features on "Kilroy" whenever the programm subject concerns adoptions and lost families.
Lynda has many years experience and is a charming kind lady as well. It costs absolutely nothing to ask Lynda for help and this is a good way of bringing your search to a speedy conclusion and saving time and money in real terms.
Lynda can be contacted by email........Lynda@adoptions.freeserve.co.uk.
Sadly I discovered my birth mum had died in 1971 but with Lynda's help I found a lovely new long lost brother."Terry" who I love to bits.
Best wishes to everyone.........Gerry Woodgate
Gerry Woodgate <yorkshirefoto@aol.com>
Shipley, UK - Friday, June 07, 2002 at 07:09:09 (BST)
hi id like to share my good news i found my daughter this week thanks to lookup i had 2 children that were adopted 15yr ago unfortunatly my son died 2 months before his 17 b/day my daughter told me this on the day i found her i am led to believe he was murdered for all u searching never give up hope good luck
sandra maloney <sandra.maloney@btopenworld.com>
london, UK - Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 08:10:58 (BST)
sandra maloney <sandra.maloney@btopenworld.com>
london, UK - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 21:21:40 (BST)
I have been wanting to find my birth mum for years now but was frightened of not getting anywhere. Within a week of first being in contact with Josie i have spoken to my birth mum on the phone and we plan to meet soon. Thanks to Josie i have found the missing link in my life.So thanks again Josie i will never be able to repay you..M Myers
Melanie Myers <melaniejoanne@btopenworld.com>
sheffield, UK - Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 08:23:43 (BST)
To Jose Carter a person I did not know until a few days ago.
After many years of uncertainty there is now peace and tranquility. I now find that not only have i found my mother but i also two 1/2 brothers and a sister. There is no word to describe the feeling inside. Some one described you as an Angel. You are. There are no words to describe the feelings.
It took me years to work up the courage to look. I wasnt expecting to find anyone. You found them in just a few days. I was shocked at how easy it seemed, but im sure it wasnt. For the hours of selfless hard work you have given me so much and all i have in return are two words. Thank you.
David Roberts <ddiver61@aol.com>
Adelaide, sa UK - Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 21:37:54 (BST)
To Jose Carter a person i hav enver met and until a ew days ago didnt know. After many years of uncertainty there is now peace and tranquility. I now find that not only have i found my mother but i also have two 1/2 brothers and a sister. There is no word to describe the feeling inside. I read another add that describes you as an Angel. You are. There are no words to describe the feelings.
It took me years to work up the courage to look. I wasnt expecting to find anyone, i found them in just a few days. I was shocked at how easy it seemed, but im sure it wasnt, there were hours of selfless hard work. You have given me so much and all i have in return are two words. Thank you.
David Roberts <ddiver61@aol.com>
Adelaide, sa UK - Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 21:33:52 (BST)
Searching: I was looking for a couple for a friend. Having had success on lookupuk.com with my own search, I promptly put a message on for these people. Thanks must go to a lady called Shirley who lives in Canada. She, bless her, looked up the names in the telephone directory there & bingo! It was the right one. My friend phoned & has been reunited with his cousins, after 10yrs of not being in touch. They are trying to save enough to go to Canada for a family reunion. Thanks once again to Shirley & the website of lookupuk.com
Christine Naylor <NaylorChristine@aol.com>
Doncaster, UK - Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 00:07:23 (BST)
I can only say that if anyone needs help contact Debby Wilson - she helped me, and I found my birth mother after 3years of searching - within weeks of contacting her - I feel very humble when I read stories of people searching for 20 years or more - but I would say to them all NEVER GIVE UP - WITH HELP YOU WILL FIND WHO YOU ARE LOOKING FOR - OR SOMEONE WHO IS RELATED - I have a wonderful relationship with my mother now after 60 years - and there are no words to describe how I feel finding my birth mother - and seeing family likenesses etc - something I could never do before - we still have a long way to go, but as we say - we have 60 years to catch up on - and we talk non-stop for hours - it SO wonderful Thank you again Debby - you must be bored hearing from me so many times, but it is so wonderful - so all of you out there - believe me - ask Debby for help - she helped me and I now have completed the circle of my life as my mother says she has. JO STONEHAM
NR BASINSTOKE, UK - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 20:32:42 (BST)
I never thought it would be possible living in the USA to find my birth mother in England. Thank you Josie Carter for the dedication and hard work you put in to locating my birth mother, in Cheshire England. If you need help finding someone, I would highly recommend Josie, she is dedicated, and very professional with her contacts. Thank you so much. Amanda James. USA.
Amanda James <Espin14@attbi.com>
Cheyenne, WY USA - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 15:08:45 (BST)
VERY HAPPY ADOPTEE, To all of you Adopted people out there
NEVER GIVE UP, Like I nearly did after running out of places to search,
NEVER EVER GIVE UP SEARCHING, Because your dreams can come true of finding ether your Birth Mother or Biological Father
or Anyone you are looking for, IT DOES HAPPEN.
I started to search for my BIRTH MUM, Last year! 31.07.2001
After almost giving up last month,
Saying that she had found my BIRTH MUM, I was shocked but really, really happy.
We are now in contact by letter to start with and we are taking one step at a time. Just to catch up on things after 19 years of being apart.
You can search lots of places
And you can contact me for help anytime by e-mail.
Samantha Sanderson <comet1982@msn.com>
Manchester/Nottingham, UK - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 17:31:01 (BST)
Thanks I was reconnected with an old friend from 30 years ago she had posted a message looking for me. Someone saw it & told my sister who passed it on to me. We are now e-mailing regularly & hope to meet again soon.Thanks again.
evelyn tasker <e.schweigler#sympatico.ca>
toronto, canada - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 22:49:29 (BST)
many many thanks, my son and i found each other after he was adopted at birth 37 yrs ago.
all i can say is you are the greatest.
from a very happy and grateful birth mom.
UK - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 17:53:11 (BST)
Christine Naylor <NaylorChristine@aol.com>
South Yorkshie, UK - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 15:28:26 (BST)
Thank you Paul Field and lookup uk for helping me find my "lost" family. I posted a message June 1999 and just recently got an email from my cousin who I have heard nothing of for almost 20 years. All I can say is keep posting messages and don't give up hope, if it worked for me who knows how many people it will help
Sarah Soares
Algarve, Portugal - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 18:55:35 (BST)
I am so happy and contented, I am now hearing daily from daughter in the uk.
It was a long journey to reach this point, and in no way would I wish to repeat it. However during the journey I discovered much about myself.
It was the support that I received from the members of this community and the tremendous help from the Eva Johnston at the Westminster Council Office that I arrived.
I am not sure what the future holds. Just hearing from her herself, that she never harbored resentment or felt rejected, those words have helped me to forgive myself.
As I told her in a recent email in which I described my search, which in essence started the moment I left the agency all those years ago. During this journey I have discovered myself and made many friends, I consider myself to be a very lucky woman.
I hope that all that search find quick resolution and can know the peace of mind that I already have achieved.
Best Wishes
Rosalind King <Rosalind_ca@hotmail>
Redlands, Ca USA - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 18:09:55 (BST)
This is a message of thanks to Josie Carter, without her help I would still be running into brick walls, I have been looking for my birth mother for some time, and not only did Josie find her, but also found my ½ sister (Sheila Witton) all within a week !!! ..........Josie I can never thank you enough , although I have only spoken to my sister on the phone once, I feel confident that she will contact me, and I'm so relieved to find that my mother is still alive, I'm hopeful that I may be able to see her one day, but don't want to rush it. God Bless you Josie and other 'Search Angels'like you xxxxxxxx Marilyn
Marilyn Baldwin <MBAL279279@aol.com>
Copthorne, UK - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 13:21:03 (BST)
Hi guys,
I was adopted at a very young age, I am now 23 and decided the time was right to search for my birth parents. With the help of this search I have now found my birth farther and plan to meet him in a few weeks.
Just remember no matter how long it takes good or bad don't give up trying
Carol Ann Smith <carol.smith@ntlworld.com>
Bradford, UK - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 23:41:45 (BST)
Thank you Joan for the time you took to find my mother. I had not seen or heard from her in over forty years. I was two years old when my dad and her divorced.With your help and the e-mail address you gave me I was able to contact my half brother Michael.I have sinced spoken to my mother by phone. Thanks again for all the help.
Marilyn Nash <mnash@ananzi.co.za>
ladysmith, South Africa - Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 07:39:47 (BST)
Hi to all
I would like to thank Joan Allen for finding my father when everyone else just drew a blank because he was using his middle name. We have now been in contact and it was great to see him after a number of years where there was no contact. Thank you very very very very much.
David Stott <davenbex@ntlworld.com>
shrewsbury, shropshire UK - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 14:38:23 (BST)
Hi Joan,
Just to say a big thankyou for all the help you gave to me. Not only finding my birth family after 23 years but for all the support you gave as well in doing this.
I never thought the day would come when I was reunited with my family, very nerve racking but worth the wait. It would never of happened if it weren't for you.
DEAL, UK - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 22:33:57 (GMT)
I just want to say thanks a million to Joan Allan without whose help I would not have found my birth mum and dad and dear little sister I never knew I had - Thank you from the bottom of my heart Joan. Caroline xxx
Caroline <allfry@supanet.com>
UK - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 21:39:25 (GMT)
Dear all, I am writing this to thank Joan Allan for all the help that you gave me in finding my father! I had not seen him for over 20 years! Unfortunately, he had a stroke 2 years ago, I have written to him a few times, His wife, has also wrote to me and sent me a photo, but unfortunately he cannot speak, He is now 77 years old, and I cannot thank you enough for the help I had from you! Please keep up the most needed work, without your work alot of people, would be still searching, and very unhappy. With great thanks from HOLLAND, from Jean and Martin Beglin. Thankyou once again.
Jean Martin <beglin@home.nl >
Holland - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 18:14:50 (GMT)
All searchers, I was looking for my family for a number of years, with only the name of Barker to go and no christian names but I knew I had Twin Sisters and a Brother, I knew I wouldn't be able to find my Brother as there are at least 20.000 Barker's in the North east alone and as my Sisters got older they would change their names to their husbands, you may think this was impossible, I did too untill I contacted Joan Allan, within 3 Months I was talking to my sisters on the phone, I don't know how she did it but i am so glad she did.
Thanks Joan you are one in a Million.
Vicki <vicki@athome25.freeserve.co.uk>
Stockton-On-Tees, UK - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 20:28:59 (GMT)
Thank you Joan, for helping to find my brother. Through your website, it was possible to locate him and he was reunited only last week with us, for Mum's 75th birthday. My brother with his American wife and children were introduced with him for the first time. We had a lovely weekend, all thanks to you and your website. Thanks again, without you we would never have found him. Mum and all of my family are so grateful to you. May God bless you. Sarah
Sarah Ryan <lisgorriffwest@eircom.net>
Tipperary, Ireland - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 20:00:40 (GMT)
One year ago in May of 2001 I met my birth mother and her family. I couldn't have done this without Joan's help. She put in a lot of work and worked diligently trying to find my mother. After a lot of hard work and faith it happened. It had been over thirty years since I had seen my birth mother. I had very little information and had moved to Canada many years ago. Thanks to Joan I was able to reunite with my mother and meet siblings I hadn't known about. It all went well and to top it off, Joan was even able to find my birth father. Over thirty years later, I have answers to questions that have been puzzling me since my adoption. Thanks for your hard work - without you none of this would have been possible!
joy talbot <flipper_dolphin@hotmail.com>
oshawa, ON canada - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 19:10:38 (GMT)
Thanks to you Debby for helping me and encouraging me to look for my
husband's family I hope I'll find them with your help, that will make me and my children happy. God bless you for everything
Regina Franco de Lodge <f_reina @hotmail.com>
Envigado, Ant Colombia south america - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 20:02:24 (GMT)
Thanks to this site and a lady called Joan Allan I have been reunited with my birth mother Sybil. I am sitting about to watch Kilroy where Sybil is featureed she meet Joan at the show who took some details (She is a researcher and helps reunite people) and by using this site was able to trace me in 24hrs.
A big thank you to all and goodluck to everyone else seeking a lost relative/friend etc...
annabel <annabel.wye@ntlworld.com>
surrey, UK - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 08:20:35 (GMT)
Thanks to the community I found on this web-site and the help I received from JULIE GOLDSMITH I have found my half-sister AMANDA and half-brother ROBBIE. Words cannot describe how much this all means to me. Thanks everyone, very very much.
Nick <nwinter@kssdeanery.ac.uk>
London, UK - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 12:21:01 (GMT)
It is with heart felt thanks for the termendous work that Debby Wilson from myfolks has done for me in the last 6 weeks. I have been searching for my blood mother for over 15 years and within 6 weeks Debby Wilson had traced her living in Italy. She has also found my grandfather and i am now just about to write my first letter to my birth mother.
If you have been searching please take my advice and get in contact with her the comunicattion from Debby at all times is second to none.
Kind Regards Simon Mark Wiltshire.
P.S Thanks Debs.
Simon Mark Wiltshire <simon.wiltshire@btinternet.com>
North Wales, UK - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 09:27:50 (GMT)
Thanks to UK investigators that I found on this site I have discovered half-siblings I never knew I had. We are now in contact. Thanks, Karen
Karen Striegel <Kss2mc@yahoo.com>
United States - Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 18:28:23 (GMT)
BISHOPS STORTFORD, UK - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 18:40:55 (GMT)
Thanks to this site and a kind person who took the time to search the UK electoral role from 2000, I met my Father for the first time in my life, who had been looking for me also. Thank you so much.
Hilary Wittmann <_HAW@excite.com>
Brussels, Belgium - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 22:32:40 (GMT)
I am still in a daze, on the 11th February a wonderful young man named Nick emailed me and volunteered to check the FRC for the information I so needed.
Today, I just got off the phone from speaking to the social worker in London whom my daughter, at my suggestion, had contacted, to allay any fears she might have.
I have not as yet met my daughter, but have a feeling that words cannot describe, just knowing she is alive, well and happy.
I have spoken to her brother, who was also adopted, and if she is as nice as he is. I am sure it will not be too long before I hear from her. I respect her desire to take it slowly, I am only too aware of the emotions, painful that they were, that this search awakened in me.
Thank you to all for your kind wishes and support, without the help of this board and the adoption community as a whole I could never have completed this journey.
Rosalind King <Rosalind_ca@hotmail.com>
Redlands, Ca USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 18:27:54 (GMT)
im trying to trace my son mark david carlisle
glen carlisle <salford.govt.uk>
salford, UK - Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 08:34:07 (GMT)
im trying to trace my son mark david carlisle
glen carlisle <salford.govt.uk>
salford, UK - Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 08:33:23 (GMT)
I, unfortunately, have not found my birth parents yet but my brother found his birth mother but he was about 3 weeks too late, she had died before he got a chance to meet her so if there are any people like ME out there who need to get on with it & get their finger out this message is for you . You don't want to suffer what I saw my brother go through as a result of pride, stubborness & fear. It's better to find them & deal with what you get than be afraid for so long that they are not there when you finally get up the guts !! Please realise that if they are not there when you get there , that they will never bethere or anywhere else again,, You only get one chance so take it !!!
A very sorry adopted sister
Mary Duffin <mduffin@eircom.net>
Naas, Ireland - Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 00:18:31 (GMT)
I would like to thank a lady call Josie. This thank you message has been a long time coming. Against all odds Josie found my birth mother after nearly 54 years. Last year I went to the UK to meet my mother and my four other siblings for the very first time. The reunion was absolutely fantastic. We spent (my mother and I) three weeks talking, we found out that the whole adoption was lies and fraud. My story is a long a complicated on, at present I am asking for a discharge of adoption by the courts as I feel and have felt for a long time that there has been a lot of lies been told. The marvellous thing about the whole issue is that my siblings has always known of me, my birth mother never kept it from them. If it was not for the internet and this website, I doubt if it could have been at all possible for me to find my mother and siblings. Maybe in the near future I may even continue the search for my father. Josie thank you once again for all you help. Elizabeth Safrany.
Elizabeth <bess13au@yahoo.com.au>
Perth, WA Australia - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 05:57:39 (GMT)
Thanx to this website I have found my long lost half sister Jayne Bridgewater. This is wonderful...She lives in England, and I will be going to see her this year, 3000 miles isnt going to stop me! Life is good:)
Lauren Bridgewater <lunatoons44@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, On Canada - Monday, February 18, 2002 at 16:36:02 (GMT)
Thank's to this site I have found my sister and my dad they may live in Canada but through this at least we have made contact thankyou again lookupuk.com
Jayne Bridgewater <brdgjyn@aol.com>
UK - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 11:51:39 (GMT)
I want to shout this to the world! After 20yrs of searching, I have finally found my Birth parents living in Australia. A huge thank you to Jacqueline as she managed to get more information for me in 1 month than I did in 20yrs. My key to finding them was persistance and advertising as the newspapers all over the world really helped me. If I was born in England live in America, and tracked them down in Australia then you to can find your lost ones. Never give up, keep looking. All the best to you all.
Cheri McEachin <Cheri90@hotmail.com>
MAFB, NJ USA - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 14:22:18 (GMT)
I started my search for my birth mum last year. sadly I found out she had died on M6 in Lancashire 1971. I was about to give up my search. I had lost heart. I decided to recheck names on grandparents marriage cert and found the name of Louise Aurgarde who is my ggm. I found a Augarde family in the south of England. The result was I actually found a brother Terry living on south coast. We met. It was great and we are now arranging return visits. The family has its own web site and severel books about the Augards have been published. My ancesters came from France.
I had lots of help from Lynda Greatbanks who is about the best in the land for searching for lost relatives.
gerry @ shipley
gerry woodgate <yorkshirefoto@aol.com>
shipley, UK - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 09:50:29 (GMT)
Just to let any one who is interested know, I posted a couple of times on this site in my search for my cousins Bjorn and Martine. Well I finally found them but not the usual routes, I actually found a relative on their mothers side and approached her. I would never have known them otherwise as their mother had indeed changed their names. It's a success story for me, and nothing can describe the joy on their fathers face when he finally met up with his children after 20 years of being apart! The moral is, don't EVER give up, the people are out there somewhere.
Heidi Helgesen <heidi_helgesen@hotmail.com>
UK - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 14:16:24 (GMT)
MYRTLE BEACH, SC USA - Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 03:54:05 (GMT)
Thank you Lookupuk for a great site and Alan and Joe at Missing Links, I am overjoyed at you finding my b.mum for me after such a short time. She has phoned me and we have now met for the first time. My mum had been searching for me herself but without success. I have two brothers and another sister I never knew I had and I will be meeting them all very soon I am over the moon. A big thank you to you and good luck to you allthose searching on this board. Thank you again love Carol. xx
Carol <Greatorex@fsmail.net>
UK - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 17:13:08 (GMT)
We found my husband's half sister. We didn't even know he had one until finding a message from her on the internet in May 2000. We assumed that this woman was a long lost relative on his father's side, probably a descendant of one of his father's sisters. She had left various messages on websites but kept changing her E-mail address. Added to this problem was that the messages weren't filed in her own name but her best friend's daughter who was doing the searching. Anyway, after about 14 months, we made contact.
It turns out my father in law had married once before, producing a daughter who, for whatever reason, was placed in an orphanage and didnt leave there until she was an adult. Her mother returned to Ireland and no-one has ever been able to discover what happened to her and her father (my father-in-law) came to Manchester and married and had a second family, never mentioning the first marriage or daughter. To keep up this charade, he even told my husband that his two brothers had been killed in the war when in fact only one had. The surviving brother knew of his secret so therefore this brother was "hidden away". We have now discovered all the descendants of this brother and my husband has many cousins etc that he never knew about. A FAMILY MYSTERY SOLVED.
Julie McCormack <themacks30@aol.com>
Manchester, UK - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 19:56:29 (GMT)
This is just a quick message to let people know that
MOLLIE DANFER & SUSAN ARGENT have been found.Both
of these were posted on Lookup.
Jacqui <bailliebabe@yahoo.co.uk>
UK - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 17:29:32 (GMT)
A few days after sending an e-mail for assistance in locating a friend, I received a reply with information looked up on the electoral role. It was the right home address of my friend just as I wanted, and I wasn't charged a penny! Thanks LookupUK!
David Coombes <d.g.coombes:btinternet.com>
Chobham, UK - Monday, January 14, 2002 at 15:59:00 (GMT)
Thankyou, I have managed to find my best friend who I lost contact with nearly 3 years ago.
Wendy Humphreys <wendy.humphreys1@btinternet.com>
Barnstaple, UK - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 23:13:53 (GMT)
thanks to you and the message board my two brothers found me.I had put a message on there for help to find them,and they found it,or i should say there sisters boyfriend did.We have spoken and we are now going to met,they are happy about this and me and my sister are too.we have found our brothers now it took 8 years,but we are there now.I would like to thank you Sam..
samantha curran <samycurran@hotmail.com>
oxforshire, england UK - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 12:56:54 (GMT)
I would really like to thank the people who created this website and the message boards.
My family and I have been searching for my brother for many years, he was given up for adoption 27 years ago, before I was born and my Mum didn't know where to begin to look for him.. So I began looking on the internet 2 years ago.
I left a message on this website in February 2001 then thought nothing more of it until November 2001 when I found an email in my inbox from an address I did not recognise (I very nearly deleted it thinking it was junk mail, until I saw the emails title was "LookUpUK Posting.")
The email was from a man whose details matched those on my message about my brother, we were very cautious at first in case it was coincidental, but we swapped information that it would have been almost impossible to know about each others situations and backgrounds. Eventually we met in a public place a couple of weeks later and got on really well.
Since then my Mum and my other brother have met my long lost brother and we have all visted each other's home towns. We have met his Wife he has met my fiance and agreed to come to my wedding next year (Where he will get to meet all of his cousins and other relatives!) plus he has invited us all to his marriage blessing this year.
We feel very lucky to have found him, he is a wonderful person, and we may never know how many more years might have passed had it not been for this website.
Thank you again and keep up the good work.
Vickki Bradfield
Milton Keynes, UK - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 19:21:04 (GMT)
I would really like to thank the people who created this website and the message boards.
My family and I have been searching for my brother for many years, he was given up for adoption 27 years ago, before I was born and my Mum didn't know where to begin to look for him.. So I began looking on the internet 2 years ago.
I left a message on this website in February 2000 then thought nothing more of it until November 2000 when I found an email in my inbox from an address I did not recognise (I very nearly deleted it thinking it was junk mail, until I saw the emails title was "LookUpUK Posting.")
The email was from a man whose details matched those on my message about my brother, we were very cautious at first in case it was coincidental, but we swapped information that it would have been almost impossible to know about each others situations and backgrounds. Eventually we met in a public place a couple of weeks later and got on really well.
Since then my Mum and my other brother have met my long lost brother and we have all visted each other's home towns. We have met his Wife he has met my fiance and agreed to come to my wedding next year (Where he will get to meet all of his cousins and other relatives!) plus he has invited us all to his marriage blessing this year.
We feel very lucky to have found him, he is a wonderful person, and we may never know how many more years might have passed had it not been for this website.
Thank you again and keep up the good work.
Vickki Bradfield
Milton Keynes, UK - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 19:20:24 (GMT)
Thankks to my daughter placing a message, we located my adopted son after he stumbled onto this site. We have made contact and seen each other three times. Thank you so much!!! This has been the best Christmas EVER, what a present for Christmas. To everyone out there NEVER,EVER GIVE UP HOPE. HAPPY NEW YEAR from a very happy birth Mother XXX
Sue McCarthy <sue.mccarthy@another.com>
UK - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 12:05:24 (GMT)
Thankks to my daughter placing a message, we located my adopted son after he stumbled onto this site. We have made contact and seen each other three times. Thank you so much!!! This has been the best Christmas EVER, what a present for Christmas. To everyone out there NEVER,EVER GIVE UP HOPE. HAPPY NEW YEAR from a very happy birth Mother XXX
Sue McCarthy <sue.mccarthy@another.com>
UK - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 12:02:50 (GMT)
It's going to be a HAPPY CHRISTMAS for my mother-in-law, thanks to the efforts of a lady named Josie Carter. She found my mother-in-law's long lost friend and they are now writing to each other and sharing happy memories. THANKS JOSIE! And thanks for this great site, where I posted and Josie saw our ad.
Happy Holidays To All!
Debs <gardenerz@geocities.com>
Canada - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 02:13:09 (GMT)
It's going to be a HAPPY CHRISTMAS for my mother-in-law, thanks to the efforts of a lady named Josie Carter. She found my mother-in-law's long lost friend and they are now writing to each other and haring happy memories. THANKS JOSIE! And thanks for this great site, where I posted and Josie saw our ad.
Happy Holidays To All!
Debs <gardenerz@geocities.com>
Canada - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 02:12:42 (GMT)
I would like thank Baillie Babe and Brummie Bird whose names were given to be by the social worker appointed to help me. They found my Birth Mother Jacquelyn Spiers in a few hours last Saturday. Something no one else was able to do in almost 6 months! If you are offered help from either of them grasp it with both hands! Thanks ladies I hope you both continue to get good news for yourselves too.
Susan Marion <smspiers@hotmail.com>
Essex, UK - Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 22:11:47 (GMT)
After searching for only 3 weeks I have found my mum and the rest of the family. A big thank you to Eileen who contacted my
mum for me and for all her searching and telephoning. Eileen
regularly searches this site so if she offers you help ,take it she
is very good at what she does and she does not ask a fee.
It is worth going onto a site Familia.org.uk this site tells you what
resources your local library hold, I found my family using the
Birth,Marriages and Deaths on Microfische. This is also available
at the Family Records Centre in London. You need to be very
methodical and trace one name at a time and always cross check
Many people say they cannot trace their relatives but they are not searching properly. If you want any help just mail me.
jacqui baillie <bailliebabe@yahoo.co.uk>
essex, UK - Friday, December 14, 2001 at 15:17:58 (GMT)
I have been looking for my cousins now for abourt 25 years and had just about given up hope of contacting them again. I received a message from Jason_and_Helen that they had seen my message and had contaced someone who might be my cousin. Indeed it was my cousin. Just to let you know; don't give up hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
peter griffin <pcgriffin@yahoo.com>
pittsburgh, pa usa - Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 21:13:32 (GMT)
Thank's to lookupuk.com I have made contact with a lost friend in Scotland.Thank's lookupuk.com!!thank's for being free too!
S.HADDOW <stehaddow@hotmail.com>
UK - Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at 21:40:18 (GMT)
Thank you Lookupuk.I am 51 and adopted and was looking for my birth family,within two months of my message being posted i received an e-mail from a relative recognizing my infomation.I have since met both my mother and one of my brothers this year.Like so many other adopted people i had spent many years [fifty] wondering..what was written on my first page in the book of life.Lookupuk has opened so many doors to the adopted and to the people trying to find their children.I would like to thank you again for helping me to find my family.
chrissy <kittywits@btinternet.com>
UK - Wednesday, December 05, 2001 at 21:15:26 (GMT)
I started 5 years ago knowing only my father's name. I found my family in the UK last August! I have not seen any of them in 55 years! Mostly, it was just kind hearted people who read my story and took it upon themselves to help. The Child Migrants Trust found my birth record, and the librarian at Battersea library took it upon herslf to search old records. Then I used Ancestry.com to find folks with the smae surname and wrote to the first 3 on the list. One was an uncle!We will visit the UK soon. So--don't loose heart. Keep going. The internet was more of a help than any of the agencies in the UK that do this sort of thing - all they wanted was $. It is long and tiring but it CAN be done.
stewart bogdanoff <stub@bestweb.net>
Somers, NY USA - Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 03:15:01 (GMT)
By posting my message on LookupUK I have since found my Dad who I had not seen in more than 33 years and several half siblings. It was great to know my Dad was alive and be able to contact him and also to add some more members to my "new" family
Dawn Woodley (nee Knott) <dawnwoodley@hotmail.com>
UK - Monday, November 26, 2001 at 21:13:10 (GMT)
LOVE CLAIRE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
claire tilley <claire_tilley@hotmail.com>
cheshire, UK - Monday, November 26, 2001 at 16:09:52 (GMT)
sorry i have posted a found message on the wrong section.
anyway everyone. I HAVE FOUND MY DAD A NEW SISTER AND ANOTHER BROTHER.IM THE HAPPIEST PERSON ALIVE. my dad passed away 9 years before i found him but there is something good out of all our story my dad wanted us and that means more to me than anything. after being told that my brother and i were not wanted this is .... there is no way to describe it. good luck everyone. if i can help anyone to find there loved ones please call me.from barbara.
BARBARA ROSEMARY JONES < b.jones@hotkey.net.au>
goulburn, nsw australia - Friday, November 23, 2001 at 12:18:59 (GMT)
Hi - back in Jul-01 I posted a message on LookupUK and just over a month ago, I found cousins I didnt know I had through this website. They live in Boston USA and we're already planning a renunion in Sneem Co.Kerry where their grandfather/my grandfather (who were brothers) were born. This is an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING site. Keep trying everyone - no matter how long it takes. You never know who's reading the board....
Marie Murphy <mmurphy1408@aol.com>
London, UK - Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 18:34:01 (GMT)
I write with regard to my earlier message re, Roger Britain Ploughman.
I have now located the gentleman but thanks to this site anyway.
good luck to all that search.
David O'shea. <DvdOshea@aol.com>
Hereford, UK - Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 13:31:02 (GMT)
Paul field, I want to thank you again for helping me find my family after 40years may god bless you and youre family you are an Angel Aileen
Aileen Vogel <imabirit01@yahoo.com>
Shandon, ca U.S.A. - Friday, November 09, 2001 at 01:22:37 (GMT)
After 37 years, found my biological father through this service. The power of the internet!
Anne Chubb <Chubbaski@hotmail.com>
Calgary, AB Canada - Friday, November 02, 2001 at 09:18:30 (EST)
My "daughter" found me through this site - and although rather shaken at first - I am very happy. We are talking on the phone regularly and hope to meet soon. For those still looking, don't give up hope - keep trying - because it is REALLY worth the effort.
Kim <KBrowne32@excite.com>
UK - Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 16:45:56 (EST)
My mother had never seen her half brother since 1948!I traced someone with the same name and it turned out to be his son, sadly her brother had died in 1983, but she met up with his son who never even knew about her. He and his sister were 'gobsmacked'to say the least but she has met him and his family who have welcomed her with open arms. This was all due to me accessing you site.Thankyou!
Christine Ann Rollinson <chris.rollinson@TALK21.COM>
UK - Saturday, October 27, 2001 at 16:25:35 (EDT)
I have today found my father Allan Lindsay. Through this message board, I was very lucky to receive messages from kind people offering both advice and information.
Thank you to everybody who e-mailed me and thank you to LookUP.com for providing this service. Without this help I would still be looking.
Iain Lindsay <ilindsay@iee.org>
UK - Sunday, October 21, 2001 at 07:01:27 (EDT)
O posted my request on Lookupuk's message board only eight days ago. My quest was taken up by an amazing researcher in the U.K. who found my birth mother almost immediately. I realise that I am very lucky as she does want contact with me. The researcher contacted her and with her help I am now able to write to the person I have been looking for for thirty-five years. To anyone searching I would say 'don't give up!' And to Paul Field I say 'thanks, thanks, thanks!' for taking the time to create such a wonderful service for people like me.... GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
caroline beatty <cbeatty@sprint.ca>
Vancouver, B.C. Canada - Saturday, October 20, 2001 at 23:24:15 (EDT)
Thank you for helping me find my lost friend. He had a friend who saw my message on your board. It was a great service.
jane kelly
UK - Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 15:24:19 (EDT)
Looking for Gordon Morris born about 1935- 40, possibly in Tonbridge, Kent, England. Had a sister Shirley - Parents were George and May.
Phyl Webb <phylwebb@hotmail.com>
UK - Friday, October 12, 2001 at 12:49:51 (EDT)
UK - Saturday, October 06, 2001 at 09:19:59 (EDT)
I want to Thank you very much.My father Thomas James Hogan Passed away 25 years ago But im happy to say i found 7Sibblings.Thank you again Aileen Marie vogel
Aileen Vogel <Imabrit01@yahoo.com>
shandon, ca Usa - Wednesday, September 26, 2001 at 12:46:58 (EDT)
Thanks to the help of this excellent site and the advice received from Paul Field, I have been successful in tracing a long lost first love.
I last saw her some 30 years ago and had no other information other than her maiden name and a 30 year old address. With no knowledge of other
persons who might know her, the task of ever finding her was remote, or so I thought. I read about this site in the national press and figured
I should give it a try - what could I lose? Absolutely nothing because to my total amazement, after typing in her maiden name, I was presented
with a message she had posted on this site 18 months ago asking for help in finding me.
I responded immediately to the e-mail she had given but didn't get an answer immediately as expected. Worried that the e-mail address was no longer
active (So close and yet still too far away),I made contact with Paul Field on this site. He proved to be very responsive and helpful, providing me
with additional advice to assist my ongoing search. Yesterday, I was rewarded with an e-mail from my long lost love and we are both now looking
forward to a reunion and catching up on events that have shaped our seperate lives over 30 years.
So for everyone looking for lost friends etc. I hope this message gives you encouragement to keep looking and not to give up hope. Believe me,
it is worth the perseverence. I hope that one day, like me, you'll find success you crave through the services of this site and with the
invaluable support of people like Paul Field.
Roger Edwards <roger.edwards@ntlworld.com>
UK - Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 11:24:19 (EDT)
Thanks to this web site. I have found my sister, who I did not know existed, We were parted 45 years ago. We have spoken over the phone and will meet soon. We live about 20 miles away from each other. We still have our mother, Phyllis Mary Smith to find and posibly siblings.
Michael John Edson <druentia@aol.com>
Watford, Herts UK - Friday, August 31, 2001 at 04:55:02 (EDT)
Thank you Alan Collins, thank you for Missing Links UK, thank you Paul at Lookup UK. Without these so very helpful sites my dream would still be but a dream - instead here I am after, having been looking for my mother for 17 years, thanks to Alan my dream has been realized. It took him a few short months and now I have my family. The joy I have and the peace is unbelievable to be able to talk to my mum, stepdad, brother and sister is like no other I have ever experienced. If you read this and are still looking, never give up and have faith.
sharkgal <Sharkgal@Keysconnection.com>
Florida, USA - Sunday, August 26, 2001 at 03:34:19 (EDT)
Re:search for kathleen harkness nee watson.
just to let people know that we have managed to trace kathleen and we met for the first time on 18th august 2001. although it was a big shock to kathleen, she was overjoyed as she had not seen her family for 39years.I would advise people to try and follow up every lead and not to be put off by social workers saying that there is no records on adoptions.
jacqueline mctaggart
jacquelinemctaggart <jacquelinemctaggart@supanet.com>
UK - Friday, August 24, 2001 at 17:15:45 (EDT)
hi just to let you know i have found my brother through this site well his girlfriend did and then they contacted me through this site so i would like to thank this site for helping us all to meet we all are very very happy about this and i would love to thank his girlfriend becky for being nosey and finding my advert on here THANXS BECKY XXX I LOVE YOU LOADS BOTH OF YOU XX
also a note to anyone who is using this site to search for anybody keep trying and checking your messages it really does work thankyou..... alison xx
alison taylor <waynenali@aol.com>
bolton lancs, UK - Sunday, August 12, 2001 at 17:26:15 (EDT)
Thankyou Lookup and a special thankyou to JOSIE CARTER and Jaqueline. I have found my birth mother. I am so excited. I have a half sister that I never knew existed. We have spoken on the phone. I hope to meet up with my birth mother, but so far have just written. It has been 56 years. How long did all this take? Just THREE DAYS!! Brilliant. I could not have done this without your help. Well done, and THANKYOU.
Teresa Tye
UK - Sunday, August 12, 2001 at 15:29:18 (EDT)
Thanks to the posting on this site, a wonderful person called Josie Carter found all the information for me and I have not only spoken to my birth mother by phone but we are emailing photo's etc.
It only took a month for all this to happen and I am extremely happy with the outcome. If you haven't been so lucky as yet, keep trying, never give up, it's a wonderful feeling finding the 'missing' piece of your life. Thanks again to everyone that wrote to me and supported me in my search!
Jayne parkhouse <JPARKH1026@aol.com>
SWANSEA, UK - Sunday, August 12, 2001 at 04:37:47 (EDT)
I have just returned from the UK after meeting my birthmother
Norma for the first time. It was great meeting and my half
sisters Helen and Kate. It is hard to explain how we both felt
at that first meeting. My son and daughter also went with me
to meet Norma. It was in April 200 that Helen first saw my
letter on here and 15 months later we meet up. Keep searching
someone out there might know of the people that you are searchng
for. Many thanks Kay
Kay Saunders <vksaunders@inet.net.nz>
New Zealand - Friday, July 27, 2001 at 18:58:19 (EDT)
My brother has just rang his birth mother in England. He has been through an intermediary with NORCAP, and had a great result; his birth mother was overjoyed to make contact, and he has learned he has 6 half-brothers and 3 half-sisters - just on his mother's side! Thanks for all the help, Paul
Sandra Roach <roachowl@aol.com>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 07:15:15 (EDT)
To my birth mother Rosann Miller, who put an ad on here to find me, we are now in contact, and have 25 years to catch up on, just to say, Rosann i love you very much.
'Angela Michelle Miller' <Destanie45@hotmail.com>
UK - Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 14:30:19 (EDT)
A big thank-you to the person that thought up the idea of this type of message board.
I have recently spoken to an old school mate for the first time in almost 30 years.
I found it strange that even though we had not seen or spoken for all these years, a five minute phone call and it was like we hadn't been apart for more than a week.
Keep up the good work.
Peter Chilvers <pdchilvers@aol.com>
Gravesend, UK - Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 17:23:12 (EDT)
Thanks, lookupuk! Recently received an e-mail from Jane Furlonger, an old schoolfriend - her cousin spotted her name on your boards. We had lost touch since 1964. Am hopeful I will track down other lost friends as a result. Very grateful for your service. - Shirley Cox
Shirley Cox <mtayscox@axion.net>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 02:27:16 (EDT)
Hi I found a sibling of my mothers who came across my
posting on your board. I want to thank you for making this
board available.
Gillian <Banshee71@aol.com>
Miami, Fl US - Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 16:36:02 (EDT)
I just wanted to thank everybody on this site who tried to help me trace my cousins Bjorn and Martine Helgesen. We never managed to trace them using the site, funnily enough after a chance conversation I wrote to a relative I never knew about and out of the blue Martine got in touch. After 20 years you can imagine how fabulous this is. Thank you so very much to everybody and my message to anyone who is still searching is. Don't give up!!!
Heidi Helgesen
UK - Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 14:50:02 (EDT)
I had been looking for my sister for 13 years. We've never met as my mum was forced to give her up before I was born. I can't believe that she found my message the first time she logged onto this site! I am so grateful and so is my mum. We are in contact now and hopefully will meet one day also. Thank you
Sonja <_feebee_@excite.com>
Nottingham, UK - Friday, May 25, 2001 at 06:19:37 (EDT)
This is a message of success from a very happy lady - last week, through this Website, I found my Mum and I have to say that no amount of wishing and wondering and hoping could prepare me for the absolute joy of meeting her for the first time over the Easter break. I am 43 years old, had almost reached the point of thinking it was all too late - obviously, God had other ideas and the miracle finally happened! My sincere and heartfelt thanks to Debby and everyone else involved in setting up and maintaining these Websites because only a mother and child separated for so long can understand the pain of separation and the ultimate joy of being reunited. Thank you all and thank you God for making my life complete.
lynn.akers-smith <lynn.akers-smith@heroix.co.uk>
st albans, UK - Wednesday, April 18, 2001 at 05:07:34 (EDT)
Wish to THANK person who emailed me the list of Holloway names.First name I tried was my brothers.I am now on my way to WALES to meet my three brothers and four sisters.Still one brother to find.I am still seaching for my daughter.Once again my gratefull THANKS.
David John Wozencroft <wozencrofttempo@aol.com>
Accrington Lancashire, UK - Saturday, April 14, 2001 at 06:20:50 (EDT)
Our heartfelt thanks goes out to a wounderful person whom we have come to know and love her name is Debby Wilson with her help and guildance, she has helped us in locating my brother Andrew, we are now one complete family, it,s like we have never been apart from each other, All the family including our mother would like to say a great big thank you to DEB,S for making our dream,s come true..Cheer,s Deb we owe you one love Michelle and family ox
Michelle Ellis <nightnurseshell@yahoo.com>
UK - Friday, March 30, 2001 at 14:19:40 (EST)
Once again Alan & Debbie are due huge thanks, with there help I have been able to locate my brother who hasn't seen me for 23 years. We've been meeting regularly and are getting on like a house on fire. You guys have made my dreams come true. wanted to let you know that I'm meeting my parents this weekend and my other brother & sister. As luck would have it'll be the day before my birthday, best birthday present I've ever recived. Once again my thanks to Debbie and Alan, your amazing
Peter Nichols
UK - Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 06:44:56 (EST)
great site.i found my girlfriends sister ,whom had been missing for 20 years.so all of you out there looking,keep trying and never give up
steve <SCJJONES@jonah20.fsnet.co.uk>
hereford, UK - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 05:47:58 (EST)
just a small note to thank all concerned in helping me with information on percy edward hislop...i still have not found out what the border regiment is..but i have found out a lot more than i know before...thanks to all concerned
stephen gentleman of australia
stephen gentleman <gentlem@idl.net.au>
newcastle, nsw australia - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 23:11:22 (EST)
success!!!!! Birth mother found, she had written to her old address & I contacted the new tenants who told me her new address.
But it seems the birth mother still had the local church parish magazines delivered to her new address, so I wonder if others out there can be traced this way???
Worth a try!!!
Dave Robinson <Robbo@ aol.com>
Dover, UK - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 17:22:18 (EST)
i had a wonderful success story, i found my missing friend
after 12 long long years of a lost contact. now thanks to
paul field webmaster at lookupuk.com,
we have now phone communications. a million thanks.
julie hayward <jhayward_@hotmail.com>
melbourne , au - Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 17:20:18 (EST)
Thanks to Joan Allan, who helped my husband locate his birth mother after 25yrs of searching.They have not met yet but have spoken on the telephone, he was able to meet other members of the family. Thanks Joan!
Jackie Price <jackie_walsall@yahoo.co.uk>
UK - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 09:54:08 (EST)
finally after 18 years of wondering how my friend at school was getting on i found her parents address (good memory of their names on my account) so i wrote them a letter with crosssed fingers, 2 weeks later i recieved a letter from my friend katie who remembered me as a 9 year old, visa versa, she is now 27 and is married and has ababy girl, when i return to england in april 2001 i will meet up with her, hopefully we will recognise each other. lorraine,
lorraine butler <lorrainebutler1@yahoo.com>
athens, ga usa - Sunday, February 25, 2001 at 12:44:27 (EST)
I would like to use this message board to say a big thank you to a lady called Lynda Greatbanks.In the process of ordering adoption certificates, I wasn't progressing particularly well, when, after seeing a message I had put on the adoption message boards, I had an email from Lynda offering her help and services. I don't know why I decided to trust Lynda above the numerous other people that emailed me, but I'm so glad I did. Within a couple of weeks she had got my daughters adoption certificate. I know without Lynda, it would have taken a lot longer to get there, as she really knows what she is doing. Since getting an adopted name for my daughter, I have traced her and, via a third party, have had contact with her mother. She has invited me to write to my daughter,which I have. Time will tell if it is to be a happy ending, but at least I know that my daughter is happy and healthy. I am still in touch with Lynda, and I would like to tell everyone what a wonderful, genuine person she is. Without her and LookupUK, I'm sure I would still be looking for my daughter.
Dianne Vigus <diane.vigus@ntlworld.com>
Lichfield, Staffs UK - Friday, February 23, 2001 at 06:38:49 (EST)
I would like to let the many,many, people out there that get tired and despondent of searching that there is help available and that some times it arrives in unusaul ways.
In my case I had tried for many years to find my birth mother and had experienced the inadaquate help that the authorities give to adults when they embark on their 'quest'.
I eventually (in desperation) started placing notices on bulletin boards, including this site in the forelorn hope that someone might provide a scrap of information or help. I have had the unfortunate experience of being ripped of by some so called expert researchers and was not ready to trust any professional again. My last posting to this site actually asked that I was not bothered by such people again.
It was at this point that a wonderful person called 'Lynda Greatbanks' contacted me. Lynda (who is a professional) had found out some genuine information for me that up until that point no one else had found. Sensing that I was suspicious of professional help Lynda managed to persuade me of the wisdom of letting her help me find my natural Birth Mother. Lynda achieved more in two weeks of searching than I could have done in years, additionally she restored my faith in the commissioning of a professional and proved that it was not only cheaper for her to search than for me, but that it (due to the speed) caused me much less anxiety.
If any one needs help in their own search I recommend that they use a professional and I was very fortunate to find someone who has helped me so much.
If you wish to be put in contact please email me and I will supply Lynda's email address.
Doug McCoy
Doug McCoy <dougmccoy@btinternet.com>
Holt, Norfolk UK - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 10:20:22 (EST)
Many thanks to Carol Garret,who sent me a list of names and addresses, I have made successful contact , this would not have been possible without your help.
thanks Mary
mary <mary.rose.guyver@freesbee.fr>
france - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 07:59:38 (EST)
tricia scott <tricia@tmscott.fsnet.co.uk>
UK - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 07:16:56 (EST)
After searching for the past 7 years for any imformation about my birth mother i had almost gave up hope of ever being able to find her,when along came Debby and she made all my dreams come true.After about an hour of her knowing my details,she was able to locate my mother and i was in a state of shock,but Debby soon made me feel at ease. Although my storie is not quite yet a success storie i still feel that if it wasnt for Debby helping i would not have stood a chance in finding her,THANKYOU SO MUCH DEBBY LUV FROM CHARLIE XX
charlie <charlie@mudge20.freeserve.co.uk>
milton keynes, UK - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 16:57:07 (EST)
Thankyou we were able to find a friend that we hadnt spoken to in twenty years.
Tony and Elaine Thomas
UK - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 21:17:44 (EST)
I would like to let people out there know that
Tony and Elaine Thomas
- Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 21:12:41 (EST)
I would just like to say that I have found my cousin Donald Newton. I have not seen or spoken to him for 45 years. I have tried all the usual places Magazines, television and the internet but it was not untill Paul field sent me an e-mail with lookup.com that I was presented with names of a lot of Donald Newtons on that I rang round. The third phone call was a sucess. THANK YOU.
patricia Birtwhistle <trica@lineone.net>
leeds, UK - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 15:58:27 (EST)
My mother has been found. She was located in England, now I
have a brand new family with sisters and brothers.
Elizabeth Safrany <safeng@wn.com.au>
Perth , WA Australia - Friday, January 19, 2001 at 01:11:38 (EST)
Thanks to Paul's information plus the direction I was given from people who read my messages on the board I have now finally met up with my son, Simon. I am now very happy.
I will certainly direct anyone else who is looking for their child to this site.
Thanks everyone,
Noreen <ardessa5lml@cs.co>
Dorset, UK - Thursday, January 18, 2001 at 12:38:17 (EST)
The Message below is a thank you message for our help in reuniting Paul Mchugh with his son. Paul met up with his son just before christmas and things are going great, good luck for the future Paul and Glyn,
take care
debby & Alan
debby & Alan <debby@missing-linksUK.freeserve.co.uk alan@missing-linksUK.fsnet.co.uk>
uk, UK - Thursday, January 18, 2001 at 06:21:59 (EST)
if it where not for these people I would not be with my son now, I only have these people to thank, from the bottom of my heart, they have been my inspriation to carry on, they have been my hope, and most of all, they got me through the most difficult time of my life. how can I ever repay them?
I do not know, words do nothing, anyone can say they where great or fantastic, but only you as an a single person or persons, can say how they helped. please give them a chance if anyone can help its these people. may I wish you all the good luck in the world, and I hope you carry on your good work, there are a lot of people out there who need you, just like I did, thank you once again.
paul mchugh <paulmchugh@barclays.net>
harrogate, UK - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 18:35:04 (EST)
I've found five of my siblings. I used the indexes of births, deaths and marriages to find out their birth names, and then in the case of the girls their subsequent married names. I then used the Internet (192.com) to look for addresses for those names (would you believe it, one sister still lived at the same address as on her marriage certificate!).
Luckily my half-brother had a very unusual first name - I tried typing this into an Internet Search engine. It came back with an entry on another Adoption site - he was looking for his Dad and had left a telephone number on the site. I called this and eventually spoke to him. It turned out that all five siblings knew each other even though they had two different dads. They had been in care together.
I have now spoken to all of them and will try to arrange a meet up some time soon - they're all down south and I'm in Leeds which makes it a bit harder.
I can't attribute my success directly to using this site, but I would say that the Internet is an EXCELLENT place to try and track people down!
Karen Glynn <kjglynn@ybs.co.uk>
Leeds, UK - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 06:43:25 (EST)
UK - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 01:43:37 (EST)
wow, within a week I found my birth mother, so shocked , dont know what to say.......sooo happy.
emma heskins <becca.ian@tesco.net>
UK - Friday, January 12, 2001 at 18:54:06 (EST)
What can I say? The last few months Debby Wilson has helped us tremendously! Her enthusiasm and dedication toward my mom's search for her birth mother have been truly inspiring! Debby magically combined angelic sensitivity with bulldog tenacity, which finally led us to our first contact with my mom's birth family (today!). Despite us now living in Canada and mom's birth family living in England, this website has successfully facilitated a search that has literally conquered both time and space. We look forward to the possibility of meeting my mom's siblings soon!
Forever grateful,
Tim Wilde <kingslynn36@hotmail.com>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Thursday, January 04, 2001 at 23:45:12 (EST)
I found my bdaughter and we have been writing and talking, I thank this message board in its help.
Vivien Nicoll <VNICOLL@csi.com>
Guttenberg, NJ USA - Thursday, January 04, 2001 at 08:28:00 (EST)
my sincere and heartfelt thanks to sue and miles for all their time, effort and help in sending me information to help locate my birth mother. a first contact, through an intermediary has been made and i am awaiting any further contact. after 48 years it does feel good to know that i once belonged to someone. blood is thicker than chicken soup, as they say.
morgaine <ynswitrin@hotmail.comuk.>
UK - Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 13:24:26 (EST)
Lost address of friend in Manchester, found within moments on internet and added to Christmas card list. Many thanks.
David Crisp <creision@btinternet.com>
isle of Anglesey, UK - Sunday, December 17, 2000 at 05:22:19 (EST)
To anyone reading the success messages that would like help from Debby Wilson and Alan Collins (formerly known as the familycircle) please visit our new home at www.missing-linksUK.com, we will be pleased to help you too reach these success boards.
debby & Alan
debby wilson <debby@missing-linksUK.freeserve.co.uk>
bucks, UK - Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 14:51:59 (EST)
Success, Success, success.
Hi, I was looking for my siblings I was born 16.8.62 at Dryburn Hospital, Co Durham, to Lorraine Bendelow and was adopted out shortley after, at that time Lorraine was living at 20, Seven Acres, Great Lumley, Lorraine then went on to marry a Bobby Barker and have three more children Robert Ruth and Tracy( Ruth and Tracy are twins) there may be a Leeds connection because after a little detective work and a lot of help from Joan, we have found out that Lorraine left Bobby when the eldest child was 5yrs and Bobby then went to live in leeds, unfortunately Bobby died in 1984. Unfortunately my birth mother does not want to know me. (I only met her once 14years ago) but she won't help, all I wanted was the surname of Ruth or Tracy (they will be about 34yrs) I have either rang or wrote to every Robert Barker from Leeds to Chester-Le-Street, any info would be appreciated. Thanks and good luck to all you other searchers, and don't give up.
UPDATE. I have found my siblings due to the support and encouragement of Joan Allan of www.worldwidefreesearch.co.uk and email joanallan@ntlworld.co.uk. Thank you to Joan from Victoria - could not have done it without Joan's help.
Victoria <vicki@home25.freeserve.co.uk>
Middlesbrough, UK - Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 14:30:08 (EST)
Sincere thanks to JOAN ALLAN and others for helping me establish contact with cousins from the Kemp fdamily who were last heard of before the war. It gave my father great pleasure to meet them and exchange stories.
Colin Kemp <colin.kemp@hemscott.net>
Colchester, UK - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 17:12:21 (EST)
Thankyou so much DEBBY WILSON for all your help in finding my birth family. Your support has and will always mean so much to me. Good Luck to all who are searching, with Debbys help Im sure there will be many success storys
Angie Brown <reb.prince@tinyworld.co.uk>
Wallsey, UK - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 06:55:12 (EST)
I would like to say a huge thankyou to JEAN RYAN. After searching for nearly 15 years for my birth parents I was put in contact with JEAN RYAN.I gave her all the details at I had on a Wednesday.By the next day JEAN had not only found my birth mother but had spoken to her on the phone of over an hour and by sunday I had details of my Father, Grandfather, Sisters, Aunts and Uncles.On the next Friday I meet my Mother and one of my four Sisters for the first time. I have since meet all my family apart from my Father which I hope will happen soon.
I can not put into words how I feel after searching for nearly 15 years, that JEAN RYAN was able to find my Mother in ONE DAY and the rest of my family in FOUR DAYS, is so amazing. JEAN YOU are amazing. Thankyou so much for all you have done. I know that I wasn't and wouldn't have been able to have done it with out you. You are one in a million JEAN.
Thankyou for putting this family together again after all these years.
Yours always CAZ. xxx
Nottingham, UK - Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 12:40:45 (EST)
Here's a heart warming reunion, largely due to the help of John Wynn at:
and the Salvation Army at:
we have found all but one of the missing Taylor sisters.
There were five in the family and they were split up into care in the late 1940s/early 1950s. They had not seen each other since then!!
Initially we obtained all birth certificates. Then a trawl through the BMD records in London elicited the information that sadly Doreen Taylor-Green died in 1971.
But Dorothy (the youngest), Christine and Margaret have now been reunited after over 50 years!!
We are still looking for the eldest sister Joyce.
See: http://members.delphi.com/chrisjbrady/pc.jpg
Dorothy Taylor <paddisullivan@hotmail.com>
Reading, UK - Monday, November 27, 2000 at 13:57:22 (EST)
A big thank you to JOAN COLLINS for finding my birth father (KEN BAKER). When I first contacted Joan, I expected it to take years to find him as he has a fairly common name. But much to my amazement, she found him on the second phone call!! And now I've discovered I have 2 half brothers too. I spoke to my father, his wife and one of my brothers yesterday for the first time. I still can't believe how easily Joan made contact with them. Thank you so much for helping me and I know you'll continue to make a big difference to hundreds of peoples lives.
Anna Dixon <anna.dixon@bowne.com>
Cheshire, UK - Monday, November 27, 2000 at 12:54:39 (EST)
My wife is on the phone to her long lost brother at this very moment. Many, many thanks to this message board.
To all of you searching - may you have similar success very soon........Best regards to you all, Vic
VWStevens <vwstevens@vwstevens.freeserve.co.uk>
Worthing, West Sussex, UK - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 18:13:28 (EST)
There is no thank you great enough for ALAN COLINS for the assistance he gave in the search for my biological mother. We had been searching since fall 1992. We actually had gotten quite far but ran into a block about five years ago and that was it. Although we continued our search we could not get anywhere. My mother-in-law happened to be searching on the internet in UK and came upon this site. She e-mailed Alan Colins and within one week the search was ended and a phone call had taken place. He cannot know the jy I felt as the name became a person. My mum and I clicked immediately. It was the beginning of a new life for us all. i shall be passing along this sites address to anyone who is searching. God bless you all for the kindness and dedicaton. In many instances you are righting a wrong that was committed many years ago. It certainly was in this case. Good luck to all united families.
Michael Jeremy Hutchings <mpjohn@monarch.net>
Redcliff, Alberta Canada - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 14:38:41 (EST)
They say you should not suffer through the past. You should be able to wear it like a loose garment, take it off and let it drop. Our sincere thanks go out to JOAN ALLAN, if not for her my husband, Christopher John would be still suffering the past. A very special THANK YOU goes out to KAREN DAWSON, from Winnipeg, MB, Canada. If not for her we would never of known there was a very kind, caring individual out there that was so willing to give so much of themselves to help others. It took all of ten (10) days for JOAN ALLAN to locate my husband's birth mother and family. We placed a message with LOOKUPUK, a message that was read by KAREN DAWSON in Winnipeg, MB who out of the kindness of her heart made the decision to e-mail us to offer her assistance in our search. It was KAREN DAWSON who made us aware of JOAN ALLAN. An exchange of e-mails and then on Saturday, October 28, 2000 we received a call from KAREN DAWSON advising us that JOAN ALLAN was trying to contact us. My husband's birth family was found!! Through out the whole process JOAN ALLAN kept us up to date every step of the way. Individuals such as JOAN ALLAN and KAREN DAWSON come along few and far between. During the whole process both JOAN ALLAN and KAREN DAWSON made themselves available, no matter the time to help us through the ups and downs that is experienced going through the search of finding someone's birth mother and family. Never taking sides, both JOAN and KAREN were able to help all parties concerned in dealing with the many different emotions that were felt during the whole process. What is so very special about both JOAN and KAREN is their heart is in the right place and they do what they do for all the right reasons. They both have a caring heart and concern for others. JOAN truly understands the importance of ensuring all parties involved are receiving all the emotional support during the whole process. Christopher John and I were especially blessed as we also had KAREN DAWSON available to assist us whenever our emotions were in turmoil, and given the time difference this was extremely appreciated. It was my intention to hopefully locate my husband's birth mother and family as a Christmas present to my husband. At same time I thought there was no chance of that happening since deep down I thought there is no way they could be found this fast. Then came the call, I was in total shock since I never expected it to happen for Christmas let alone before Christmas and within a ten (10) day period. Since that call on Saturday, October 28, 2000 there has been an exchange of telephone calls, letters and pictures in the process of being exchanged, and a trip over to England in September, 2001. Within this short period of time I have seen a tremendous change in my husband. Our friends have even noticed that he is finally smiling. Something they haven't seen him do until now. JOAN ALLAN has excellent human relations, inter-personal and counseling skills that has played a major role in her being so successful in her searches and putting families together after years of separation. My husband is 49 years old and for the first time in his life he has someone he could call his mother, brother, sister and step-father. It doesn't take long to realize that individuals such as JOAN ALLAN and KAREN DAWSON are not doing this to put themselves in the lime light but do it because they truly believe in the importance of knowing one's roots. AMAZING is a word I used to discribe JOAN ALLAN and her reponse was that "she was just a house wife". I would like it known that JOAN ALLAN is far more than just a house wife, she's a guardian angel who thinks of others before she thinks of herself. In closing, I would like to express our deepest thanks and appreciation, if not for her we would of never located my husband's birth mother and family. At the same time special thanks need to be said for KAREN DAWSON who so willingly extended herself and made contact with us to offer her assistance. Having gone through the search process herself she was willing to assist a stranger who was going through the same process. THANK YOU THANK YOU. JJOAN ALLAN we can't wait for September to arrive and we are able to finally meet you in person also. To KAREN DAWSON I would like to say let's get together over a cup of coffee. SUCCESS comes when you do what you are doing for all the right reasons. JOAN ALLAN, who has been most successful has proven this over and over, there is no doubt in my mind that she will continue to be most successful.
Maggie / Christopher / Muffin / Sad Eyes
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Maggie Sauve / Christopher John <0403mu@mts.net>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 00:07:01 (EST)
A few days ago I posted a search message on these boards, the first time I had ever done so. Within a day or so I had an email from somebody with a possible address.
My mum phoned, and to cut a long story short, we found her mothers family, who are delighted to hear from her. Gobsmacked or what?! My mum has been searching for fifteen years!
Joanie Willett <Joanie.Willett@btinternet.com>
UK - Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 12:44:50 (EST)
Thank-You will never be enough, for what Debby Wilson did for me. In less than three months she had found my birthmother Jacci. I had been looking for 14 years without any success at all. Debby kept my spirits up when I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be typing my success story here knowing who my mother is, and having now met her and starting to build a mother/daughter relationship with her. People like Debby are true angels here on earth. Thank you god for Debby, and thank you Debby for what you have given me.
Hellen Washington-Powell <hellenwp@supanet.com>
Studley, Warwickshire UK - Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 08:07:45 (EST)
Would like to express the help Joan Allan has given me !!!!she has been great !!!!!!Murray
Murray Storrings <murr50@newmail.net>
MR, BC Canada - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 17:49:54 (EST)
A big big thankyou to Alan Collins.
He found my birthmum in just a few months.
I spoke to her for the first time on the phone yesterday (31.10.00). Everything went well.
We are arranging to meet in December.
I hope that Alan makes many more people happy as he did me.
Mary Reuther
Mary Reuther <RalfundMary.Reuther@T-Online.de>
Ennepetal, Germany - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 13:17:07 (EST)
Paul, Thank you for the info you gave me on the finding of my
3 children it was confirmed that they live in the leeds11
area but i still need the number of the house thankyou.
keith pratt <Tandoori78@hotmail.com>
wakefield, UK - Monday, October 30, 2000 at 15:14:45 (EST)
I never ever thought that i would be writing on this message bored, but with the help and guidance from DEBBY WILSON, who has been a star with the phone calls and e-mail,s She gave me the strengh and courage NEVER to give up hope DEBBY finally located my brother Andrew, and i spoke to him for the first time today. He also found out that he has another sister as well. we are making arrangements to all meet up for the first time very soon. These guy,s are the genuine ones, if anybody is thinking of tracing there family or friend,s FAMILYCIRCLE are dedicated people i would adivse anyone to get intouch with them. DEB you are a star, and we love you load,s we are sooooooooooo happy at what you achieved for us all. YOUR ONE IN A MILLION OXOXOXOXOXX OUR FRIEND FOR LIFE. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
MICHELLE ELLIS <nightnurseshell@yahoo.com>
UK - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 16:03:00 (EST)
After 35 years of trying to find a friend the search ended when Joan Allan so very kindly done lots of research and reunited us ,I cannot thank her enough for all what she done . many thanks Joan.
Blenda Quinlan <blenda_quinlan@ hotmail.com>
UK - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 14:58:18 (EDT)
Are you sitting there reading these success stories, wishing it could be you, wondering if you will ever find an end to your search. Perhaps you haven't read all the tributes on this page yet, but please read on...
Every one of the success stories was placed on here by the person who was searching, in their own words, their true feelings. Some of these people had never dared even hope that they would become another 'success' message on our board. IT CAN HAPPEN! Ok so not every tale has a happy ending, and what a wonderful life it would be if every search brought happy faces, sadly this can not always be; many birth moms have never got over the pain of losing their child to adoption, it was usually a decision that was forced upon them when they had nobody to turn to in their hour of need, and have blocked out the past to avoid it hurting any more. However some mums out there that have sat by the letterbox half their life just waiting for news of the child they lost, that have wondered every waking moment of every day, that have lived in hope.
If you are considering starting a search for your family, please read the messages below, and take encouragement from others. The Familycircle are here to help you if you want it, we do not charge for our time and efforts, all we ask is that the expenses of visits to records and certificate costs are covered, we will do our utmost to make your dream a reality, and perhaps it may be that a success message from you is being read by another person in the future, and they will take encouragement from you, like we hope you have taken encouragement from others today.
Whatever you decide, it has to be the right thing for you, and we wish you success in your search be it with or without the help of the Familycircle.
Familycircle <debby@familycircle.freeserve.co.uk>
Bucks, UK - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 16:57:21 (EDT)
One million thanks would not be enough for what Joan did for my family and I, especially my mother. My mom's from England, but came to the states many years ago. She lost contact with her twin sister, and other siblings, and hadn't seen any of them for about 38 years! In only two months, Joan found my mom's twin, and my mom had talked to her and her other siblings on the phone within the next couple of days! After trying the Salvation Army, and other websites, (having spent money to no avail), I couldn't believe how quickly Joan found my mom's twin, and how determined she was considering I did not have a whole lot of information to go on. She actually knocked on people's doors to find her, and you can tell she does this because she truly loves it. Within 6 weeks after she located my family, we were on a plane to England. After almost 40 years, it was tearful and exciting to get everyone together again; as one of my Aunt's said, it is now complete--the missing sister was found. Thanks again, Joan, there are no words to express the joy you've caused.
Deborah <wyldmind@earthlink.net>
Long Beach, CA USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 23:33:06 (EDT)
A big thank you to Debby - this afternoon she told me she had found my mother who only lives a few miles down the road! I am overwhelmed and cannot take this in at the moment but will be making contact with the family soon.
I can never thank you enough for all your help.
Rosetta Tagg <rosetta.tagg@adastra.co.uk>
UK - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 09:23:50 (EDT)
Following over 20 years of searching,I have just received the phone call I have been waiting for from the delightful Debbie at the Family Circle. Birth mother now located. Since Debby and her colleagues have been on the case, it has taken less than 12 months to find her. The combination of Debby and the team, coupled with the much needed resources of the internet, have been the most powerful tools in my search. Thank you Debby.Your tireless dedication and committment to helping others has restored my faith in human nature. I am now awaiting contact from my mother and feel optimistically confident of a successful outcome. Fingers crossed.
Rob <bibbettec@aol.com>
Devon, UK - Friday, October 20, 2000 at 08:31:30 (EDT)
Thanks to Joan I found a cousin of mine with whom I'd lost touch over 30 years ago after she moved to the South of England and I emigrated to Canada. Within about one week of contacting Joan, she was able to give me the full address and after writing to my cousin we are now back 'in touch' and catching up with each other's lives. This meant a great deal to me as my Mother and her sisters both have died in the past three years and I had no other way of finding out about my cousin! Thank you so much Joan!
Andrea Pretli <pretli@netscape.net>
Windsor, Ont Canada - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 00:03:15 (EDT)
Success! Thank you Carol Garratt at Family Circle with your help and in only around 3 weeks I'm now speaking to my Birth Mum.I have another family to meet, my adoptive parents are here(I emigrated from UK) and they're happy.So if you are thinking of searching don't be daunted by the apparent size of the issue.Just send a message.I'm coming to UK in Feb. to finally meet my birth Mum.Thank You again Carol and all at family Circle.I'll keep you posted.Love, Tim Scott
tim scott <melaroony@aol.com>
australia - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 23:40:56 (EDT)
On the 29th of August this year I e-mailed Carol Garratt the few details of my adoption that I knew. On the 18th of September she spoke to my birth mum. I never could have believed this could happen so quickly - I would certainly not have had a clue where to start myself. It is only because of the generosity of people like Carol that dreams are becoming reality for many adopted people. I would like to thank Carol with all my heart. She was there for me every step of the way with very sensible advice and support. I have not only found my birth mum but also my birth father and two full sisters. If you are looking for lost family or friends turn to Family Circle for help - they have changed my life forever.
Karen Warren <kdwarren@btinternet.com>
Spennymoor, Durham UK - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 15:58:26 (EDT)
steve olsen <solsen@stockton-online.ac.uk>
thornaby, UK - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 06:11:44 (EDT)
hello everyone. i would just like to say a big thankyou to joan allan for helping me to find my dad. if it hadnt been for her help i wouldnt have been able to visit him recently, after 17 years of not seeing him. a very big thankyou and keep up the hard work.
lesley <lauraolaura@hotmail.com>
lancashire, UK - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 13:28:47 (EDT)
Just to let you all know that after 5 years of looking I have finally found my birth mum.............I still don't think it's sunk in properly. I couldn't have done it without the help of Debby of the familycircle. This time last week I was beginning to believe that it just wasn't meant to be but it just goes to show that you should never give up hope. I've written her a letter and I'm just waiting for a reply.......after all this time I will finally get to know the woman that bought me into this world. KEEP SEARCHING - DON'T GIVE UP.
Kerry Haisman <kerryhaisman@hotmail.com>
Southampton, UK - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 07:55:28 (EDT)
If any of Family Circle's happy people have any reunion stories and photographs they would like placed on the Full Circle page then please contact the person who carried out your search for you - either Paul, Alan, Carol, Debby or Joan
Many thanks and I wish us all in the Family Circle lots more successes in the future.
To all of you out there that are still searching and wondering who to carry out your search for you - contact us first.
Joan Allan <joan@fingertips.fsnet.co.uk>
Bristol, UK - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 12:16:55 (EDT)
I had lost track of my Grandfather's Welsh relatives during my twenties, and they had lost track of me. I always assumed that my grandparents had their address and that I could easily contact them, but after my grandparents passed away my sister and I could not find any address that worked. We had misplaced our relatives, and I felt a terrible sense of loss. When I told people I was looking for relatives named Evans in Wales, they just laughed at me; they said the name was so common that I could shout it out on every corner and eight out of ten people would answer.
I always thought that there must be some way of locating them and kept trying with no result. After twenty years, my sister found an old address book that had a street address in Wales that I was sure was a correct one. Rather than write to it, I wanted immediate gratification after looking for so long. I asked Joan to check on it for me. She actually found someone to go knock on the door, and less than a week later, I was talking on the phone with my "lost" cousin Myra and catching up on over 25 years of family history. We are planning visits back and forth, and my sister and I are very excited! And I LOVE immediate gratification.
Patricia Pennell <thornapple2@hotmail.com>
Grand Rapids, Mi USA - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 11:24:22 (EDT)
Thank you to Joan Allan for helping me find a long lost friend. I was finally able to return some photos which belonged to him and we were also able to catch up on all the news since we last saw each other in 1970.
Kathy Brown <kathy.brown@butterworths.co.uk>
London, UK - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 09:15:33 (EDT)
hi im only 15 but i found out i had a brother last year who was the son of my father. unfortunately my father had passed away and so i had no way of getting further information on him to try and contact him.... i thought.
Then one day i wondered about the internet and thought i'd give it a go, im glad i did because after 6 months a lady called joan allan part of the family circle emailed me with and address and phone number i wrote a letter and within a week i had a reply i HAD found the person i was looking for.
As i read the letter though i discovered my brother did not want to know me or my sisters. I was dissapointed but understood why and that this may happen.
At least now i know an address and a little about him all thanks to joan who i am now still in contact with
so Thanks Joan i would probably still be searching if it wasn't for you!
liz thomas <liz.t@talk21.com>
WALES, UK - Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 09:46:40 (EDT)
I was looking for family members, I felt I knew the web well and search engines but I had no luck finding family. This service was provided free for me and I was happy to be contacted and given the opportunity to be united with family.
Deborah Roberts
Fairfield , IA USA - Saturday, October 14, 2000 at 21:42:21 (EDT)
A Big Big thankyou to lookup dot com, I only posted my message a while ago and I have found my birth mother Mrs Cotny and I have 1 brother and 3 sisters and so far they all want to meet me it turns out I have a large family on my birth mothers side, so to all you people looking dont give up I know I am lucky to find my family in a couple of months and to be excepted by them but this would not be possible without lookup dot com. If you are searching for any one in the north kent are espesualy Isle of Sheppy Maidstone, contact me on my address and I will see what I can do, as I have made a few contacts on my search,good luck and DONT GIVE UP.
Matthew Hart <gransmia@matt686.freeserve.co.uk>
Sheerness, UK - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 14:44:44 (EDT)
MY SEARCH: An update on the search for my birth mother.
I have searched for my birth mother, for many years, without success. My husband, came in one day, with a double page spread on searching for people. Among them, was www.lookupuk.com and with minutes of posting a message on the adoptees page, I had an e-mail from Paul Fields of the organisation. He had searched through the U.K data base, he has and advised that he would search the USA data base. Within 20 mins. he had an address in the States, for a lady who matched the details I had given. I took courage and wrote to this lady and in the early hours of this morning, 4th October,2000, I recieved an e-mail from her, along with a telephone number. I rang this lady and have spoken to my MUM for the first time in 47 years. Please, if you are still looking for your natural parents, DON`T GIVE UP HOPE, there is always someone out there who will help. Thanks Paul to you and your staff. You have made a sad woman happy. Christine
Christine A Naylor <NaylorChristine@aol.com>
Doncaster, South Yorkshire UK - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 14:36:08 (EDT)
I would like to thank Lookup for enabling me to find my biological father. I posted a message last year, originally searching for my birth mother but I also put my fathers' name on there too. Three weeks ago he sent me an e-mail in response and we have been communicating furiously ever since.
UK - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 03:23:06 (EDT)
THANK YOU CAROL. For all your help and tireless effort over the past few months in tracing my son Michael who I have not seen for 23 years since he was adopted. After your phone call tonight I finally spoke to him and we are arranging to meet and make up for some of those lost years. Words just cannot explain how I felt as I spoke to him for the first time in 23 years and to be able to call him Son and to hear him call me Dad. I think that the work you are doing is wonderful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Rob.
Robin Young <robin.young7@virgin.net>
County Durham, UK - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 18:32:21 (EDT)
TO carol,many thanks for all your help over the past weeks
in looking for my birth mum,i had contact with her on 25/9/00 and everything was just great i also had a phone call from a brother that i never knew that i had and that
was great we talked,laughed and did a lot of crying too
but in all it was one of the happist times of my life and i cant say how much this all meansto me,so thankyou from me
and my birth mum and my new family too keep up all the great
work that you do and i will stay in touch. Graham
graham cracknell <maggie@iexpress.net.au>
perth, wa australia - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 03:58:40 (EDT)
On Frid.15th Sept. I put a message asking for help in tracing a relative out of contact for about 50 yrs. I had tried all other avenues I could think of. On 16th Sept. I couldn't believe it when I opened my E-mail to find the answer already on line. I was looking in and around London/Surrey/Sussex etc but my cousin was found in Shropshire!! I have since spoken to the family per tel; and now E-mail. Words (almost) fail me. My thanks Paul.
Cynthia Hinds nee Hayes <suseh@ihug.co.nz>
Auckland, NZ - Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 15:48:13 (EDT)
Success, after 40 years I have made contact, through Lookupuk, with one of my old friends I had in Bahrain. His nephew saw my message and past it on.
Paul B King <paul.b.king@btinternet.com>
Bury St Edmunds, UK - Monday, September 18, 2000 at 15:59:41 (EDT)
This time last year I was an adoptee who knew nothing about my birth family or how to begin tracing them. A friend of mine (Debby Wilson) gave me all the information and ideas about how to start tracing, she came to the records, social services and between our families we eventually traced my birth mother Josie, along with my natural sisters Stephanie and Jodie, and nieces, nephews and a whole big family.
After a while my birth mother felt confident enough to tell me all about her life, which was very sad, and she told me that she had left her two daughters with their father after being in a very unhappy relationship that she had to get out of in a hurry, she had tried to get the girls back but it was not to be.
Debby by this time had joined up with another person on the net who also helped in searches, this was Alan Collins. Debby passed on the details of the two girls that my birth mother had left, (that it turned out had later been adopted against my mothers wishes) and Alan trawled the adoption registers and traced the girls new names. Not only did he do this for us, but he then went on to trace one of the girl’s marriages so that we could begin the search for them. My birth mother was happy for us to find them but didn’t hold out much hope of us ever tracing them.
Due to the perseverance of Debby and Alan we were able to begin tracing the two girls that our birth mother had never forgotten. Unfortunately, due to circumstance, we were unable to trace the girls using the tools that we had as they had recently moved. However, By this time Debby and Alan had formed what is now known as the Family Circle, along with Paul Field as the web host for their site (www.lookupuk.com/familycircle). Paul has backed Debby and Alan in their venture to help others in their searches, and Joan Allen had now joined the Family Circle so there are three people to help everyone out there searching.
Joan Allen finished the search for us, as she wrote to one of the girls for us, to act as a third party. Joan phoned Debby on Friday to let her know that one of the sisters had now replied and would love to know us!
All I can do is say to you all, if you are searching for your roots, missing friends or family, then go to the Family Circle. Paul Field Alan Collins Debby Wilson and Joan Allan are known as the Family Circle, but personally I think they should be known as the Magic Circle!
My sincere thanks for all of their help; my family is now complete….
Thanks a million
Please note that my computer is a bit sick at the moment, so I have come over to Debby’s to type this out, but this message is from ME, One Happy Bunny.
Bucks UK, UK - Monday, September 18, 2000 at 10:15:47 (EDT)
Thank you Debbie Wilson. You are wonderful. Iwas told that it would be very hard to find my birth mom because her name was so common. Valerie Smith was a real common name .I posted a message on the message board and was contacted by debbie she said she would try and not to give up. She was right we have found Valerie and her family. I have not talked to her or written her yet but my mom has been in contact with her brother and has exchanged pictures. I am going to e-mail her brother soon with a letter to my birth mom. I want debbie and all the people who are searching for friends and family to know how wonderful she is. And if you are searching for a loved one or a friend Debbie and the family circle are the one s jfor you. Thank you so very much
Debbie my family and I thank you. Sincerly Steve
Steve Withers <Saca87@aol.com>
Los Alamos, Ca United states - Sunday, September 17, 2000 at 02:06:59 (EDT)
Thanks Paul, For helping to find my Father after thirty two years.
Walter Horner <horner321@hotmail.com>
Dakar, Senegal - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 10:12:45 (EDT)
LookUp Uk has been responsible for finding my long lost penfriend, Mary who lives in Scotland. We corresponded for 13 years before losing touch and another 27 years passed before I was able to use LookUp and find my friend again. It has been wonderful to catch up on all the news, find that the daughter she named afer me and all her other children are real sweeties who are willing to send me e-mails regularly and my Mary and I are as close as ever. The wonderful part is that because of my disability, I am seldom able to use the phone and the Internet has been my only means of communication. I did manage one phone call to Scotland - it was the first and only time in 40 years that Mary and I had spoken. Now I feel closer to Mary and her family than I do my own. No words can adequately express my gratitude to Paul and the services of LookUp UK.
Wendy White <molly@picknowl.com.au>
Woodcroft, S.A Australia - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 00:24:39 (EDT)
to anybody out there.
paul has saved a young mans life. heres how. for 38 years my friends and i have been trying to locate michael mccracken jr. his name had been changed. we are artists. his father also michael mcckracken was one of us. called san francisco beats. he became mentally and emotionally disabled. arthur monroe, a great black american artist and myself were living in new york city. michael was being cared for by friends in san francisco. arthur and i had been traveling in the wilds of mexico. michael was to ill to acompany us. when arthur and i landed in new york city our friends in san francisco called us and asked us to care for him in new york at our lower east side studio. he flew out and we took care of him. this brought little 3 year old michael in contact with his father as his mother carol lived around the corner. soon things got out of hand. this was in 1965. carol left for mexico with the baby and died in a motel in tijuana. meanwhile with out our knowledge of this event we devised a plan to help cure big michael we got payne whitney psychiatrik hospital in n.y. city to take big michael as a patient. one day we went to visit him and he was gone. the united states govt, discovered he was an illegal alien. he had been brought to america at one year of age and left here. eventually growing and drifting into san franciscos bohemia and his painting carear. in short the compassionate american govt deported big michael to the u.k. where he knew no one. he was soon released from a psych hospital and after writing a good bye letter to us killed himself. this left our sacred duty to care for his son in tatters. in short pauls service to humanity helped unite us all, give little michael back his true name, and allow him to become who he was allways destined to be. thanks paul
michael bowen
pahoa hawaii
and florence italy
michael bowen <bowen@beatscene.com>
pahoa, hawaii usa - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 16:52:22 (EDT)
I was searching for some very dear friends in Trowbridge last year, I was frantic and kept comming up against brick walls but, thanks to this superb web site I was re - united with all of my lost friends and found that there was some new additions, I am now a god parent and an adopted uncle many times over. life is so wonderfull and it's all down to the dedicated work of the people behind this web site. a big thank you.
chris knight <chris@may58.freeserve.co.uk>
Norwich, UK - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 12:03:45 (EDT)
I posted a message recently asking for info on CARON BINKS. A woman got back to me (sorry, I can't remember your name), but I wish to say "THANKS"!
Caron & I met up 2 days ago for the first time, and we MAY be half-sisters!! (We still need to clarify a few missing details, but after searching for her for 7 years, I can now sleep at night again)!
Thanks again for the help I was given! The response I had from my message on this board was immediate!!!
Tracey Webb
Tracey Webb <jon-trace@webbhome.freeserve.co.uk>
UK - Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 19:10:01 (EDT)
I have been searching for my birth mother for the last eight years and was about to give up. I found this site by accident. With the help of Debby Wilson I have found my birth mother and brother. It only took three weeks. I have spoken to them both on the phone and it was fantastic. My advice to anyone searching is please don't give up hope. Thanks to Debby I can finally fill in the gaps in my life. She is a truly wonderful person.
Ness <nessie@bassoli.netlineuk.net>
London, UK - Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 16:28:08 (EDT)
Debby Wilson and her crew are fantastic. She has found my sons birth mother after 35 years. We moved from England to the US in 1965 when Steve was just 8 months old. All I knew about his birth mother was that her maiden name was VALERIE SMITH and she had twin siblings, I thought that the twins were both boys but was wrong, there was a boy and girl. My daughter in law started searching on the web and came across Family circle. Debby Wilson said it wouldn't be easy to find a Valerie Smith, who we knew had moved soon after the birth, but we didn't know where, but that she would give it a shot. She only required a very small stipend to cover telephone calls and research documents, I could not believe at what she asked for compared to outrageos amounts stated by others for searching. I'm sure it hardly covered the cost of her petrol. Debby did have a hard time at locating Valerie, but would not give up. She was able to locate one of the twins, and success. I have been writing to Valeries brother for the last week and we have been catching up as a FAMILY. Steve has not yet contaccted Valerie and her family, we all have a lot to work through, but we will do that at our own pace, and I'm pretty sure that both of our families will benefit from this. Debby, you are WONDERFUL. How can we ever thank you for this? Keep up the good work.
Maureen Withers <MMauregAcs.com>
Santa Maria, Ca USA - Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 13:55:05 (EDT)
Many thanks to Joan who helped Esther from New Zealand find her blood relations (Haylocks) in England. Esther and her new found cousins are wholly delighted to find each other after many lost years. You have made a lot of people really happy - thankyou.
Patricia Ward and her cousin Esther
UK - Friday, September 01, 2000 at 07:07:25 (EDT)
I had been trying to locate my cousin in the UK for several months through different web sites. I finally found your site and posted her name. In no time at all I had the information that found her. It came from someone named Steve who very kindly emailed me some information. I will never be able to thank him enough for taking the time to help. Now when I visit the UK in September I will be able to visit her. I have not seen her for 24 years. You have a great web site. Thank you.
Joan Dyson <dysonj@altavista.com>
Sylvan Lake, AB Canada - Sunday, August 27, 2000 at 15:16:01 (EDT)
After some 13 years of searching I found a brother who like my self had been adopted (my d.o.b Mar 27 40) my brother July 20 42 we were born to Marjorie Joyce Long. I was Born Hackney my brother Bristol. My birth name Terence John brother Christopher Keith, as stated I did find my brother living in Canock England we meet for the very first time Sept of 1989 was that some meeting we had a great relationship, until he was killed in a motor bike accident on July 24th 1994. While in Enland to attend to his funeral I meet up with a half sister, who had no knowledge of her two half brothers. Marjorie Long Died April 1994 3 weeks prior to my adoptive mother passing away. If there is any one out there that maybe able to throw some light on my family it would be appreciated as we do belive that there is other sibblings out there some place Marjorie Joyce Long was also born in the Hackney area and as far as I can make it out come from a large family, some still living but not willing to talk. My Brother was renamed Robert Champion aand lived in the Birmingham Area, Sister is Sue Snook living in the Keynsham area. anyone with any info caan please contact me.
Thank you
Terry Garland <terrygarland@home.com>
Ajax, ont Canada - Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 16:18:51 (EDT)
Just a big thanks to Joan Who helped me contact my father after 22 years last time i saw him i was 5 but weve both grown a bit since and are to build a relationship again onve more many thanks to Joan and the rest of the crew
Matthew Hutton <matthew.hutton@bt.com>
UK - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 04:53:32 (EDT)
Paul Field - Thank you for helping me to find my Brother in the UK. Had
not seen him in 27 years. Had a wonderful re-union thanks to your kindness.
Chris Lloyd-Owen <cllo@home.com>
Barrie, ON Canada - Monday, August 14, 2000 at 13:07:10 (EDT)
Debby your a very special person,to us ,without your help and guidance ie: by e_mail, or by phone i would still be trying to find my father, whom i hav,nt sen since i was 2yrs old, i am now 39yrs. THESE GUY,S ARE THE BEST EVER, i would advise anyone looking for lost relatives to use this gtreat web site, these are the genuine guy,s, keep up the good work.i have been through all sort,s of emotion,s but Debby Wilson, hwho im proud to be assoiated with has help me all the way, CHEER,S DEB LOVE YA FOREVER i spoke to my father the other week for the first time in 38 yrs, hoping soon to meet him for the first time. and its all down to Debby . THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Michelle Ellis <nightnurseshell@yahoo.com>
UK - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 09:29:41 (EDT)
I have just visited this site for the first time and found one of my old school friends, now living in New Zealand, has been looking for me, forty years later. Unless it has happened to you, to see YOUR name there, you just don't know how it feels. I was shaking, shrieking and laughing all at the same time.
Thankyou lookup.UK - the Internet lines are going to be pretty busy for a while, in school the two of us were alwys in trouble for talking in class, now we've got 40 years to catch up on!
Kay Hitchen <Kay@hitchen.greatxscape.net>
Anglesey, UK - Sunday, August 06, 2000 at 10:04:12 (EDT)
A big thankyou to Debby Wilson who within days of contacting found my birth family. We are now in regular contact and meet as often as possible. I have 4 sisters and a brother I would never of known if it wasnt for Debby, and she is such a kind and genuine person. Keep up the good work gang and to all who are searching NEVER GIVE UP.
angie brown <reb.prince@tinyworld.co.uk>
Wallasey, UK - Monday, July 31, 2000 at 04:55:22 (EDT)
Joan. Just an official thanks to say cheers for making the phone call on my behalf to Jamies birth mum. It was a difficult situation and Joan made the contact for me. Jamies success story will be on the Case Studies soon along with a photo of him and his family.
Cheers Joan, you're a star. Glad your part of our Family! deb
Debby <debby@familycircle.freeserve.co.uk>
Bucks UK, UK - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 14:49:13 (EDT)
The biggest thankyou in the world to Joan Allan for helping me to search for a relative who had been missing for 60 years! My aunty hadn't had any contact with her brother since they were very young until a letter arrived from him, out of the blue, a couple of months ago. Unfortunatly the letter did not include a contact address so she had no way of responding. She was desperate to find her brother but there seemed to be little chance of locating him as we had very little information to go on. I posted a message on the 'Missing-You' site in the hope that somebody somewhere may have some information. As a result I was contacted by Joan and I can't thank her enough for the help and support she has given us! Joan provide possible addresses and phone numbers and was there every step of the way to offer encouragement and advice. One of the addresses Joan came up with didn't have a phone number so my aunty, desperate to follow up any possible leads, went to the address in person with her husband. Understandably she was very nervous and decided to wait in the car while her husband went up to the house. As soon as the front door was opened she knew she had found her brother! They are delighted to have been reunited and are enjoying catching up on the many years they have spent apart! Thankyou again to Joan and good luck to anyone else searching for missing relatives and friends!
Sarah xxx
Sarah James <elf-dude@verysmallvillage.junglelink.co.uk>
UK - Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 17:54:03 (EDT)
Michelle Ellis <nightnurseshell@yahoo.com>
UK - Monday, July 24, 2000 at 10:50:57 (EDT)
Looking for one of my best mates, from my prep school years. I don't know his fathers name, ie. where he lives, but I know the GENERAL area. I was having no luck, and felt like phoning the first number I saw... and got his cousin!
SUCCESS!. Thankyou
P. Bodenham <pad_bod_99@hotmail.com>
N/A, UK - Sunday, July 23, 2000 at 09:57:00 (EDT)
Dear Joan,
My sister and I want to thank you very much for finding our brother Sebastiaan!!!
We`ve been looking for him for a long time,but finally after consulting your site and asking for your help we have found him.This means that my sister and I have got contact with our brother and we have seen him also.It took us 9 long years,and we wish that we knew about you along time ago! Thanks and lots of love Wendy and Natasja Duerinck
Wendy Duerinck <wle@belcast.be>
Antwerp, Belgium - Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 08:07:51 (EDT)
I read the Email from Joan Allen in total disbelief,
"Call me Susan has made Contact"...in that momment Joan
had brought together 2 people who had no idea where each other was
for 32 years...a search that took barely 3 weeks and erased
a lifetime of shared doubt and questions.
This miracle of sluething and care by Joan Allen will never
be forgotten and I thank her and this wonderful service
for bringing me so much joy, it is imeasurable.
For any reading this be assured that the miracle of finding
someone after 32 years is probably the finest feeling in
the world...and My Joan will help you ABSOLUTELY AMAZING
she in without a doubt in my mind "An Angel"
Thank you Joan..my angel
Forever in gratitude
David Christian
David Christian <dhc@direct.ca>
Vancouver, Canada - Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 00:59:57 (EDT)
After 3 yrs of searching for the birthmother of my fiance, Patrick, I was shocked to find another posting on Dec 9, 1999 for someone else also looking for the same birthmother. I had found his half-brother, Darren, in the UK. On March 18, 2000, they were united at the Gatwick Airport for 3 weeks, and then on July 17, 2000, they were reunited in Florida for another 3 weeks.
We continue to search for their half-sister, Anita Dinsdale, now 43 yr/old. Records show she married Mr. Fletcher in Warrington, UK and is now Anita Fletcher, but the trail stops there.
Patrick Vasquez <Dellrie@cfl.rr.com>
Palm Bay, FL USA - Wednesday, July 19, 2000 at 20:56:19 (EDT)
I have just been re-united with my mother and sister after searching for many years.if anyone who is in the same position as i was and is begining to lose hope please never, ever give up.we were re-united after a neighbour saw my message on a message board and contacted my sister,so please persevere and maybe you will be as lucky as me. good luck and best wishes. judy.
judy maude <moyaine@judy21.fsnet.co.uk>
york, UK - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 13:42:57 (EDT)
thanks. second phonecall on list.amazing I spoke to my cousin who I never new I had.apparently there is another 8 children to trace so its not over yet.much appreciation.top web site.RESPECT.
phil green <phildeb@madasafish.com>
deeside, flintshire UK - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 12:04:00 (EDT)
I would like to thank with all my heart, Debby Wilson and Paul Field, particularly Debby Wilson, who took the time to find my birthmother. I had been searching with NO success for 18 months and I was losing hope. Within 2 weeks of e-mailing Debbie she had found my birthmother and had made contact with her. Since then my birthmother and I have exchanged letters ( she is in England, I am in Canada) and I have talked to her on the phone. She has never told anyone that she had a child, so we are keeping a low profile. She and I are both ecstatic about finding each other and it surely would not have happened without the help of Debby Wilson. If anyone needs help, contact Debby Wilson or Paul Field. They are "Earth Angels" and I would like to express my gratitude to them. Never lose hope.
Valerie Beesley <johnbee@oanet.com>
Canada - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 10:31:58 (EDT)
It has been a matter of days that i first contacted Debby. Tonight i spoke to my mother for the first time in 40 years. It still hasn`t sunk in as it has all happened so quick.All i can say is that this is a woman,who has no interest in gaining any profit,just her kind heartedness and the will to reunite people. She is the only one who has made this happen.Words cannot express how i feel at this moment. I am going to meet my mother for the first time next weekend. To anyone who is searching out there I would stongly recommend getting in contact with Debby. I nearly gave up hope and was having one last attempt. Thank God[to me debby is] i did. Good luck to you all. Never give up hope.Ken
Ken Heppell <Ken@kheppell.fsnet.co.uk>
Middlesbrough, UK - Sunday, July 09, 2000 at 18:12:15 (EDT)
Thank you Lookupuk, Family Circle and thank you most of all Joan (Allan). A week ago all I had were 5 names which I belived belonged to my birth mother and her family and no real idea how to find them. Last Saturday I was sent an email by Joan offering help and I eventually managed to avoid the constant busy tone on her phoneline on Sunday afternoon and by Monday night Joan had managed to find Myra my birth mother and I had found a whole family.By wednesday morning I had Joan telling me that Myra did want to meet me, and now I have had two phone conversations with Myra and we will meet for the first time on Monday. I may have found Myra eventually on my own, but Joan made it happen NOW. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
Arlene Phillips <mike_arly@hotmail.com>
Cardiff, UK - Friday, June 30, 2000 at 16:53:25 (EDT)
I just want to thank Paul Field for his message boards, due to putting a message on here I have managed to get in contact with 5 half brothers and sisters.This happened after only a few weeks of putting messages on here and yet prior to that I had been searching for over 20 years with little success.Thanks again.
lorraine <dave.millen@tesco.net>
UK - Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 14:32:01 (EDT)
Dear Paul, A BIG, BIG THANK YOU from us for sending the information that enabled my Mum to find her younger sister who she hasn't seen in 28 years. It only took two days from when we first posted our message this week. You have made a 79 year old lady extremely happy. My mum is over in the UK at the moment on holiday and she, together with her other sister are going up to Newcastle to see my aunt.
Thank you once again and to everyone else who are trying to trace family or friends "DON'T GIVE UP, MIRACLES STILL HAPPEN".
Ray and Pam Smith <raypam@globalfreeway.com.au>
Cooyar, Queensland Australia - Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 04:50:06 (EDT)
Reunited - Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to Debby Wilson for all her hard work in tracing my friends long lost brothers Ian and Mel Kanelis as my surporise 50th birthday present for my very good friend Malcolm Cherry in London.
I spoke to one of the brothers Mel alst night and then to Malc who is just coming down from the ceiling.They are all so excited and asked me to say many many thanks to Debby. They are delighted that after 50 years they can have the opportunity to meet and any family issues from the past can stay where they belong.... in the past.
Brilliant team effort by the Family Circle as in the middle of all the searching activity, poor Debs pc suffered a meltdown.
Owe you one Debs and Family Circle.
Never give up everyone out there. Be brave and remember if you do not ask you do not get!!! Seek and ye shall find,
Keep up the excellent work!!!!
Good Luck to everyone searching... you can succeed if you use these trusted good hearted people.
Steve N
Stephen Newman <stevejnewman@hotmail.com>
Poulton-Le-Fylde, UK - Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 06:20:33 (EDT)
Thank you for providing such a wonderful web site. I am 35 and will be visiting my halh brother for the first time this weekend, for him it will be the first time he has ever toched a birth relative in 39 years. THE LORD DOES WORK IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS
Clive <buyit99@hotmail.com>
Newcastle, UK - Monday, June 26, 2000 at 17:12:54 (EDT)
We were looking for my brother-in-law, Steven Butcher. After he and my sister split, their son - my nephew had no contact with his father or his fathers family - not of their choice. After some eighteen years we decided to start looking through the internet, and through other agencies. We did not have the house number of the last known address for Stevens mother and father, so my sister visited the street to see if she could recognise the house. She talked to a neighbour, who remembered the family vaguely. The neighbour, Joyce, was kind enough to point out to my sister the correct house, but the owners there had bought from the family who had bought from the Butchers. However, Joyce took a contact telephone number, and over the next 24 hours she made enquiries with people in the area. She found a friend who not only remembered the Butcher family, but her brother was sharing a house - at this moment - with Steven Butcher. My sister had visited the street on a Thursday afternoon - on Friday evening we had the call from Steven we had been looking forward to for so long.
Ann Turton <at95282@aol.com>
London, UK - Monday, June 26, 2000 at 05:23:46 (EDT)
Dear Paul, I am most grateful for the information you sent me. I have found my cousin, Tony Lamb, who I lost track of 36 years ago. My family thanks you. Sincerely,Brenda
Brenda Verlander <Vanderlynd@aol.com>
Phoenix, AZ US - Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 19:56:52 (EDT)
Sincere Thanks.
Good luck Alan in your venture with the LookupUk Family Circle ~ from Barbara,Janet,Ellenor,Gail,Bev,Clarice,Christine, Joan and Debbie. All Mums (N.P.S.G) who you have helped find our sons + daughters who we were forced to give up, for adoption, at birth. We thank you for your help, comfort, understanding and genuine sincerity. Without you we would have been lost. You were fantastic, we love you loads. To all those searching for their loved ones, have faith and take strength from the following verse:
"Reach for your Goals"
Whatever the goal you are persuing, no matter how rugged the climb, we're certain to get there by trying our best, and taking one day at a time.
"Forever" is hard to imagine,
"the future" may seem far away~but every new dawn brings a wonderful chance to what we can on that day.
As you reach for the goals you would like to achieve, may you find all the strength you will need~ to meet every challenge, one step at a time till the day when you proudly succeed!..
Godbless you all.
Goodluck to all at Lookupuk.com family Circle.
Barbara <Blinley@talk21.com>
Notts., UK - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 17:14:13 (EDT)
Simon - your email address is incorrect. If you want help please make contact on my email address or 01454 615031/620727 anytime.
Joan Allan <joan@fingertips.fsnet.co.uk>
Bristol, UK - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 10:42:21 (EDT)
I have to put this message to give hope to all the people looking for loved ones and relatives, Without the help of Joan Allen i would never have found my father whom i have never seen, i am 33yrs old and decided after a close relative of mine died that i should at last begin to look for my father. I put a notice on the message board with no expectations of anybody reading it. Then within a week i got an E mail from Joan Allen offering help, i was amazed !!!we exchanged mail, and chatted on the phone for hours. She contacted me everyday with updates, but deep down i wasnt sure we'd find him.
Then after two weeks i got the phone call that changed my life, she had found him, spoken to him and he was overjoyed.
He phoned me yesterday (fathers day) and we had a very happy and emotional conversation, he said it was the best fathers day present he could have ever had. He now knows he is a Grandad, and to top it all off i have two sisters who cant wait to meet me. I am going there in two weeks time to see them. I really hope my story helps anyone who is getting disheartened, i cannot thank Joan Allen & the family circle for giving me the missing link, and making me feel complete. Joan your a star and im sure we shall remain friends always.
amanda <ZIrdem@aol.com>
london, UK - Monday, June 19, 2000 at 10:17:26 (EDT)
hiya my name is crisanne, and my husband karl had never met his father, and about a month ago thanx to Joan Allan we got in contact with him shye found him for us and all she asked for was her telephone bill rembersed. so if you guys wanna find someone you know whos the woman you need to speak to!! good luck ya'll!! love crisanne X
crisanne <crisanne77@hotmail.com>
gibraltar, gibraltar - Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 19:04:21 (EDT)
norma and iain wilde <wildbit2000@aol.com>
yorkshire, UK - Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 10:42:08 (EDT)
are you searching for somebody ? youve never ever met if your feeling alone or scared then come on to the net. the family circle will be waiting to summons to your call they help you every step of the way and pick you up if you fall dont ever give up looking my friends even if the search is far and wide speak to debbie and joan and they,ll be by your side there dedication is endless they,ll search low and high and if things become emotional they,ll even listen to you cry dont ever sit around and mope out there somewhere is always hope do it now before its to late and thanks to debbie and joan for been great mates
norma and iain wilde <wildbit2000@aol.com>
yorkshire, UK - Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 09:40:18 (EDT)
Iwould like to thank one of your users, who has been a wonderful help, in my friend locating his
natural mother, what a woman.Our most sincere thanks to you. Kris. Rob and David,
Kris <merlo@origin.net.au>
Australia - Friday, June 16, 2000 at 01:39:43 (EDT)
Our thanks to Joan Allan who did an amazing job in locating our bridesmaid of nearly 50 years ago - who surprisingly now lives within 30 miles of us. Great work Joan!!
Stella & David Crump
UK - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 01:54:23 (EDT)
My inital message on a 'rival'message board produced zero response, and I was only mildly interested when i recieved an email from paul field, suggesting that I might try your service. When I opened up your screen, there, as the first entry was precisely the contact I needed, and within 2 days I was exchanging messages with a school pal I haven't seen for 40 years. Amazing. Very many thanks.
peter pocock <ppocock_2000@yahoo.com>
riyadh, saudi arabia - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 01:40:57 (EDT)
Would like to thank Joan Allan , who has done alot to try and fine Bernard A. Savage for me .thank you Joan >>>>Murray Storrings
Murray Storrings <murr50@usa.net>
MR, BC Canada - Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 00:11:19 (EDT)
I would like to thank Paul Field from the bottom of my heart for helping me find my two daughters who live in the UK. Haven't seen or heard from them in 20 years. I'm now happy to say that I've been in contact with them and have discovered that I am now a grandad. What a blast. This is best news I've had in along time. Once again thanks Paul.
Peter Baehnisch <pbaehnisch@hotmail.com>
Perth, WA Australia - Monday, June 12, 2000 at 15:06:57 (EDT)
THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!! As I am writing this my father is sat in my kitchen!!! what's so amazing about that i hear you ask? well, i haven't seen him for over 20 years!!! YES twenty years, Joan you are a star!!! if it wasn't for you that would't of been possible. After literally 24 hours after asking Joan for help BINGO, i called her and that day then i was reunited with my father, I also have two half sisters, and he is a grandad for the very first time! keep up the good work Joan!! if this can happen for me,(and i had little faith that i would find him at all) it could happen for you. that's all i wanted to say. cheers TracyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Tracy Fulstow <tfulstow@genie.co.uk>
Winchester, UK - Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 13:13:43 (EDT)
this is a great big thanks to joan allen.my sister inlaw had being trying to trace her birth father for 13years but drew a total blank.after 20 minutes joan managedto find his current address.what a star.at the moment joan is well on form tracing my husbands birth mum with help from debbie wilson.hopefully we have nearly found her. will keep you posted on latest news. never give up . call joan or debbie but be in for ashock as theyll amaze you. thankyou debbie and joan keep up the good work norma.
norma wilde <wildbit2000@aol.com>
scarborough, UK - Friday, June 09, 2000 at 11:37:49 (EDT)
I am thrilled to be able to say that Debby Wilson from the Family circle has helped me to trace a friend that I havnt seen for 28 years. Debby has been absolutely fantastic,caring and totally professional. I had been searching myself for years and Debby found her in less than two weeks. If you want help finding someone I can think of no better person to help you than Debby Wilson.
Glenys Croston <Glenys@gcroston.fsnet.co.uk>
worksop, UK - Friday, June 09, 2000 at 09:50:32 (EDT)
thank you Joan Allan for your help to find the family woolf. my mother was very happy to receive their adress and that so fast! greetings evelyn
Evelyn Hager <ehager@freesurf.ch>
Winterthur, CH - Thursday, June 08, 2000 at 03:53:41 (EDT)
Thank you to all who have placed messages on this site. I have only recently (5 weeks) been doing this and must say it is a pleasure to have helped everyone I have and am doing. It is a great privilege to be able to help people. I can see both sides of the coin - I have an adopted son and cannot wait until he is 18 to meet his bmother if she wishes (my son feels the same). He has always known of her existence - if all adoptive parents were the same as us there wouldn't be the amount of messages on here. Thank you Paul,Debby, Alan and June for welcoming into The Family Circle where we all work together to help reunite loved and lost ones. Soon you will see a message from a young man who I recently reunited with his birth mother - he had the added bonus of finding that she had married his natural father and had two younger brothers. I acted as intermediary and it was as emotional for me as it was her when I told her he was looking for her. I am in regular contact with him and his mother. My next challenge is to find her parent - she was adopted.
The Family Circle <The Family Circle>
Bristol, UK - Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 14:11:36 (EDT)
Thanks Jean and Debby
I had been looking for my birth father for 15 years with no sucess(with a name like smith it's very hard)I contacted Jean and Debby through this website and within 2 weeks I had a contact address for my Aunt and a wonderful family reunion. 3 weeks on I have now been in contact with my father and I will be meeting him within the week. I can only say no matter how hard it seems and how long it takes it can and does happen. Thanks with all my heart to Jean and Debby I couldn't have done it without you two. Yours always Woody xxxx
Colin <woody@ntlworld.com>
nottingham, UK - Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 12:35:28 (EDT)
Joan Allan who has joined you recently found a relative (my aunty) whom we were looking for and hadn`t contacted for over 20years who lives in the uk.We put a notice on the net back in Feb this year and Joan located her in May for us we thank you again Joan.Mandy & family
mandy lord <ratbag@picknowl.com.au>
adelaide, s/a australia - Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 08:57:48 (EDT)
We would like to thank Joan Allan, my Mum and I had been searching for at least 12 months for my Grandfathers brothers and sisters, who he hadn't seen since he left for Australia in 1961.
About 4 weeks ago Joan emailed to me a list of Munday's in the Southampton area. We found one name that we had been searching for and posted a letter, we couldn't believe it when two weeks later we had a reply and it was my grandfathers brother, it turns out they haven't seen or spoken to each other in 51 years.
The joy this has brought to my grandparents and the rest of our family is beyond words.
Once again thank you to Joan for your help.
Fiona Cauchi (Munday) and Yvonne Munday
Fiona Cauchi (nee Munday) <fcauchi@optusnet.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Monday, June 05, 2000 at 21:37:20 (EDT)
I would like to say thank-you so much to Joan Allan for the short time she took in finding a friend who I had not seen or heard from for 35 years it was a very moving moment when we spoke on the phone, Im so gratful to you Joan , Icannot believe the short time it took just a few days thanks again
Blenda Quinlan <blenda_quinlan@ hotmail.com>
Benfleet Essex, UK - Monday, June 05, 2000 at 15:07:14 (EDT)
I would like to thank Joan Allan for her valueable assistance in tracing my long lost uncle and my mothers dear brother who she had not seen for over twenty five years and would recommend anyone to contact her if needing any help at joanallan@talk21.com Many thanks Joan....John
John Linton <johnjane@linton.new.labour.org.uk>
COVENTRY, UK - Monday, June 05, 2000 at 03:38:51 (EDT)
I just wanted to share my success story with you! Nine years ago I left the UK to marry and live in the US and I lost touch with a number of dear friends. Of course it's so much harder to find them across the Atlantic too! I had searched for my friend for that whole time and then I ran across a lady called Joan Allan (joan@fingertips.fsnet.co.uk)who had seen a posting I put on a bulletin board and had gone ahead and found an adress of a person that she thought it might be. She asked for only a small "donation" if this turned out to be my friend. I wrote a letter and a week later I receieved a phone call. It WAS the right person, and she was as thrilled as I was that I had found her and even said she had cried when she read the lengths I had gone to to find her. We are both married with babies and are really enjoying catching up by phone and e-mail! THANKS JOAN! Like I told you - you made my whole YEAR!
Wishing you all luck in your searches!
Ruth <RNRNuss@aol.com>
Naugatuck, CT USA - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 21:40:25 (EDT)
After two weeks, since contacting Debby Wilson, I have been
re-united with my Birth Mother,Debby found her,made the initial contact,made it so wonderful for me in TWO WEEKS!! Thank you so much Debby,not only for the effiency in tracing
Denise but for the friendly and considerate way in which you made all this happen for me,you are a diamond.Anyone else out there searching for birth parents or friends I will only say DEBBY WILSON THANK YOU SO MUCH. Deanne
Deanne <john@eustace.fsbusiness.co.uk>
Northampton, UK - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 15:44:49 (EDT)
For anyone wanting help and advice from the 'family circle' please email Paul Field via the link on the site. thanks
The Family Circle <The Family Circle>
UK - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 08:45:31 (EDT)
Hi eveyone, and congratulations on reaching this page, this probably means that you are posting a success story - well done and all the best with your found friends and loved ones.
You may have noticed that the same names are appearing quite a lot as successful people helping in searches for birth parents and adoptees. I would like to let all the visitors to this site know about a new group that has been formed to help people searching.
Paul Field,who we all know from this site, has been the reason behind the 'family Circle'. He has given us his blessing and his invaluable supprt, and he is our number one member of the Family Circle. We also have Alan Collins, Joan Allan and of course me,Debby Wilson who all work together, to try to make your dreams come true. We are collectively known as the 'family circle' and its a name that we know you will be seeing a lot more of!
The Family Circle <The Family Circle>
milton keynes, UK - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 08:41:49 (EDT)
I would like to first of all thank Joan Allen for helping me in my search and making my search a success story in 3 days time. She was my guardian angel in my search and after a couple of emails and 3 days she had the person I had been searching for. THANK YOU JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!! You have made a such an impression in my life.
Kimberly Mullins <klmullin@iserv.net >
MI USA - Thursday, June 01, 2000 at 21:40:50 (EDT)
Paul put me in touch with Debby and after giving her just minor details of my mothers half sister,she was able to locate her death record from 1993.Debby said it took her 5minutes.I had already looked for over a year!!Wonderful
Colin Thomas <colinth@hotmail.com>
Coquitlam, BC Canada - Thursday, June 01, 2000 at 12:29:51 (EDT)
About a year ago i discovered i had a 19 year old half brother living in UK. After trying to locate him for about a year on my own, i recieved an email from DEBBY WILSON offering assistance. She sounded so genuine and caring that i immediately responded and asked her if she could do some searching for me. It took her just 4 weeks to track him down, with the very little info I was able to give her. So from the bottom of my heart I would like to say a big THANKYOU and let others know that there are some wonderful people out there who will go out of their way to help you!!! My brother is flying out here on September 13 to stay with my sister and me for a month and we are all looking forward to it very much! So, to everyone trying to find someone...don't give up! And to all those who emailed me with leads and information, THANKYOU!
Vikki <vikkiw@chariot.net.au>
Adelaide, Australia - Thursday, June 01, 2000 at 00:46:38 (EDT)
I had been searching for my birth mother for 2 years, had lots of information but couldn't make that final breakthrough. I want to thank DEBBY WILSON, from the bottom of my heart for all her help, she managed with her great enthusiasm, and brilliant ideas, to do what I had failed to do on my own, and yesterday I spoke to my mother on the telephone for the first time. She was so pleased to hear from me, and I hope to meet her later in the year. I am still a bit overwhelmed by events, as was my mother, but thanks to DEBBY, my dream has come true. Thank you so so much. JO
Jo Stoneham <derek.stoneham@virgin.net>
Bramley, Hants UK - Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 06:18:16 (EDT)
I would like thank every one who assisted with emails which helped me with my search. I have now found my brothers and sister and have been in touch by telephone. Thank you all.
michael cay <michaelcay1@yahoo.co.uk>
newcastle upon tyne, UK - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 16:23:38 (EDT)
The unbelievable has happened!!!!! I have found my half brother. This would not of happened without the wonderful Debby Wilson. Her dedication and inspiration is unstoppable. My thanks to you Debby. Also thanks to Paul Field who told me about his site. It is brilliant. I contacted Debby on the 23rd April and last night I spent five hours on the phone talking to my half brother Bernard (birth name John). We are going to meet next week. I only knew that he was born between 1942 and 1946 but Debby managed to find him for me. Please searchers don't ever give up. Good Luck to you all.
Cynthia Roberts <cerobe@messages.co.uk>
Plymouth, Devon UK - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 17:42:08 (EDT)
I would like to thank David....A Brit.....Arizona, USA for seeing my notice on the message board. And then E-mailing me with the contact details of my cousin whereabouts. I have now been in contact with them by phone.
I would also like to thank UK Lookup.com for without this medium many families would stay lost,thankyou UK Lookup.
Denise Guivarra {Hilton} <dguivarra@shalomcollege.com>
QLD Australia - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 06:08:35 (EDT)
My most sincere thanks to Paul Field for helping me find Martin Sundram. On and off, over a period of nearly 25 years, on behalf of his and my relatives in Fiji, I had been searching for Martin. Then I came across Paul Field who did an initial search without success. He referred me to Debby Wilson and it was Debby who found Martin for me.
From the his parents marriage certificate which I obtained from the Family Records Office, I realized the spelling of his father's surname was slightly different to the one I gave Debby. Within a day she found his address.
Martin's mum is English and his dad was Fijian. They separated when he was just 5. His father, tragically collapsed and died of embolism at the age of 36. Up until two weeks ago none of his relatives, now scattered in Fiji, NZ, Aust, Canada, US and one or two of us here in the UK, we had no idea where he would be and whatever happened to him.
I shall be meeting up with him in a couple of weeks time - obviously there is so much to say to him; he lost all contacts with his father's family after his death.
I would like to, on behalf of all his relatives, thank both Paul and Debby from the bottom of our hearts.
Vimla Westwood
Vimla Westwood <vwestwood@ippf.org>
London, UK - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 07:40:22 (EDT)
Many thanks to Paul Field for e-mailing info on the location of my cousins (SKORUPSKI)in Scotland. I was amazed at the speedy response from the time I first posted a message on the message board. You are such a good investigator Paul, that my only wish now, is that I could transport you back in time to 1859 to look up information on my gr grandmother NANCY GLAYSHER (of which I can find NO info at all)....Life as I know it would be great. But alas!!!...Thank You again Paul. Sincerely, Donna....:)
Donna Pawley <dphefferone@webtv.net>
Rockwood, TN United States - Monday, April 24, 2000 at 22:15:16 (EDT)
Thanks to lookupuk, they helped me find an old school friend of mine, who I havn't seen for nearly 10 years.
We are going arrange to meet up after easter.
Thank you Lookupuk
James Tetlaw <james@btcc1.freeserve.co.uk>
Notts, UK - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 11:09:57 (EDT)
Paul Field deserves recognition and huge thanks for his help in tracing my sister. I posted a message onto this board in October 1999, by November I
had found my sister. My mother had not seen her for 43 years due to her ex husband abducting the children.
Because of Paul's invaluable accesses to databases, I was able to reunite my mother with her daughter.
Anne and her family visited in February this year, and it was a fantastic time for all concerned.
Sadly, mum passed away 7th April but having met her daughter, son-in-law and a grand-daughter has made it
easier to deal with. It was something that she never thought would happen, and it put her at peace with
Thank you Paul, I still owe you a pint!!!!!
karen hampson <khampson@slk.com>
London, UK - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 11:00:49 (EDT)
What a wonderful site. After many many months and attempts at
finding my husband's father and some friends...we finally
stumbled across this site. Within 24 hours we had a current
address for each person we were looking for. This had
completely amazed my husband who has been estranged from
these people for 13 years. Now we have contact with his father
and his family, and have found that his father found more
of his own family recently...so the numbers have grown! We
also found a friend of his and that led him to his best
friend from college. We are overjoyed and thrilled...needless
to say. We are planning a long long visit this summer and
now have a bunch of family to spend it with. Thank you again
Paul...you have no idea how much this has changed my
husbands life...and mine. Many many thanks. God bless you!
veronika graydon <veronikita@earthlink.net>
castroville, ca USA - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 14:00:26 (EDT)
I found a friend for my sister, they had not seen each other for 30 years, now they are intouch with
each other as I write this message. Thanks to Paul Field. Thanks Paul....
Kraige Lee <k.lee1@dtn.ntl.com>
Dewsbury, UK - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 11:03:53 (EDT)
I found my biological father David Walstencroft in March 2000 after many years of wanting too know him.
I found him with the help of the internet and pc equipment such as map that are used on the pc.
I also found him by knowing what his name is and knowing the area that he used to live in when I was younger.
I must say to all people that are seeking friends or family to NEVER give up, you will find them wether the news is good or ba at the end of it all.
I had a good ending BUT there was a lot of upset because my step father could not understand why I wanted to know my Biological father but if you get that problem then just sit your step parent down and reasure them that you love them and they will always be the parent that you love the most and that brought you up.
My mother was also very unsupportive saying that I should have never looked for my bio father in the first place but I put that down to her being hurt for my step dad and the fact that she has never been a mother anyway.
If you would like some help and support then please email me at aplunk20@btinternet.com
April plunkett <aplunk20@btinternet.com>
Dunstable, UK - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 19:03:41 (EDT)
This is a very nice place !
Protector 1uno <spavle@nightmail.com>
Gospic, Li Croatia - Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 03:02:22 (EDT)
Last friday the 7th April 2000 I decided after getting my birth cert, to try and find my birh mother and after getting a copy of her marriage cert started to look and kept drawing blanks. I knew by her marriage lines she had married a guy from the USA and so set about finding her and the just did not know where to start. I first find this site and read a letter from a guy in the uk who was tracing his old RAF mates and email him and ask how I would go about it and to cut a long story short.He put me in touch with paul who runs this site and we took it from there and the next day he came back and said he had found them. So now I have a new brother and sister and found my birth mother I am now in touch and take it from there I am not looking for a new family but just a few questions answered so to any one go for it you have nothing loose by it
London, UK - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 14:58:16 (EDT)
Using your search facility through voters lists found
my man for our RAF reunion. Many thanks
Tom Macdougall <tmacdougall@cableinet.co.uk>
UK - Monday, April 03, 2000 at 02:34:28 (EDT)
I have just found by birthmother Norma Godding. Had a letter
from one of my half sister this morning. Norma is still alive
and did look for me for a while put had no info on me. Thank
you for the site that has put many people together again.
Norma lives only about 30 miles from where I was living in
England. Thank you Kay
Kay Saunders <vksaunders@inet.net.nz>
Christchurch, new zealand - Sunday, April 02, 2000 at 18:03:25 (EDT)
Thanks to lookup I have found my friends Bill & Denise Green We have had 2 chats on the phone and are preparing for a reunion next week!
sue Saxon <suenewda@aol.com>
Rossendale, UK - Sunday, April 02, 2000 at 10:42:33 (EDT)
I wish to thank all who assisted me in my search for my 'CULLEN family" I have found them !!!! Of the sisters one still lives in EDINBURGH. One in CANADA and one in U.S.A. The mother has passed on. We now have the job of catching up to do with letter writing. My advice to all those that "want to know" is to keep at it-- somewhere, somebody knows something that will give you a lead In my case it was the mothers death certificate , it had one girls husbands name on it---the rest is history and my future GOD BLESS YOU ALL and never give up. all this has taken 56 years--I AM NOW CONTENTED.
D.J.HAMMOND <blueh@tsn.cc>
laurieton, sw AUST. - Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 17:52:31 (EST)
Just to let you know I have found my adopted brother JONATHAN PAUL GRIFFIN,
birth name Richard Alexander John Rigby. We have had a very happy reunion!
Thanks to all of you who sent me emails with offers of help and to Paul Field
for all his help and interest. John Wynn at People Finders was brilliant, too.
To all of you who are still searching - don't give up! If anyone needs any
help, please get in touch.
Laura Franchi <missebennet@yahoo.co.uk>
Nottingham, UK - Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 10:31:04 (EST)
Have now located Carol Francis in Cornwall. Great stuff!
Maurice Coleman <maurice_coleman@hotmail.com>
Redruth, UK - Saturday, March 18, 2000 at 13:46:52 (EST)
I do not know where to start!!
Thanks to your website I have found my sister. I posted a message on your
website on Oct 23 1999. My sister looked up your website on 1 March 2000.
My sister only had the name mimi to go by. She has never known where she
came from or ever possessed a birth certificate. She has been fostered since
she was 11 months old. She is now 34 years old.
My mother has tried everything. She has been in touch with central records
to no avail because they go by the birth cert. My mother gave up hope she
thought that we would never find her. Anyway to cut a long story short, I
told my mum that I would put an ad in the missing columns and lookup to see
if we would get any joy.
Imagine my surprise when I got an email from my sister giving all the minor
details she had on herself the name mimi matched and so did the Lambeth
social services area. Well we are all very overwhelmed at the moment and my
sister now has a feeling of belonging and can see her birth certificate for
the first time ever! We have been searching for her forever!! We never
believed we would find her it was a billion to one chance.
Thank you very much for having a website like this I know it has helped and
will continue to help alot of people. I also like the way that you email
people and tell them about your website, keep up the good work. My mum
sends you a big thank you for your website. For me and my family it has been
a dream come true.
Thanks again.
Lookup United Kingdom Client <SCo272727@aol.com>
USA - Saturday, March 04, 2000 at 11:24:50 (EST)
Thank you very much for sending me the list of Birchbys-you said there were only 31 -I read thru the list & remembered my friends brothers name which I saw there-I contacted him & he sent the letter to my friend & we are now in contact after 30 odd years.Thank you SO much-I'd tried other ways but could not find her-MANY thanks.
Wendy Tippett <atippett@telus.net>
Canada - Thursday, March 02, 2000 at 09:57:20 (EST)
This was a great service that helped me find my lost friend in Nottingham England. Thank you so much!!!
Leslie Dumas <leslie.dumas@phs.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, February 28, 2000 at 16:43:01 (EST)
very good site
richard keen <rkeen@messages.co.uk>
glamorgan, wales, uk - Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 08:12:47 (EST)
My sister posted a message here a few days ago looking for Newman family. My mother lost contact 70 years ago, and today she is a happy women. We found her long lost relatives and they spoke today. Thanks to lookup. We have been looking for a long time and within days on lookup we found them. Thanks again, good luck to every one else.
Bernadette Denton <spinyjohn@netlineuk.net>
Aughton, UK - Monday, February 14, 2000 at 16:21:30 (EST)
I was looking for Newman family from Manchester posted message a few days ago family found thank you
June Cox <jcox@esatclear.ie>
UK - Monday, February 14, 2000 at 16:00:14 (EST)
MALDEN, MA USA - Monday, February 14, 2000 at 11:12:18 (EST)
Thanks to John for taking the time to find who I was looking for.
Sheila G.Clubb
Sheila Clubb <limey1000@hotmail.com>
Quilcene, WA USA - Sunday, February 06, 2000 at 23:00:54 (EST)
The Hargey's from Ireland Julie gave me seem to be family related we are still trying to find out how close we are cousins or what ?
Jim Hargey <jimhargey@looksmart.com>
East Kilbride, Scotland UK - Sunday, February 06, 2000 at 10:40:07 (EST)
Was searching for a JM Turner. Got a couple of addresses, sent some letters and one day the phone rang. Contact after 29 years. Will pass your site details on to everyone!
Thank you.
Heidi Helgesen <heidi_helgesen@hotmail.com>
Chatham, UK - Saturday, February 05, 2000 at 16:38:36 (EST)
Many thanks go to Paul, I posted a message on the 27/11/99
and met my mum on the Weednesday before Xmas.
Paul gave me the right address straight away, I cannot thank him enough.
I have had a fantastic reunion and now have two sisters as well.
Any advice needed just e mail me I will be happy to help.
Nick Day
E mail Nickday59@hotmail.com
Nicholas Day <Nickday59@hotmail.com>
Reading, UK - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 16:35:08 (EST)
After many years of searching and virtually giving up trying to trace a 'lost' close relative we have found him! So many thanks to Paul and this web site because the information we received was so accurate it was unbeleievable. A fiver well spent! THANK YOU :)
Denise Zarfas <Denise@zarfas.freeserve.co.uk>
Doncaster, SYorks UK - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 18:13:12 (EST)
Just to let you all know that after 12 year of searching I have just found my birth mother
we had a tearful reunion as we haven't met for just under 42 years
so if you are searching for yours keep on going as it is well worth it as I found out to my delight!!!!!!!!
if you would like to know how I did it just e-mail me I may be able to give you a few tips
best wishes to all at lookup uk
annette <netty@gingerjars.demon.co.uk>
oxford, UK - Monday, January 24, 2000 at 13:33:16 (EST)
Paul is a terrific investigator. Determined and imaginative. He found an old boarding school friend for me in the U.K. whom I had been trying to locate for ten years. During that time, she had changed her married name twice, making it doubly difficult to locate her. Even a 1993 episode of the popular television series "Unsolved Mysteries" had failed to unearth my old girl friend... Thanks, Paul!
Aideen Murphy <aideen@pacbell.net>
Beverly Hills, CA USA - Sunday, January 16, 2000 at 18:07:53 (EST)
I want to thank Paul for this web page and all the people who helped us find my husband Josh's son Eric. He wrote his dad a letter last week and they will be meeting together hopefully on Josh's 90th in June in Felixstowe. We had not seen him for over 10 years. He was in Accrington after being in Scotland for 5 years. We will know more after he answers our questions we put in our reply to his letter. Thanks everyone you made my husband very happy. I had been trying to find him for 5 years on the net til Paul seen my notice on Missing You web site and told me to try this one. Thank-you again!!!!
Evelyn &Joshua Snowden <lancslad1@aol.com>
Montreal , Canada - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 21:46:43 (EST)
Paul was instrumental in confirming the whereabouts of my (adult) son who I had not heard from in over 2 years!
I have since written to the address I thought was out of date and my son called me this morning!
Thankyou very much Paul.
USA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 00:20:25 (EST)
Thanks to an e-mail helper, named John advising me of your site I have been able to locate three of my old army buddies whom I have not met since the 60's also I lost touch with my brother some time after coming to Australia and have located Him ....so Here's to YOU.. CHEERS and a very good Year 2000 To All!!!
Derek Morgan
Morgan Derek <morgan@fan.net.au>
Brisbane, Qld Australia - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 01:24:44 (EST)
Paul, Thank you very much for your prompt and reliable service. With the list you provided, I was able to contact
another large part of my family and I am hoping it will lead
to even more. You made the genealogy pleasant and encouraging. Again, Thank You.
Ron Cutler <ronc1vsny@aol.com>
Valley Stream, ny US - Monday, January 03, 2000 at 19:09:06 (EST)
Paul was succesful with my search in the US for my daughter heather . He found her in 24 hours.I owe you one thanks Crawford
Crawford Greaves <cgreaves@aol.com>
Cheltenham, glos UK - Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 20:41:09 (EST)
'Desperately seeking no more' Many thanks to Paul and all those who e-mailed me.I'm now in touch with my father after 24 years. I can't describe what a fantastic feeling it is!!It took me less than a month to find him, so I count myself one of the lucky ones, as I'm sure it may have taken years if Paul hadn't e-mailed me.Thanks again xx
Claire McBratney <danielclaire@oleary007.freeserve.co.uk>
UK - Saturday, December 18, 1999 at 08:22:51 (EST)
we found my uncle after 20 years of no contact, sent him a christmas card, and he phoned us up on sunday, and was very glad to hear from us all, thx all
UK - Tuesday, December 14, 1999 at 18:47:23 (EST)
Many thanks for your help in tracing some friends
that I had lost contact with for 35 years.
Even though they had all passed away I was able to find out
from the widow of my old friend.
Douglas Hayes <centre7@airmail.net>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Friday, December 03, 1999 at 19:12:16 (EST)
Thank you PAUL FIELD and LookupUK.com for letting me post my message regarding my birth daughter ALISON
THANK YOU the fellow surfers who pasted on information to me.
A special thank you to PATRICK HUGHES who selflessly dug up the infofmation that made this possible.
Barry <blakey@eagle.ca>
Canada - Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 08:43:47 (EST)
I would like to thank everybody who gave me information on my birth mothers address.I have now been in contact with her. I also have two brothers and a long list of relatives to meet. Thanks again for all your help,melanie.
melanie jane exely <hs701ne@gold.ac.uk.>
london, UK - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 23:01:37 (EST)
As a result of my posting on this board, I found an old friend of mine. I had lost touch with him 19 years ago. I finally heard from him this past Friday and I flew over to London to see him on Saturday. We spent three days together in London catching up on the last 19 years. It was a great experience.
Laurel Hollow, NY USA - Friday, November 26, 1999 at 06:47:17 (EST)
it made me so happy to find my long lost friend after so long if it hadn't been for lookput i wouldn't of found her again thankyou
wendy lang <kelper2@yahoo.com>
southampton, UK - Thursday, November 25, 1999 at 13:26:53 (EST)
i had been searching for my half brother for nearly 2 years, then someone gave the address to Paul's site, within days I had heaps of support and help, and now, after a couple of weeks I have had phone contact with my brother in the UK, I could not of done it without the help and support from Paul and the visitors to his site,thanks.... michele.
michele gibaud <milne@primus.com.au>
perth, wa australia - Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 16:58:38 (EST)
Wow, he did it!!!! I gave Paul a tough search assignment and he came through for me! There were some definite hoops he had to jump through too!!! Thanks again Paul!!
Debbie Luttrell <luttrell@hof.baynet.de>
Hof, Germany - Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 15:44:11 (EST)
Paul found a friend from 40 years ago that I had lost contact with. He found her within fifteen minutes of receiving the information I had! Terrific job!! THANKS!!
Sarah Hodson <SarahFWB@aol.com>
USA - Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 09:27:56 (EST)
Congratulations and thank you for such a wonderful site. Giving people the possibility to search for a name nationwide, without having to specify a town, has enabled to find someone for a friend and make that friend very happy indeed.
Modern technology can help.
Dominique Zaccari
UK - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 12:35:24 (EST)
STEPHANIE IRWIN <cckirwin@sunnyfield.fsnet.co.uk>
manchester, UK - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 06:49:05 (EST)
Thanks to Paul Field for his email directing me to this site. I have been searching for a few years for cousins in Scotland. I had no luck finding a residential phone directory, until now. Within 5 minutes in "Lookup United Kingdon" I found both cousin
s I was searching for. This is a great site! I am about to check for email addresses, but if none are found, I am starting my letters today. GOOD LUCK on your search. My waiting is over. Thanks Paul! Kathy Walduck
Kathy Walduck <kmwd@interlog.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 18:26:16 (EST)
Thank you so much for directing me to this web site. I have found my godmother after some 20 years!!! Excellent web site
Gina Singh <gina.singh@virgin.net>
London, United Kingdom - Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 13:33:45 (EST)
Thanks to Paul Field after my years of looking I have finally found my half brother. Although he does not want to keep contact I was please to find he is happily married with 3 children.
jacqui Boyd
scotland - Friday, November 05, 1999 at 12:27:04 (EST)
Just found my mum...got the address from a search through
Lookupuk then verified it by posting on a newsgroup
and within an hour I had two e-mails proving it was my mum!
The lookup searches are very much for real, but beware of others as I've heard of a lot of people being
ripped off
through adoption newsgroup postings...just remember LookUp are one of the good guys...not everybody else is out to help you though...
Andrew McDonald <andrew.mcdonald@cwcom.net>
Poole, England - Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 05:42:51 (EST)
You’re as star and I could kiss you !!!!
I searched on the site you gave me and they had 3 listed .... I took them in the order they appeared and my search was number 1 ... she was out tho’ so hubby is going to pass on the details and get her to telephone me over the weekend.
They only live about 30 mins drive away from me ... I will be able to go visit
Once again, many many thanks
M4tureL4dy@aol.com <M4tureL4dy@aol.com>
UK - Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 15:10:00 (EST)
Dear Paul,
I can't possibly thank you enough for locating my sister for me it has been 5 long years and you did the search very quickly and in a million years did I think it could be true until I received the phone call from her that changed my life. I will never f
orget all you did and you might not think it a lot but it means the world to me.
Thanks for making my dream come true,
Michele Gaddie
Michele Gaddie <gsnva@cs.com>
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 17:35:58 (EST)
This morning I spoke to my birth mother after 27 years. It has been a long search 12 months plus but thanks to Lookupuk and John Wynn who did a lot of the research for me the search is finally over.
David Gunter <gunter2007@hotmail.com>
Bendigo, Vic Australia - Friday, October 15, 1999 at 02:23:33 (EDT)
After my parent divorced in 1966, my father left the family home never to be seen again. When I became an adult it was my intention to try and find him but with only very limited information I was not too sure where to start. I tried the Salvation Ar
my, telephone operators, private detectives and lots of telephone calls which proved largely unsuccessful because all I really knew about my father was his name.
Paul Field provided me with the breakthrough that I really needed by supplying me a list with all the people with the same name as my father in this country. I was able to eliminate quite a few and one really stood out as being a good bet. Another priva
te detective was able to confirm that this was indeed my missing father. So one weekend at the beginning of October 1999 I visited my father whom I had not seen for 33 years. There do not seem to be any words to convey my feelings but I have found quite
a few missing elements in my life.
Lesley Kelly
Cambridge, UK - Friday, October 08, 1999 at 16:44:06 (EDT)
Found my mother, who I have not spoken to in 25 years. Using your message board. Thanks a zillion.
John Danzey <Vinedanz@gate.net>
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA - Sunday, October 03, 1999 at 10:07:35 (EDT)
I am so happy as it turned out to be my friend and she was so happy to hear from me too and the amazing thing is that she just got married 3 weeks ago and had her honeymoon in Bangkok, Hong Kong and Bali which is only a few hours away and she was telli
ng her husband that she woukld like to visit Oz and also was wondering what i was doing. I can’t tell you how happy I am and we are e-mailing each other at the moment and after we have cleared some of the last 10 years away i am sure we will call each ot
I know a couple of people also looking for friends in US and UK and I have passed on your site.
Please feel free to put this message in your success stories page and I can’t thank you enough for finding her for me.
Caroline Hattam.
Caroline Hattam <Caroline.Hattam@dofa.gov.au>
Australia - Monday, September 27, 1999 at 08:50:19 (EDT)
I discovered I had a half-brother some 2 years ago. I bought
a database extract and the 1st name I picked turned out to be
the person I was looking for... we are now in correspondence.
Many thanks
Jerry Willmott <jerry.willmott@hotmail.com>
Kalamazoo, MI USA - Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 07:54:29 (EDT)
I asked Paul Field of Lookup UK to help me find my daughter whom I had spoken to in 3 years or seen in
11 years. They gave me
her address within hours, I then sat out to find her phone number, with no avail. Then I called the
apartment complex where she lives, and left a message for the manager to have her call me if she still
lived there. Within 24 hours my daughter called, she is marrried so her last name had changed, she is
well and happy and we are talking almost everyday now and plan to visit soon.... Thanks Paul, you don't
no what this means this means to me!!!!! Hey everyone try these people, you won't regret it.
Catherine Seamons <catherine.seamons@mciworld.com>
Soda Springs, id USA - Monday, August 30, 1999 at 18:50:25 (EDT)
Thanks to Paul, the Message Board and the response from Dave
I have made contact with my brother, Bruce Galloway, who I
have never ever met. We plan to do so very soon and we
are also trying to trace the rest of our siblings and half
siblings for a grand reunion! It was worth the 54
years wait! Thanks Paul.
Lyn Hardy <lyn_hardy@uk.ibm.com>
Basingstoke, UK - Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 05:33:20 (EDT)
Thanks to Paul Field at lookup.uk I now have the address and telephone number of my Birthmother. I am still mustering up the courage to contact her but as soon as I do I will let you know what happens.Thanks so much
Love Jessica
Jessica Edmunds <jessica.e@virgin.net>
crewe, uk - Sunday, July 11, 1999 at 11:41:10 (EDT)
paul's work is great!!! want to thank him so much for finding a very close friend of mine from high school.he was able to find him with me having only his name and where i thought he might be!!! thank you again.it means so much
shanell sorrells <redd8111@aol.com>
san antonio, tx USA - Monday, June 21, 1999 at 20:23:29 (EDT)
I have just emailed 5 people with the Rycraft surname that I never new existed.
I am awaiting replies and will keep you posted as to the progress.
Mal Rycraft <mal@scass.demon.co.uk>
Merseyside, UK - Saturday, May 15, 1999 at 20:28:16 (EDT)
GLOUCESTERSHIRE, ENGLAND - Thursday, May 06, 1999 at 15:59:52 (EDT)
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